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1、分析蛋白结构域(Domains)的三种方法生物信息编程 2009-09-24 23:55:50 阅读1235 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 三种分析蛋白结构域(Domains)的方法1,SMART入门,蛋白结构和功能分析 SMART介绍SMART (a Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) allows the identification and annotation of genetically mobile domains and the analysis of domain architectures. More than 500 domai

2、n families found in signalling, extracellular and chromatin-associated proteins are detectable. These domains are extensively annotated with respect to phyletic distributions, functional class, tertiary structures and functionally important residues. Each domain found in a non-redundant protein data

3、base as well as search parameters and taxonomic information are stored in a relational database system. User interfaces to this database allow searches for proteins containing specific combinations of domains in defined taxa. For all the details, please refer to the publications on SMART.SMART(http:

4、/smart.embl-heidelberg.de/),可以说是蛋白结构预测和功能分析的工具集合。简单点说,就是集合了一些工具,可以预测蛋白的一些二级结构。如跨膜区(Transmembrane segments),复合螺旋区(coiled coil regions),信号肽(Signal peptides),蛋白结构域(PFAM domains)等。SMART前该知道的1,SMART有两种不同的模式:normal 或genomic主要是用的数据库不一样。Normal SMART, 用的数据库 Swiss-Prot, SP-TrEMBL 和 stable Ensembl proteomes。Ge

5、nomic SMART, 用全基因组序列。详细列表:http:/smart.embl-heidelberg.de/smart/list_genomes.pl2,一些名词解释http:/smart.embl-heidelberg.de/help/smart_glossary.shtmlSMART进行时可以直接用各个数据库蛋白的ID。如Uniprot/EnsemblID / Accession number (ACC)。或是直接蛋白序列。运行SMART也可选择signal peptides、PFAM domains等的预测,勾上就是。看下图SMART结果运行后的结果用图表表示。其实运行后的结果都有

6、明确的解释。详细请看下面。不同结构的预测由不同的工具完成。如果你想了解更多,可访问去该工具的网站。 跨膜区(Transmembrane segments), TMHMM2 program 。(用 表示 ) 复合螺旋区(coiled coil regions),Coils2 program。( 用 表示) 信号肽(Signal peptides),SignalP program。( ) 蛋白结构域(PFAM),PFAM。等等。不止这几个的。其它不一一列举。因为都是详细的说明。点击图标链接,就能看到该区域的序列,或是一些详细的描述。如上图的跨膜区,点击进去就是该跨膜区从开始到结束的序列。 另外,不

7、一定所有预测的区域都会用在图示里看到。一般SMART的显示顺序是SMART PFAM PROSPERO repeats Signal peptide Transmembrane Coiled coil Unstructured regions Low complexity。另外其它不用图解显示的区域,在底下的表格也有详细说明。2,Sanger的Pfam数据库网址:http:/pfam.sanger.ac.uk/目前的版本:Pfam 23.0 (July 2008, 10340 families)The Pfam database is a large collection of protein

8、 families, each represented by multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs).3,NCBI的CDD(Conserved Domain Database)数据库网址:http:/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd/wrpsb.cgiProteins often contain several modules or domains, each with a distinct evolutionary origin and function. NCBIs Conserved Domain Database is a collection of multiple sequence alignments for ancient domains and full-length proteins.最后,自己试验一下。上面两个图的结果的数据是用了NP_776850的蛋白序列。你也可以拿这个序列来运行一下看看。



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