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1、_7B Unit5 Amazing things1. look at its bright lights2. come on3. sleep with ones eyes open/closed4. the same size/colour/style as5. a book about unusual things6. stop doing sth. stop to do sth.7. A is about three times larger than B.8. in the back of elephants feet9. at the back of the classroom10.

2、know some fun facts about the world11. as usual12. sit down under the tree13. hear(heard) a whisper from the bushes14. turn around and see nothing15. reply to my letter16. on ones way home/there/here on ones way to school17. tell sb. about sth.tell sb. (not) to sth.18. leave the park quicklylisten c

3、arefully19. search the bushes for the cat20. say to oneself21. sound like a whisper22. pick it up23. later that day24. take sb./sthto sp.25. be surprised at sth.be surprised to hear the newsto my surprise26. be afraid of sth./doing sth.be afraid that27. find out28. run away 29. shout at sb.30. go ba

4、ck to school31. give(gave) sth. to sb.=give sb. sth32. the day before yesterday33. last night34. just now35. get to sp=arrive at/in sp=reach sp36. take a lot of photos37. what else=what other things38. learn about some strange birds like dodos39. live on the earth a long time ago40. have only seven

5、bones in its long neck41. eat little or nothing for months in cold winter42. smell things well The flower smells nice.43. know more about animals44. hear of sb./sth45. travel around over 80 countries by bicycle46. the other day47. write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time48. draw

6、3-D pictures with chalk49. a minute /moment ago50. stay at home51. talk to sb.52. show a lot of amazing things53. a man called John54. live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things55. love playing cards with his friends56. do not want to stop for meals57. put meat between two pieces of brea

7、d58. eat the same food59. ask for help60. become popular all over the world61. by 193562. be in use63. at least64. as large as65. without sth/doing sth.66. need to keep our house clean67. learn more about the history of China68. happen to sb.Last Saturday, something strange happened.69. I am not afr

8、aid of animals any more.Unit 51. 看它的明亮的灯2. 来吧,快点儿,得了吧3. 闭着眼睛睡觉/睁着眼睛睡觉4. 与同样的大小/颜色/款式5. 一本有关不同寻常事物的书6停止做某事 停下来做某事7. A 比 B 大约大三倍8. 在大象的脚底中9. 在教室的后面10. 知道一些有关世界的有趣的事实11. 像往常一样12. 在一颗大树下坐下13. 从灌木丛中听到一声低语14. 转过身,什么也没有看到15. 回复我的信16. 在某人回家的路上在某人去那儿的路上在某人来这儿的路上在某人去上学的路上17. 告诉某人有关某事告诉某人某事把某事告诉某人告诉某人(不)做某事18.

9、 迅速地/飞快地离开了公园 仔细地/认真地听19. 搜灌木丛找猫20. 自言自语21. 听上去像一声低语22. 把它捡起来23. 那天晚些时候24. 把某物/某人带到某地25. 对某物感到惊讶 听到这个消息感到吃惊 令我惊讶的是26. 害怕某事/害怕做某事 恐怕27. 找出,发现28. 逃离,跑开29. 对某人大喊大叫30. 回到学校31. 把某物给某人32. 前天33. 昨晚34. 刚刚,方才35. 到达某地 (2)36. 拍大量的照片37. 其他什么(2)38. 了解一些像渡渡鸟一样奇怪的鸟类39. 很久以前住在地球上40. 它的脖子里只有七根骨头41. 在寒冷的冬季数月几乎不进食42.

10、嗅觉灵敏 这花好闻。43. 更多地了解动物44. 听说某人/某事 (2)45. 骑自行车环游超过80个国家46. 前几天/那天47. 同时一手写字另一手画画48. 用粉笔画立体画49. 片刻之前50. 呆在家里51. 和某人谈话52. 展示大量令人吃惊的食物53. 一个叫做约翰的男人54. 生活在一个有着许多惊人事物的精彩世界中55. 喜欢和他的朋友们打牌56不想停下来吃饭57. 把肉放在两片面包之间58. 吃同样的事物59. 请求帮助,求助60. 风靡全世界61. 在1935年之前,到1935年62. 投入使用,在使用中63. 至少64. 和 一样大65. 没有水活很久66. 需要保持我们的

11、房子干净67. 更多地了解中国历史68. 发生在某人身上 上周日,发生一些奇怪的事。69. 我再也不害怕动物了。7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun1. go horse riding2. complain too much3. complain to sb. about sth.4. get/be/feel/ tired5. carry sth. for sb.6. go camping/cycling/skating/jogging7. like being outside8. Hurry up, or you will be late.9. hurry to school=go t

12、o school in a hurry10. outdoor activities11. sit(sat) by a river12. hear(heard) a sound 13. look up/down14. see(saw) a rabbit in a coat passing by15. take(took) a watch out of its pocket 16. stand(stood) up17. ran across the field after the rabbit18. jump down a big hole19. jump into the river20. fa

13、ll(fell) for a long time21. let the rabbit get away22. hit the ground/the car23. find(found) herself alone in a long, low hall24. all around the hall/the world25. be all locked/closed/open26. do not fit any of the doors27. notice sb. doing sth.28. put the key into the door29. try to do30. go through

14、 the door/window/tunnel/forest31. open the door with the key=use the key to open the door32. The strange rabbit surprised Aice.33. be surprised at sth34. be surprised to do35. talk to sb.36. have a good time=have fun= enjoy oneself37. practice playing volleyball with sb.38. be afraid of going out at night39. put up the tent40. row a boat on the lake41. do some shopping/cleaning42. tell people in the West about kites43. find a new way to make paper44. use bamboo to make kites4



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