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1、湛江市安铺中学2012届高考语法填空专项训练第一部分、语法填空解题过程训练语法填空(1) On her 80th birthday,Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl Buck was asked if she wished to be young againShe quickly replied,“Wish to be young again?No,for I have learned too much to lose ifI am a far 1 (value)person today than I was 30 years ago,or 20 years a

2、go,or 15,10 or even 5I have learnt so much 2 I was 70.” Buck understood that life isnmeant to be lived on bell curve(钟形曲线)We dont go up for a while and then,after a certain age,begin a downhill slide. 3 ,we are able to continue on an upward trendAnd one of the most significant ways we can do that is

3、 by learning from the lives of 4 -especially children When we take time 5 (share)what weve learned with the children in our lives。we offer them something 6 they can get nowhere else-the treasure of experienceWhen I think back to the many positive influences on 7 childhood,I recognize that some of th

4、e greatest gifts I 8 (receive)are the lessons I collected from the older people in my lifeI still remember clearly 9 Grandpa Maxwell always encouraged and taught us kids when he came to visitHenever left our house 10 sharing his life experiencesThose time shaped our lives so much!解题思路: 1快速通读全文 2请根据句

5、子结构,试判断每个空格所填词的词性或语法功能。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ 3请分析句子的语法结构并按照上下文连贯的要求,用适当的词填空。 (1)I have learnt so much_I was 70 (2)I still remember clearly_Grandpa Maxwell always encouraged and taught us kids when he came to visit 4细读全文,依据语法的正确性及行文逻辑的连贯性逐个确定答案。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_

6、(6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ KEY 2(1)形容词,(2)连词 (3)副词 (4)代词 (5)非谓语动词 (6)引导定语从句的关系代词 (7)形容词性物主代词 (8)谓语动词 (9)连词 (10)介词3. (1) since (2) how4. (1) more valuable (2) since (3) Instead (4) others (5) to share (6) that (7) my (8) have received (9) how (10) without语法填空(2) Nowadays we live in a global village,an

7、d many difficulties will arise if we cant express ourselves fluently in EnglishIn spite 1 my awareness of its importance,I seldom find chances to practise and improve my oral English. 2 ,I am still Very weak in this regardOne reason is that my 3 (pronounce)and intonation arent good enoughAnother is

8、that I am so shy 4 I am always too nervous to find the exact words to express my ideas and feelingsAs a result,I usually remain 5 (silence)when others are practising and making great progress 6 their oral English Now I have decided 7 (attach)much more importance to oral English and I have made up my

9、 mind to seize every opportunity to practiseI have begun to participate actively in all kinds of English activities,such as going to“English Corners”, 8 (talk)in English with my classmates and with native speakersAs the Chinese saying goes,“Nothing is difficult in 9 world if you really put your hear

10、t into it”If I can build up my confidenceif I am not afraid of losing face any more,if I really work hard on 10 ,I am sure my oral English will be excellent someday解题思路:1快速通读全文 2请根据句子结构,试判断每个空格所填词的词性或语法功能。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_3请分析句子的语法结构并按照上下文连贯的要求,用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (1)One

11、 reason is thai my_(pronounce)and intonation arent good enough (2)As a result,I usually remain_(silence) (3)Now I have decided_(attach)much more importance to oral English (4)I have begun to participate actively in all kinds of English activities,such as going to“English Corners”,_(talk)in English w

12、ith my classmates and with native speakers 4细读全文,依据语法的正确性及行文逻辑的连贯性逐个确定答案。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_KEY:2(1)介词 (2)连词 (3)名词 (4)连词 (5)形容词 (6)介词 (7)谓语动词 (8)非谓语动词 (9)冠词 (10)代词 3. (1) pronunciation (2) silent (3) am attaching (4) talking 4. (1) of (2) So/Therefore/Thus (3) pronunc

13、iation (4) that (5) silent (6) in (7) to attach (8) talking (9) the (10) it语法填空(3) The yearly boat race between Peking University and Tsinghua University will not take place this year and it might be cancelled altogether,China Youth Daily reportedAn unnamed Qinghua official mentioned the limited interest in the race 1 the causeBut many critics blame its possible cancellation on the races 2 (high)competitive nature and the cheatin9 3 has spoiled the good opinion people have of the 4 (compete)The race between Chinas two top universities began in 1999It 5 (inspire)by the world-famouS boat race


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