6B Unit 7 A letter to my penfr....doc

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《6B Unit 7 A letter to my penfr....doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《6B Unit 7 A letter to my penfr....doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、6B Unit 7 A letter to my penfriend Part ATeaching procedures:Step 1.Warming up (About 5 minutes)1. Greetings.2. Free talk T:In our life, we will have a lot of friends.,do you have a best friend?Whats his her name?Does heshe have any brothers or sisters?Whats his her hobby?Do you have the same hobby

2、hobbies?(让学生用这些问题问自己,引出课件中best friend的资料卡片。此设计意图为:为引出课文中Peter的资料情况作铺垫,并在此提前操练了Part A中的多个句型,在接着的Part A学习中让学生更容易地掌握.)Step 2.New lesson (About 23 minutes)(分步学习Part A, 单词与句型相结合,达到学习课文的目的)1.Present the 4-skilled words T: Lets play a guessing game. I have another friend. We dont see each other. Just write

3、 a letter (Teacher shows the writing paper and the envelope to the students) to each other. Whos she?TS: Shes my your penfriend. (Students understand and learn “penfriend”,“letter”and “write a letter”.)2.Present “What does sb. need to write a letter?”T: If I want to write a letter to my penfriend. W

4、hat do I need?S: Some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps a stampT: Today, Liu Tao wants to write a letter to his penfriend. What does he need?(利用课件引出Part A中前小部分对话Can I have What for? I want to Sure. Here you are.)Teacher shows the important sentences on the slide.Ask the students to use thes

5、e sentences to make sentences. To see who does the best.3.Learn the background of Part A.T: Liu Tao wants to write a letter. But who does he write to? How does Liu Tao get to know Peter? Students watch the video and read after it. CAI shows “yesterday read |i:| read |e|.”4. Present the imformation o

6、f Peter. T: Liu Tao knows his penfriend, Peter. But Liu Taos mother doesnt know him. Do you want to help her? Students watch the flash. Then fill in the form. (从而学习课文对话中间介绍Peter的部分。能填写表格的同学也就说明掌握了所学内容。) 5. Practice.T: Do Liu Tao and Peter have the same hobbies?What is Liu Tao going to tell Peter in

7、his letter? Students read the last part of the text. Then answer the questions. (通过第一个问题的回答,解决“both”的学习。Yes ,they do. They both(两者都) have the same hobbies. Write my e-mail address on the blackboard to learn “e-mail address”.)At last, they read Part A after the whole flash.Ask several students to act

8、 it out.Step 3.Activity: Retell the text. (About 4 minutes) Fill in the blanks. (CAI shows the blanks about Part A.)Ask some students to retell the text according to the material. Step 4.Activity: Penfriend Club. (About 7 minutes)T: Boys and girls. Now, our classroom is a penfriend club. Here are so

9、me letters from some penfriends. Do you want to make penfriends with them? (分发事先准备好的笔友的信)Please open the envelope and read the letters. Then I will ask you some questions. OK? Please go!(此设计为拓展部分。师生、生生间相互用Part A中问题提问,提倡创新。生试着利用老师的提示给笔友写一封回信。课堂上请一些学生朗读他们的回信,并给予评价。)Homework Assignment: (About 1 minute

10、s)1. Continue to write a letter to your penfriend.2. Listen to Part A and read it after the tape. Try to recite it. 教学设计意图:.本节课从一开始的free talk导入,自然而然就将“friend”进行一些关于Part A中句型的语言操练。再而利用本单元中重点句型进行两人对话,分组讨论,展开师生、生生的多维互动的交流。使学生主动参与课堂实践,能充分体现学生的主体地位。2激发了学生的学习兴趣。课前让学生准备写信所必需的材料并事先了解如何写信,鼓励他们搜索笔友的资料,可试着给笔友写信。课堂中把生词放入情景和句子中学习,使之整体化、形象化。创设多种操练语言的活动,营造活跃的课堂气氛,让学生在快乐中学习英语。


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