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2、拟语气的形式有下列几种:一、与现在事实相反连接词 条件从句 结果从句If 1.动词过去式(或were)2.助动词(过去式)+动词原形 ShouldWould +动词原形couldmightIf had the time, John would make a trip to China to see the Great Wall.If I were you, I would give up drinking immediately.二.与将来事实相反连接词 条件从句 结果从句If 1. should+动词原形2. 动词过去式3、were to+动词原形 ShouldWould +动词原形coul

3、dmightIf you should lose, what would you do?If I were to see her tomorrow, I would tell her the truth.If you went there next time, you would see what I mean.三、与过去事实相反连接词 条件从句 结果从句If had+过去分词 ShouldWould + have+过去分词couldmightIf Id known that it was going to rain, I would never have gone for a walk in

4、 the country.四、虚拟语气的几种特殊用法省掉if的条件从句结构:Had you asked me, I would have told you. (=If you had asked me,)2.有时虚拟条件不用条件从句而用不定式、分词、介词、名词、连接词或定语从句来表示,如:A true friend would not do such a thing.(=If he were a true friend, he.)(=If there were no water,)(=If you hadnt helped me,)3. 有时条件从句中的动作和结果从句中的动作发生的时间不一致,

5、如:If he had followed the doctors advice, he would be quite all right now.If I were you, I would have gone home.五、虚拟语气的其他用法1、Suggest, advise 等动词之后宾语从句须用虚拟语气,其句子结构如下:suggest, advise, recommend, demand,require, insist, urge, request, order, +that(should )+动词原形decide, ask, move, propose等注意:在此结构中that不可省略

6、;should省不省均可。He suggested that they (should ) stop smoking.上述动词的名词形式出现时,that 引导的从句仍用虚拟语气。He made a request that they (should ) stop smoking.如果that 引导的从句所表达的内容是事实,也可用陈述语气。He insists that he is right.2、It is (was )+necessary, a pity 等+that引导的从句须用虚拟语气,其句子结构如下:imperative, advisable, 动词完成式It is (was) + i

7、mportant, natural, necessary, +that(should) +essential, strange,等 动词原形It is important that you (should) follow the doctors orders.It is right that you should have done your homework.3、wish的用法动词过去式或were与现在事实相反主语+wish(that)+主语 + 动词过去完成式与过去事实相反助动词过去试+动词原形与将来事实相反I wish I were a pop singer. (=I am sorry

8、I am not a pop singer.)I wish I had never stopped teaching. (=I am sorry I stopped teaching.)I wish theyd let us get some sleep.注意:wish与hope接宾语从句的区别在于:hope表示一般可以实现的希望,宾语从句用陈述语气。wish表示很难或不大可能实现的希望,宾语从句用虚拟语气。试比较:(1) We hope they will come,(We dont know if they can come.)(2) We wish they could come,(We

9、 know they are not coming.)4、as if, as though, would(had) rather(that)引导的从句须用虚拟语气,如:He acts as if nothing had happened.I would rather you didnt tell him.5、Its (high) time that+动词过去式或should+动词原形,如:Its time (that) you had a hair cut.Its high time (that) we took some action.以上就是关于该语法的讲解,上面的讲解是非常细致的,对于大

10、家做虚拟语气练习题是非常有帮助的。但是大家在做虚拟语气练习题的时候重要的不是知道答案是什么,而是知道答案是怎样得来的,这就需要大家根据答案的讲解去理解和体会了。下面小编就和大家分享虚拟语气练习题和答案的讲解:1. I would ask George to lend us the money if I _him.A. had known B. have known C. knew D. to have read【答案】C 该句使用了虚拟语气,从主句的would ask 判断,if 从句谓语动词可以用一般过去时knew,表示对现在事实的虚拟。句意为“如果我认识乔治的话,我就让他借给我们钱了”。2

11、. If I _you, I _ more attention to English idioms and phrases.A. was/ shall pay B. am/ will pay C. would be/ would pay D. were/ would pay【答案】D.如果我是你,我会在英语成语和短语上多关注一些。对现在的虚拟。3. Dont touch the sleeping tiger. If he woke up, he _ you.A. would come to B. would come at C. would have come toward D. will c

12、ome to【答案】B.别动那个正在睡觉的老虎,他要是醒了会咬你的。if 条件句中对现在的虚拟。4. We _ delighted if the report _ true.A. were/ were B. shall be/ were C. should be/ were D. were/ would be【答案】C.如果这个报告是真是的,那我们就会很高兴的。if 条件句中对现在的虚拟。5. If I _ plan to do anything I wanted to, Id like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to【答案】B.如果我能够计划做任何我想做的事情,我想去西藏并且尽可能地旅行那个地方的大部分地区。以上就是虚拟语气练习题以及答案的讲解,很多同学在做题的时候只是关注答案是什么,如果这样大家是不会有所提升的,在考试和练习中,会出现很多的情况,这些情况也是大家必须要掌握的,只有这样才能在高考中争取到更多的分数。


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