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1、 初一下册英语语法1.Love to do sth.=love doing sth.2.Take a walk=have a walk3.enjoy:enjoy doing sth.Have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself.4.*the beginning of.例:this is beginning of new life.*at the beginning of+时间5.*there be+人(物)+地点*There is a desk and two chairs in the room.*what is(用单数提问) on the desk?6.i

2、n hospital (住院)、in a(the) hospital(在医院)例:My uncle is ill, so he is in hospital.7.talk:to*talk to=talk with(与交谈)例:I often talkmy student.with*talk about sb.(sth.) 谈论某人某事.8.*give sb. Sth=give sth to sb.*want sb. to do sth.例:I want you to listen to me carefully.work9.*be late for为迟到school.*buy(make,coo

3、k,get,draw,sing) sb. sth=buysth for sb.10.*be busy doing=be busy with.(忙于做什么) sb.11.thank for例:thanks for your help=thanks for helping me .doing12.*surprised: at+sb.(sth) be surprised to do sth. that+句子*surprise.(n.) to onesurprise(放在句头)令人惊讶的in surprise(放在句尾) 惊奇的 例:To my surprise,he can speak Chines

4、e well . He ask me in surprise,”.”13.*Everything is going well.一切胜利14.* other, others,the other,the othersother+n.(另外的)the other (one the other)另一个。例I have two hands,one is deam,the other is dirty .others(余下的)(不全部)the others(余下的)(全部)15.*on vacation16.in this heat(在这么热的)the weather is 感叹句:what bad we

5、ather!=how bad the weather is!17*.everyone is18.*stop: doing sth.停止做某事 例:stop talking(不要说) stopto do sth. 停下来去做某事 例:stop to talk(要说)19.love:1. to do sth.love doing sth.20.joke: tell a joke with sb.=play a joke on sb.(与玩笑)21.notany more(不再)例:I not child any more.22*.would like=wantsth.would to do sth

6、.Yes,please.*Would you like a glass of orange juice ? 回答:No, thanks.Would you like some cakes?(在征求别人意见时some不用变)23.*practice:+n. practice doing sth.24.*write a report on (写一篇关于.的报告)25.think of=think about.What do you think of the film?=How do you like the film?=How is the film?26.make:*make sb. sth.=

7、make sth. for sb.*make(令) sb.(sth.)+adj.例:We must make our classroom clean.*make sb. do sth.例:Dont make the boy cry.27.*have fun doing sth.(做某事有趣)例:We had fun reading in the classroon.28.*find sb. doing sth.(发现某人做某事)例:I find a boy crying in the corner.29.*help:to do sth help sb.=help sb.with sth. do

8、 sth例:I often help my mother clean the house.30.finish(完成)finish doing sth.31.I cant stand .(对忍无可忍)0 cant stand to do sth.(忍不住做某事)例:When we have a math lesson, some students always cant stand laugh.32.*mind:doing sth.Never mind. mind 回答: (只能用于否定句或疑问句中)Not at all.33.*Why dont you do sth.?=Why not do

9、sth.34.*Be good at=do well in 35.*spend:money spendon sth.例: I spend 5 yuan on food. Timemoney spendin doing sth.例:I spend 5 yuan buying book every week.time 36*Why not do sth.=Why dont do sth.例:Why not swim this afternoon?=Why dont you do sth?.=Shall we swim this afternoon?37*have to 不得不(客观)(外来因素)

10、have to do sth. must 必须(具有命令性)38*be late for=arrive late for39*through,across ,pastthrough(从中穿过),across(从上越过),past(从旁边经过)例:go through the door.(穿过门)go across the wall(爬上墙而过)go past school(从学校旁边过)40*take a taxi, by taxi.My father takes a taxi to work every day.=My father goes to work by taxi.41. to do sth.hope



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