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1、阅读理解(问答型)2014长沙第三节 回答问题阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。(共5小题,计10分) The World Wide Web(www.万维网)turned 25 years old on March 12th. It has become a very important partin our daily lives. We cant imagine living without the web, the short form of the World Wide Web. In 1989, a British engineer named Tim Berners-Lee

2、 came up with the idea of the Web. It is a group of “pages” of information that are connected to each other around the world. That is the very beginning of the Web. Since then, the Web has greatly changed the way people live. With a click(点击)of a mouse we can read news, buy things, make friends and

3、learn anything were interested in. Now, 25 years after its birth, how will the Web influence life in the future? Scientists believe there are both advantages and disadvantages. A growing Web will help build “better relationships” between different cultures. Also in the future, everyday items could b

4、e connected to the Web. We could share plenty of information to make our daily lives more convenient(方便的). So one day in the future, your front door could send you a message. “Dear sir, everyone has left the house, but I m still open!” But scientists warn(警告)us that if we share personal information

5、on the Internet it could get into the wrong hands. “Its not wise to spend a whole day in front of the screen. People need to get close to nature and enjoy the sun. Never be controlled by the Internet.” said Berners-Lee.61. How old is the World Wide Web?62. Who came up with the idea of the Web?63. Wh

6、at can we do by clicking a mouse according to the passage?64. Will the Web influence life in the future?65. What could happen if we share personal information on the Internet?Key:61. 25 years old. 62. Tim Berners-Lee. 63. We can read news, buy things, make friends and learn anything were interested

7、in.64. Yes, it will. 65. Our personal information will be made use of (2014黑龙江龙东地区) ( E ) A TV program has become popular in China recently. It has made people all over China become interested in writing Chinese characters(汉字). The increasing use of computers and smart phones has left most young peo

8、ple hardly able to write by hand. Many of them are even unable to remember the 10,000 characters used in daily life without electronic help. CCTV started the Chinese Character Dictation Competition to improve the populations handwriting skills. Contestants(参与者)on the show were school pupils, but it

9、was found that 70 % of adults in the audience(观众)were unable to remember how to write the word “chan chu”. Because computers allow people to type characters simply by entering pinyin, they dontneed to remember how to write them. “The keyboard age has had a big influence on the handwriting of Chinese

10、 characters.” Guan Zhengwen, who designed and directed the show said.He added that he hoped to encourage people to keep it alive as an art form. Hao Mingjian, an editor of a magazine, putting his heart into Chinese characters, said,“ Learning Chinese characters goes on throughout your life. If you s

11、top using them for a long time, it is very likely that you will forget them.”Answer the questions according to the passage.76. Are Chinese people interested in writing Chinese characters now?77. What has left most young people hardly able to write by hand?78. Why did CCTV start the Chinese Character

12、 Dictation Competition? 79. How do computers allow people to type characters simply? 80. What can you learn from the passage?Key:76. Yes, they are. 77. The increasing use of computers and smart phones. 78. Because it/they wanted to improve the populations handwriting skills./ To improve the populati

13、ons handwriting skills. 79. By entering pinyin. 80. Its important/necessary to have/make/let young Chinese know the importance of writing Chinese words. /Computers have a big influence on the handwriting of Chinese characters. /We /Young people must learn to write Chinese characters.(2014山东烟台)D How

14、do students spend their spare time after finishing their homework? Watch TV, play computer games, or go outside to relax? Heres a good example. Tim and Kerry Meek are both teachers. They live in the UK with their two daughters: eleven-year-old Amy and nine-year-old Ella. Recently, the Meek family ha

15、s become the focus of the whole country after they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year. The Meek couple didnt want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “couch tomatoes”. So about one year ago, the Meeks decided that watching TV and playing comp

16、uter games were not permitted . Instead, they set 100 tasks for the two girls to do outside. Although Mr. and Mrs. Meek are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage their daughters. It turns out that the two sisters really had a good time joining activities. Every holiday and we



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