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1、单词拼写(共200分,每小题1分)一首字母填空,补全单词。1A new a_ park has just been opened in our cityLets go to visit it tomorrow2Can I use your English -Chinese d_?3Li Pings English handwriting is good,but She needs to i_ her 1istening skills4Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears p_5Once Tom go

2、t an A in the test,and his teacher was very i_.二. 缺词填空。Roy Trenton drove a taxi beforeA short while ago, however, he b_ a bus-driver and he feels no sorry about itHe is finding his new work far more i_When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves r_ out of a shop and run towa

3、rds a waiting carOne of them was carrying a bag f _of moneyRoy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thievesThe one w_ the money got so afraid that he dropped the bagAs the thieves were trying to get a_ in their car, Roy drove his bus into the b _ of itWhile the car was moving away, Roy st

4、opped his bus and t_ the policeThe thieves car was badly damaged (损坏)and e_ to recognize(辨认)Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were c_三. 根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1Im t_.I want some water 2My mom never drinks milkShe says it makes her s_. 3-Whats your favorite p_? -Its Animal Wor

5、ld 4Traditional Chinese doctors b_ we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy 5H_ ,we both enjoy going to parties 6Among some students,buses are not popular because they often have too many p_. 7Its not_(必需的)to be the same8. I always take vacations in_(欧洲)9I love junk food,but I_ (努力)to eat it

6、only once a week 10About three days_ (以前),I started to have a toothache四. 从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺。 surprise; room; restaurant; too; so; know; season; because; before; nothing ;heat; make A man was very hungry , he went into a 1 _. He 2 _that the place was famous for its steamed brea

7、d(馒头) ,because he had been there _3. He asked for five pieces of bread. But to his _ 4. The bread was 5 _ small that he ate at a mouthful(一口). He said to the waiter. Please tell me, is it 6 _ my mouth becomes bigger or the bread becomes smaller? Oh, you know _7 about that, said the waiter. What 8_ i

8、s it now? Winter, why? the man. surprised. OK. Dont you know 9_ makes things bigger and cold 10_ things smaller? 五. 阅读短文,根据所给单词首字母,写出每小题空白处适当单词的完全、正确形式。(每空一词)Dear Frank,You have been gone exactly two weeks today,but it seems m _1 like two years to me!I am glad to h _2 that you will be back soonAre y

9、ou coming directly home,dear o _3 ,do you make some s _ 4 on the way? I hope you will be home in time for Pastys birthday next SundayPasty k _5 asking every day w _ 6 you will be backShe says you never finish that story you were t _7 her about the train that lost i _ 8 “toot”(嘟嘟声)She w _ 9 be happy

10、until she knows exactly what h _10 to the“toot”and why the little train got it back a _11 .Everything at home is fine e _12 that we miss you very much! I have been busy w _ 13 spring cleaning. Yesterday I had Cora come in to wash the kitchen walls, and she did a very g _14 job of it. The kitchen loo

11、ks as t _ 15 it has been repaired. Cora helped me make some yellow curtains(窗帘) and they look very b _ 16 .I went to see your mother yesterday, her medicine is gone, and she l _17 very well. Your sister Jean looks wonderful. She has taken off about fifteen k_18 since she b _ 19 dieting.But now she i

12、s complaining (抱怨) that none of her clothes f _20 . Yours六. 根据上下文及汉语提示,填写出句中所缺单词。1My daughter is only two years old and has a few _(牙齿)2-We have such a _(晴朗)weekendLets go camping tomorrow-Why not?3-Dont play the music so _(大声)Your father is sleeping,Jenny-Sorry,Mum4-I dont know what to do when I gr

13、ow up-How about _(工作)as a reporter for our newspaper?5My mother is busy every dayShe gets up at 7:00,_(吃)a quick breakfast and then rushes to her school七. 根据句子中汉语词义或单词提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。1The science is very_(困难的)for me,so I dont like it2He likes_(健康的)food for lunch 3She_(教)us English this term4this is a photo of my_(家庭) 5Our English teacher is_(严格地)with us in class6Maria usually_(brush)her teeth for two times(两次)a day7Mary can play chess,but she_(not can)play chess well8What a_(fun)time to eat breakfast9I love_(tomato)very muchThey are my favorite10Many_(music)join Our music clu


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