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1、企业使命:改善人类健康,传播健康文化,倾情回报社会,促进社会文明进步 。Enterprise Mission: Improving human health, spreading healthy culture, repaying to our society with our feelings, promoting social progress of civilization。企业精神:敢为人先,拚搏进取,执着努力,务实求新,科学和谐.Spirit of Enterprise:Daring to be the first, fighting our way upward, working

2、hard, innovating pragmatically and science harmonious。企业宗旨:与时俱进,引导潮流,开创未来,服务人类。 Enterprise purpose:Advancing with times, guiding the trend, starting the future and serving human。企业目标:行业楷模,世界品牌。Business goals:Being the model in our industry and being famous in the world brand。企业价值观:品牌 + 员工 + 社会奉献 = 企

3、业价值.Enterprise value:Brand + Staff + Dedication = theValue of Enterprise.企业理念:观念引导思路,思路促进创新,品质铸就品牌,效率提高速度,科学创造完美。 Corporate philosophy:Concept guides the ideas, ideas promote innovation, quality casts brand, efficiency improve speed, science creates perfect.经营战略:品牌导向,市场先驱,资源整合,协调整体,分步实施,纵向推进.Busines

4、s strategy:Brand oriented, market pioneer, integration of resources, overall coordination, implementing step by step, advancing lengthways。经营理念:执着用心努力,开放提升营销,倾情营造环境,服务延伸市场。Business philosophy:Persistent to work hard, promotion of marketing by open, creation an environment, extension of market with o

5、ur service。.管理理念:以制度规范行为,以亲和凝聚团队,以机制驱动发展,以策略改变现状,以战略实现目标。 Management philosophy:Standardizing the behavior on system basis, get our team together on affinity basis, driving the development by mechanism, changing the status and achieving our goal with our strategy. 管理方针:以管理规范为基石,以市场拓展为平台,以产品创新为砥柱,以技术

6、进步为桥梁,以品质卓越为保障,以现代一流企业的运作水平为管理目标。Management policy:Making use of standardized management as the foundation, expanding market as a platform, products innovation as the pillar, upgrading technology as the bridge, treating excellent quality as guarantee and the first-class modern operation skills as ma

7、nagement objects.人才理念:以人为本,价值体现,实现“资本和“智本的结合。Talent concept:People first, value embodying, implementation the combination between “capital and “wisdom”.质量方针:全员参与,领导重视,重点投入,科学创造,以“精品标准推向社会。Quality policy:Everybody is got involved; the leaders need attention, taking special emphasis, creation in scien

8、ce, accessing to the market with excellent quality. 质量标准:顾客(用户)的满意就是产品标准. Quality standard:The standard of products is equal to the satisfaction of our customers (users). 质量理念:品质铸就百亮,品牌誉满全球。Quality concept:Quality casts Bailang brand and make Bailiang famous all over the world。市场理念:命运共同,利益“双赢,产销联手,同筑“合作伙伴关系的环境.Market concept:Building a “partnership” environment on the basis of “winwinbenefits, getting production and marketing togetherbecause of our common fate.服务理念:客户至上,诚信为本!客户的满意是我们永远的追求!Service concept:Customer first, integrity-based!Customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit!



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