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1、 小米手机饥饿营销策略的研究 摘 要:在目前市场激烈的市场竞争中,对于一个公司而言,一个正确的营销策略,将是重要生存方式。面对激烈的市场竞争以及人们永不满足的欲望,如何适时满足人们的欲望,而又不让自己少盈利,是大多公司所面临的问题。饥饿营销就在客观和主观的这两个方面运营而生了。本文在前人研究的基础上继续聚焦于饥饿营销策略,以饥饿营销策略的运用研究为切入点,以相关理论为基础,从小米手机运用饥饿营销策略的现状及存在问题进行分析,最终提出企业运用该策略时的适当建议。 本文分为六个部分:第一部分是引言部分,主要明确研究的背景、目的以及研究的对象;第二部分对饥饿营销策略的相关理论知识进行综述;第三部分展


3、销策略。 The research about Mi phones hunger marketing tacticalAbstract: To face the more and more furious marketing competition in nowadays, for company, a proper marketing strategy is the significant way to survive. To confront the drastic marketing competition as well as peoples never meet desire, ho

4、w to satisfy the desire while still earn profit as usual, this is the problem that mostly company should face. Hunger marketing was produced by the objective aspect and subjective aspect. This article is still focusing hunger marketing strategy based on previous investigation, with the application r

5、esearch of hunger marketing tactical be the entry point, and the relevance theory be the basis, and analysis the current situation and existing problem of hungry marketing strategy, finally, come up with suitable advise for the company to use the strategy.This text was divide in six parts, the 1st p

6、art is introduction, to explicit the background, objective and targets of the research. Second part is to summarize the correlation theory about hunger theory. Third part is to show the xiaomi companys development history and the current situation. The 4th part is discuss the requirements and steps

7、to apply the strategy, meanwhile, analysis the effect and open question. The 5th part is to conclude the problems of the strategy which should be noticed and to offer a proposal for the xiaomis future development. The 6th part is epilogue, to sum up the relationship among the products, company and t

8、he strategy. The research finding of this article: the three key points for the products sale and survive are powerful trademark, outstanding product and favorable marketing. Hungry marketing strategy was conducted to promote Mi phone as marketing tactical, as a whole, promote the brand image and in

9、crease the additional value of the brand. However, hunger marketing strategy is a double-edged sword, with the use of the strategy, company should pay attention to its own open question, marketing surroundings and the condition of your competitors, thereby adjust the strategy in good timing, to adap

10、t market better, to accomplish benefit maximization. Key words: Mi phone; marketing strategy; hunger marketing; hunger marketing strategy. 目 录 引 言1 一、饥饿营销概述 2(一)饥饿营销的含义2(二)饥饿营销的作用2二、中国手机市场营销环境的分析 4(一)中国手机市场环境演变概况4(三)中国手机市场宏观营销环境分析5(二)中国手机市场微观营销环境分析6三、小米公司的发展历程及现状 8(一)发展历程8(二)发展现状9四、小米手机的饥饿营销策略 11(一)

11、小米手机饥饿营销策略的应用条件 11(二)小米手机饥饿营销策略的实施步骤 15(三)小米手机饥饿营销策略取得的效果及存在的问题 18五、小米手机运用饥饿营销策略的发展建议 20六、结语21参考文献22致 谢 23引 言 小米科技(全称北京小米科技有限责任公司)由前Google、微软、金山等公司的顶尖高手组建,是一家专注于iphone、android等新一代智能手机软件开发与热点移动互联网业务运营的公司。2010年4月正式启动,已经获得知名天使投资人及风险投资Morningside 、启明的巨额投资。米聊、MIUI、小米手机是小米科技的三大核心产品。2012年10月30日,小米手机M2正式开放网



14、被人们当作一种基本的通信工具外,更是人们生活中不可分割的一部分。手机在中国是如此迅速的成长着,到了今天,中国已经是全球最大的手机市场了。纵观手机在中国的发展历程,中国手机市场环境的发展过程大体可以分为以下三个阶段 :阶段一(1987-1995),摩托罗拉在中国市场上独占鳌头。摩托罗拉在中国凭借在寻呼机市场的影响力,率先进入了中国手机市场并且曾经以绝对的优势地位垄断了中国手机市场。阶段二(1996-2000),诺基亚、摩托罗拉、爱立信三大品牌三足鼎立。阶段三(2001 至今),国内外品牌纷纷崛起,出现诸侯纷争的局面。(二)中国手机市场微观营销环境分析小米手机如果想制定出符合国产手机的饥饿营销策略,就要对各手机企业的竞争力进行分析,了解各手机企业在手机市场定位中所处的地位,从而找到自身的竞争优势。因此,下面将根据波特的五种力量模型分析方法对中国手机市场进行分析。1潜在的进入者行业的进入壁垒可以有很多因素构成,比如:缺乏经验、消费者对原有产品的忠诚度、技术和知识的提高、资源的获得、对大量资金的需求、政府的政策、潜在市场的饱和度等等。而且,如果潜在进入者很容易进入某


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