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1、综合检测(A卷)(时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2019河南濮阳高一上学期期末)Prague is cracking!My sister was right.It is one of Europes most popular tourist attractions,which has beautiful old buildings.Sofar,myfavourite place is Prague Castle.I think it is th

2、e largest ancient castle in the world.Prague also has a lot of cultural events,like the World Dance Festival.I went to a ballet(芭蕾舞剧) just last night.LilyIve come to Shanghai at the right time.It was exciting!There are many tourists there.It has some wonderful buildings from the 1930s.Yesterday was

3、the Dragon Boat Festival.I went on a night cruise(乘船游览) of the Huangpu River last night.I met some great people on the boat,mostlyforeigners,like me.StanBuenos Aires is a fun city.Im staying near the mile-long shopping street called CalleFlorida.It is a great place to meet people and watch dancers p

4、erform the tango.Buenos Aires is the birthplace of the tango.I also spent a day in the suburb of Tigre.Its about 30 km from the capital,and you can get there quickly by train.However,I chose to take a boat on the canals of the Parana Delta.Melinda1.What can be learned according to Lily?A.Prague is a

5、 modern city.B.Prague is worth visiting.C.Prague is most famous for its ballet.D.Prague is the second largest ancient castle in the world.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“ItisoneofEuropesmostpopulartouristattractions,whichhasbeautifuloldbuildings.Sofar,myfavouriteplaceisPragueCastle.Ithinkitis.justlastnight.”可知,布

6、拉格确实是欧洲最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,拥有既美丽又古老的建筑。到目前为止,“我”最喜欢的地方是布拉格城堡。这是Lily的描述,从中了解到布拉格是最受欢迎的景点之一,当然值得一游。故选B项。2.Both Stan and Melinda .A.took a boat tripB.saw a lot of old buildingsC.went to a festivalD.travelled by train答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“IwentonanightcruiseoftheHuangpuRiverlastnight.”和第四段中的“However,Ichosetotakeab

7、oatonthecanalsoftheParanaDelta.”可知,Stan和Melinda两人都是坐船游览的。故选A项。3.The passage is probably taken out of .A.a history bookB.a news reportC.a travel websiteD.a personal diary答案C解析推理判断题。文章以三个游历过景点的人的口吻介绍了三个著名的旅游景点,是一种广告推广,目的是叫更多的人去选择这些景点,它的受众是一般的浏览者,不具有专业性和私密性。故选C项。BAlexander Fleming was born in Scotland

8、in 1881 and his parents were both farmers.He moved to London in 1895 and finished his basic education.Fleming entered the medical field in 1901,studying at St.Marys Hospital Medical School.While at St.Marys,he won the 1908 gold medal as the top medical student.A position at St.Marys Hospital led him

9、 to the then-new field of bacteriology(细菌学).During World War ,Fleming served in the Royal Army Medical Corps.At the time,antiseptics(抗菌剂) were commonly used.Fleming discovered that their destructive effects on the body were greater than their ability to break down harmful bacteria.Therefore,more sol

10、diers were dying from antiseptic treatment than from bacterial harm.Fleming suggested that,for more effective treatment,wounds simply be kept dry and clean.However,his idea largely got ignored because of the difficult conditions.Returning to St.Marys after the war,in 1918,Fleming worked as the assis

11、tant director of St.Marys.In September 1928,Fleming returned to his lab after a month away with his family,and was surprised to notice that a type of bacteria he had left out had become polluted by a mold(霉菌).The bacteria surrounding this mold had been destroyed.Herealised that he discovered the wor

12、lds first bacteria killer.It was later named “penicillin”.Further development of penicillin was not a one-man operation,so Fleming employed two young researchers.Penicillin finally came into use during World War and Fleming won the Nobel Prize in 1945.4.What do we know about Fleming?A.He began to st

13、udy medicine at the age of 14.B.He completed his basic education in Scotland.C.He had excellent performance while in college.D.He started his career due to his parents influence.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Flemingenteredthemedicalfieldin1901,.asthetopmedicalstudent.”可知,弗莱明1901年进入医学领域,在圣玛丽医学院学习。在圣玛丽医学院时,他在190

14、8年以优秀医学生的身份获得金牌。由此可知,弗莱明在大学时表现出色,故选C项。5.What did Fleming find during World War ?A.The British army suffered from a lack of antiseptics.B.Few people wanted to study the field of bacteriology.C.Soldiers had limited knowledge of treating their wounds.D.Antiseptics did more harm than good to wounded sol

15、diers.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Flemingdiscoveredthattheirdestructiveeffectsonthebodyweregreater.thanfrombacterialharm.”可知,弗莱明发现,它们对人体的破坏性影响远远大于它们分解有害细菌的能力。因此,死于抗菌剂的士兵比死于细菌伤害的士兵多。因此,在第一次世界大战中弗莱明发现抗菌剂对受伤的士兵弊大于利。故选D项。6.What does paragraph 4 imply?A.Fleming discovered penicillin quite by accident.B.Penicillin

16、 was Flemings first well-known discovery.C.Penicillin was later put into use by Flemings students.D.Fleming made a mistake while preparing for an operation.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第四段可知,1928年9月,弗莱明离开家一个月后回到实验室,惊讶地发现,他遗漏的一种细菌被霉菌污染了。这个霉菌周围的细菌已经被消灭了。他意识到他发现了世界上第一个细菌杀手,后来被命名为“盘尼西林”。由此判断出,第四段暗示弗莱明偶然发现了盘尼西林。故选A项。7.How does the author organise the text?


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