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1、高瞻远瞩锁定主旨大意#典题在线知能提升Passage AEveryone, please imagi ne, a big explosi on breaks out as the pla ne takes us high in the sky.The pla ne is full of smoke and the engine sounds scary.Two minu teslater, the engines are turned off.We are now sitting in a plane with no sound.Andwe can see : Life is over.Tha

2、t really happened.ln January 2013, I had a front-row seat on Flight1549,the pla ne that crash-la nded in the Huds on River in New York.Now let me tell you the three things I lear ned whe n the sile nee came.First, I thought about all the people I wan ted to reach out to but did n t.lthought about al

3、l the experie nces I wan ted to have but n ever did .I no Ion ger wan ted to put off anything in life.Second, I really regretted thetime I wasted on thingsthat did not matter. I decided to remove negative energy from my life.Third, Irealized , wow, dying was not scary.But it was very sad just becaus

4、e I only wishedI could have see n my kids grow up.Fort un ately, I was give n the gift of a miracle of not dying that day.I wasgive n ano ther gift , with which I was to see into the future and come back and live differe ntly.About a mon th later, my wife and I were at a performa nee by my daughter,

5、 notmuch artistic talent.Yet, I m cryingrealized that above all, the only goal inmy life was to be a good father.Audienee, again, imagine the same thing happening on your plane.How would you cha nge? What would you get done? And more tha n anything , are you being the best pare nt you can?Thank you.

6、1. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Air crash is always a tragedyB. What I learned from the air crashC. Life is a miracle as we imagineD. How to become a good father2. When does the author have the idea Life is over ”?A. Exactly during the explosion.B When the plane was f

7、ull of smoke.C Before the engines sounded scary.D When the engines were turned off.3 What is the author s final goal in life?A Never to put off anything in life.B To remove negative energy from life.C To see his daughter grow up.D To be a good father.4 What type of writing is this text?A A speech on

8、 one s air travel experience.B An emergency crash-landing guide.C An introduction of an adventure novel.D A safety training for air passengers.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。 作者以演讲的形式叙述自己在一次飞机迫降中得以幸存, 并从中感悟到了一些人生道理。但后来在一次观看女儿的表演中,作者有了新的领悟,即: 人生最重要的目标就是做一个好爸爸。1. 解析:选B。主旨大意题。本文并非以飞机事故本身作为主题,而且也没有得出飞机事故是悲剧的结论,故 A 项错误

9、。 作者在飞机迫降中得以幸存是事实,但不是文章主旨, 因此 不能做为标题,故 C 项错误。作者在文中提到了要做一个好爸爸,但并没有说怎样做,故D项错误。 根据文章内容, 可知作者在飞机迫降过程中感悟到人生道理, 观看女儿表演又有了 新的感悟,正确选项是 B 项。2. 解析:选 D。细节理解题。根据第一段中.the engines are turned off.We arenowsitting in a plane with no sound.And we can see: Life is over. ”可知,该题正确选项为 D 项。3. 解析:选D。细节理解题。从文章第三、四段可知,A、B、C

10、三项都是作者在飞机上觉得生命即将结束时感悟到的人生道理,并不是作者最终的人生目标。由倒数第三段中“ I realized that above all , the only goal in my lifewas to be a good father. ”可知,该题正确选项是 D 项。4. 解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章开头Everyone, please imagine.,第三段中 “Now let me tell you.”,倒数第二段中“ Audience,again , imagine the samething. ”,以及结尾处“ Thank you. ”可以看出,本文是以演讲的形

11、式叙述作者一次坐飞 机旅行的经历,故 A 项正确。Passage B(2015 河南郑州第二次质检 ) William Pooley, the first British person to catch the Ebola( 埃博拉 )virus, has made a full recovery.Mr.Pooley caught the virus while he was working as a volunteer nurse in Sierra Leone.He was looked after at the Royal Free Hospital in London, where h

12、e was given the experimental drug ZMapp.Luckily, he made a speedy recovery and was allowed to head home to Suffolk.Ebola is a very rare, but deadly disease.It is one of the most infectious diseases known to man.It was first discovered in 1976 by Professor Peter Piot, following outbreaks in Sudan in

13、North Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country located in the centreof Africa.The disease can infect humans by contactwith other infected humans or animals.The largest ever outbreak of this rare disease has struck Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, which are all countries in West Af

14、rica.It s important to be awareof the fact that the outbreak of Ebola in Africa is in the news because such outbreaks are extremely rare.At present, doctors are working hard across West Africa to educate people there, teaching them about the disease and doing everything they can to stop it from spre

15、ading any further.There isn t clear treatment available for Ebola.However, there are severalexperimental medicines being developed.One that has been making headlines is called ZMapp.The use of an experimental drug to treat Ebola has caused some disagreements among scientists, as the drug is still in the testing stages.However, those given ZMapp have shown signs of improvement.5 What s the first paragraph mainly about?A William Pooley was the first person to catch the Ebola virus in the UK and has recovered.B William Pooley was infected with the Ebola virus when working in London.C Willia


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