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1、Unit 3 My weekend planPart B lets talk一、 教学目标与要求:1、 能表演所学对话,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。2、 能运用本节课的由what 、 where 、 when引导的be going to句式来讨论比较简单的活动计划。3、 能流利地朗读并表演对话内容。4、 敢于开口 乐于与他人分享 积极表达二、 教学重、难点分析:1、 space travel 和 half price的理解与发音。2、 运用由what where when引导的be going to句式来讨论比较简单的活动计划。三、教学准备:PPT课件四、 教学过程:Step

2、1:Warmup1、 Sing a song: What are you going to do on Saturday?2、 One listen the song again,answer the questions:a:What are they going to do?b:Where are they going? (板书What Where)3 、 Free talkStep2:Presentation1 、Who can use what and where ask me?2 、当学生问完后,课件展示太空图,边放映边说:Look, this is space.The space i

3、s so far away.But now astronauts can go into space.Many years later we are going to have a space travel.教学space travel.3 、师说:Were going to have space travel many years later.Today ,Im going to see a film about space travel.(课件展示)Because today is half price.Its very cheap.Who can guess:How mach is it

4、?(学生根据图示理解并回答)4 、Amy and John are talking about their plan.Listen the tape,think about questions:Where are John and Jack going?What are they going to do there?(学生回答)5 、One listen again,can you find a new question in the dialogue?(当学生在对话中找到When are you going?后,引导学生找到答案,并在大问号中板书when 和next Wednesday)三、 Practice1、 通过看板书,利用问答形式操练重点句型。2、 听录音,学生跟读。3、 分角色朗读。4、 看板书,半脱书进行对话。四、 Production(同桌或小组进行)Interview your classmates and then give a report.五、Home work1.Listen to and read “Lets talk”.2.Make a dialogue according to the contents on page 26 with your partner.


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