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1、第二章 语言交际能力本章学习目标1. 了解语言能力的界定2. 掌握交际能力理论的研究内容及发展3. 了解Bachman的语言交际能力模式4. 明确什么是语言交际能力本章概述大学英语的教学目的是提高英语交际能力。20世纪60年代起,语言能力与交际能力的概念及其范围逐渐广为人们接受,后者还被确立为外语教学的最终目标。但对语言交际能力的界定,人们的认识不尽相同。因此,本章拟通过对各学者的语言能力理论的介绍与分析,梳理一下语言交际能力的构成和发展。1965年乔姆斯基(Chomsky)提出了“语言能力”(Linguistic competence)这一概念。Chomsky认为:“能力”是指说话人听话人的

2、内在语言知识,或称内有语法。语言能力是某种远比语言本身抽象的知识状态,是一套原则系统,一种知识体系,并非一种处事的能力,甚至也不是一种组织句子和理解句子的能力。1972年海姆斯(Hymes)提出了与乔姆斯基相对立的“交际能力” 这一概念。他认为,一个人的交际能力包括语法(合法性)、心理(可行)、社会文化(得体)和概率(实际出现)等方面的判断能力。用他自己的话说,交际能力是“何时说,何时不说以及关于何时何地以何方式与何人说何内容”。 “交际能力”(communicative competence)一词自从被海姆斯首次提出后,在语言学与应用语言学界引起了强烈的反应。在对交际能力经过系统的研究之后,

3、卡纳尔(Canale)与斯温(Swain)归纳出其四个组成部分:即语法能力(grammatical competence)、社会语言能力(sociolinguistic competence)、策略能力(strategic competence)与话语能力(discourse competence)。进入90年代,应用语言学教授LyleFBachman(1990)提出了自己的关于语言交际能力(Communicative Language Ability, CLA)的观点。这一新的语言能力观已经得到了应用语言学界的证实。自主学习调查问卷Read the following description

4、 of each situation with the 4 utterances and decide which is the most appropriate utterance in that situation. 1. When introducing yourself to someone you dont know at a party, what would you say?A. Hi, Im_.B. May I introduce myself to you and at the same time I make your acquaintance?C. Hi, Id like

5、 to meet you.D. Hi, Im_. Do you know many people here?2. On the way to the school cinema, Li saw Professor Blake walking to the cinema, too.Li: A. Good afternoon, Professor Blake. B. Are you going to the film?C. Where are you going? D. Youre going to the film, arent you?3. Susan: Yang, its good to s

6、ee you again. How do you like your new job?Yang: Its a very nice place to work. Im very happy.Susan: We miss you.Yang: How is everything at B&G?Susan: You know: the usual. Arent you glad you left?Yang: How are Jan and David?Yang chooses not to answer Susans last question but change to another topic

7、because:A. Yang was reluctant to give up his previous job.B. Yang has been put in a very awkward position.C. Yang is glad to be away from B&G.D. Yang is eager to know the present situation of Jan and David.4. Wei Dong met his English teacher, Dr Johns, outside the classroom.Wei: A.Hi, Dr Johns. B. H

8、ello, teacher. C. Morning, Dr Johns. D. Good morning, teacher Johns.5. Tom is talking to his school-mate, David.Tom: How did you do in the exam, David?David: I barely passed. I made a hopeless mess of it. I dont know why I did so badly.Tom: A. Just try to forget about it. B. Its not worth worrying a

9、bout. Youll do better next time.C. It doesnt matter.D. Come on.6. When you are invited for the first time to the Brownshouse and offered a cup of coffee, youA. should rise and receive it. B. should rise and say, “Thank you.”C. can make a slight rising movement.D. can remain seated and receive it wit

10、h a smile and say, “Thank you.”7. If you were invited to an American guests house for dinner now, what would be the best time to arrive?A. 15 minutes later. B.15 minutes earlier. C. On time. D.10 minutes later.8. When someone compliments the watch you are wearing, you would A. say, “Its nothing.” B.

11、 say, “Thank you” and smile.C. say, “Would you like to have it?”D. say, “Oh,this cheap thing?Its not worth much.”9. Generally hosts in the west do not offer food more than once or twice because theyA. havent learned how to hospitalize guests.B. expect you to refuse politely if you are not hungry.C.

12、expect you to take a rest while eating.D. expect you to say immediately what you really want.10. At a party or social occasions ,how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someones home?A. I would say, “Its getting late and Id better be going.”B. I would say, “Im sorry, I have to leave

13、 now.”C. I would wait until the host said something.D. I would make up an excuse (e.g.I have to get up early tomorrow, etc)and thank the hosts.第一节 语言能力在语言学与应用语言学研究中,“语言能力”(competence)这一关键术语使用非常之广,内涵极其丰富。理论家出于构建自己理论框架的需要,通常对其重新审视和定义。目前,“语言能力”不再具有精确的意义(Taylor,1988)。定义的混乱给理论与应用研究带来了许多争议,一般研究者在使用该术语时选择自

14、己赞成的其他学者的定义,或无所适从地交叉使用,造成前后矛盾,或一知半解地评论修正一番。语言能力到底是知识还是运用,是状态还是过程,是静态的还是动态的,是绝对的还是相对的,是天赋的还是习得的,等等一系列性质问题使研究者伤透脑筋,同时它们本身又成为重要的研究课题。本节从审视语言能力的经典定义出发逐步论述它的内涵,指出它在不同语言研究领域里地位上的差异,特别语言能力在英语学习中的定位。1. 关于语言能力的经典论述自从出现了语言,人们就开始谈论语言,研究语言。但是直到19世纪,随着瑞士语言学家索绪尔(F. de Saussure)奠定了现代语言学,语言学的研究才日益广泛和深入。索绪尔认为语言行为应分为

15、两个部分:语言(le langue)和言语(le parole)。语言是指代代相传的语言系统,包括语音、语法和词汇等方面,是社会约定俗成的;而言语则表示说话人可能说出的和理解的言语的全部内容,是个人的话语。语言是代码,言语是信息。 “语言能力”(linguistic competence)首次是由乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky,1965)在语言研究中与“语言运用表现”(linguistic performance)一起提出来的。Chomsky语言能力观在语言学研究中影响甚广。语言理论的中心任务是解释语言能力,为了便于研究,他将语言能力理想化,将它定义为理想化的说/听者关于语言的潜在知识。乔氏在其经典著作句法理论要略(1965)中明确指出:(1)“语言理论主要涉及理想说/听者,在完全同质的言语社团里理想说/听者完全知道其语言,在语言实际运用中应用语言知识时不受与语法无关的条件诸如记忆限度、干扰、注意与兴趣的转变、(杂乱或有特点的)误差等的影响。”(2)“因此我们从根本上区分语言能力(说/听者的语言知识)和语言运用(performance),即具体情况下语言的实际运用。”从乔氏的论述可以看出他把知识和运用截然分开。此外,乔氏(Chomsky,1975,1980)在后来的著作中把知识(语



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