2023年专项 句子的种类.docx

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1、专项11句子的种类考点感叹句1C carefully he writes in his notebook!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a2D wonderful message this is! Its really helpful.AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a 3A bad news! We didnt win the match.Its a pity.AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a 42019乌鲁木齐The temperature is only 10 today.Yes.A strange the weather is in

2、Urumqi this year!AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a5C wonderful speech Emma gave at the UN conference!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an6C good chance those teenagers were given to experience different cultures!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an72019上海The selfdriving plane proves to be useful in many ways.B smart inventio

3、n it is!AWhat BWhat a CWhat an DHow82019随州B sweet the flowers smell in spring!Yes,many tourists come to enjoy them every day.AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a考点there be 句型9There B some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.Aare Bis Chave Dwas10There C a number of books in the library

4、 and the number of them _ increasing.Ahas;is Bhave;are Care;is Dis;are11There A an art show in our school if it doesnt rain next Wednesday.Awill be Bwas going to beCwere going to be Dare going to be122019乌鲁木齐There D a folk music concert in Xinjiang Opera Theater next month.Ais going to have Bwill ha

5、veCis Dis going to be考点疑问句132019白银D pencil is this,Toms or Henrys ?AWhat BWhen CWho DWhose142019北京B do you usually go to school,Mary?By bike.AWhen BHow CWhere DWhy152019绥化改编A do you like Wolf Warriors ?Because its exciting.AWhy BWhat CHow DWhich162019西藏Dont make noise in the hospital,B?Ado you Bwill

6、 youCwont you Ddont you172019黑龙江改编People in the past could hardly eat fresh vegetables in winter,A?Acould they Bcouldnt theyCcould people Dcould the people18C will you finish writing the review(影评) of the movie Never Say Die?In two days.AHow far BHow oftenCHow soon DHow long19Must I finish the homew

7、ork this morning?DANo,you mustnt BNo,you cantCNo,you may not DNo,you neednt考点祈使句20B dressed now! We have to go in ten minutes.OK,Mom.AGetting BGet CTo get DGets21Do you want to be healthy?ASmiling can help you stay healthy.ASmile BSmiling CTo smile DSmiled22Lets watch TV after dinner.DAYes,Id love to BSorry,Im notCI dont know DSounds like a good idea232019上海Please B the rubbish into diferent litter bins according to the signs.Aputs Bput Cputting Dto put242019黑龙江改编Tom,C the umbrella with you.Look at the clouds,its going to rain!Ataking Btakes Ctake Dbe taken第 页


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