Unit 9 At home 教案1.doc

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1、Module 3 Unit 9 教案1一、教学重点词汇:in,under,on,beside,box,table二、教学栏目Look and learn,Ask and answer,Think and write 三、教学目标1帮助学生学习Look and learn的词汇。2通过指认游戏和Ask and answer活动,帮助学生理解介词表示的位置。3通过Think and write 的练习,考查学生对介词的含义和用法的掌握程度。 四、教学步骤Pre-task preparations1出示一张厨房的图片,图片中常有的家具和电器,如桌椅、橱柜和冰箱等。延续Unit 8的购物场景:大家刚刚

2、完成采购回家。T: Now we come home from the shop. This is the kitchen. Whats in the kitchen?S1: Theres a table.S2: Theres a box. There is a fridge too.T: Where should we put the eggs?S3: In the box. 2出示一张桌子的图片,桌上有cakes,noodles,plates,chopsticks等,让学生看图说一说,复习相关内容。T: Look at the table in the kitchen. You can s

3、ee some food. What do you like?S1: I like cakes. T: There are some cakes on the plate. S2: I like noodles. T: Theres a bowl of noodles on the table. Please tell your friend what you (can) see on the table and what you like. S1: I (can) see I like S2: I (can) see I like While-task procedures1出示一张厨房的图

4、片,逐一介绍餐具引出box,plate等词,并领读,让学生拼读生词。T: (point to a box) Theres a box. Box. B-O- X, box. Ss: Theres a box. Box. B-O-X, box. T: (point to a plate)Theres a plate. Plate. P-L-A-T-E, plate. Ss: Plate. P-L-A-T-E, plate. T: The plate is on the table. Can you see the plate?Ss: Yes. T: On the table. The plate

5、is on the table. Ss: On the table. The plate is on the table. T: In the box. The eggs are in the box. 2以图片引出并板书介词on,in,under,beside,随后出示单词卡片,教师领读,学生跟读。T: (show the flashcard for in) The small box is in the big box. In. I-N, in. Ss: In. I-N,in. 然后把四张图片贴在黑板上,给图片编号,让学生根据你对图片的描述,说出相应的图片编号,考查学生对四个介词的理解。1

6、) The small box is in the big box. 2) The small box is on the big box. /The big box is under the small box. 3) The small box is under the big box. 4) The big box is beside the small box. T: The small box is under the big box. Which picture am I talking about?Ss: Its Picture 2. 也可以自制类似Look and learn的

7、图片,让学生开展指认游戏。3把挂图贴在黑板上,根据图片提问,帮助学生操练介词。T: Whats on the table?Ss: A cat. T: Whats in the box? Whats under the chair?然后让学生根据挂图进行对子活动,操练所学的介词。S1: Whats in the schoolbag?S2: There are some books. 4让学生根据Ask and answer的图片进行对子问答。S1: Whats on the bed?S2: Theres a schoolbag on the bed. 随后每组学生派代表描述图片。S1: This

8、 is Peters room. Theres a bed in the room. Theres a desk and a chair. Theres a computer on the desk. There are three pens on the desk. Theres a box on the floor. There are some books in the box. Post-task activities1让学生看Think and write的两张图片并回答问题,或两人一组互相问答。S1: Whats in the box?S2: There are six eggs

9、in the box. 然后让学生做Think and write的练习,最后和全班一起核对答案。2分发给每位学生Alices grandmas kitchen的图片,要求学生根据教师的描述,将各种物品的简笔画图片放到相应的位置。T: This is Alices grandmas kitchen. Theres a table in the kitchen. There are some plates on the table. There are some carrots on the plates. Theres a box under the table. There are some eggs in the box. 然后学生两人_组一起核对各自完成的厨房图。S1: This is Alices grandmas kitchen. Theres a table in the kitchen. Theres a box on the table. S2: No. The box is under the table. 请个别学生上来展示他们完成的厨房图片,并作简单的介绍。S1: This is Alices grandmas kitchen. Theres a table in the kitchen


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