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1、黑骏马英文读后感 Black Beauty Black Beautybeginning with his carefree days as a foal on an English farm, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country. Along the way, he meets with many hardships and recounts many tales of cruelty and kindness. Each short chapter recou

2、nts an incident in Black Beautys life containing a lesson or moral typically related to the kindness, sympathy, and understanding treatment of horses.3.BLACK BEAUTY黑骏马英文读后感5.求文档: 英语黑骏马读后感 is a sensational second half of the 19th century classic children fiction literary circles. Novel leading charac

3、ter Black Beauty dark horse is a horse pretty good seed, from elite families living in character everyone and kind, and smart, like his great master. However, good days never, home owners have events, Steed had to be sold. His company was sold many times and met with a variety of people : Take a dri

4、nk of wine drunk horse gas, easily pumping whip rental carriage wagoner, not to the animals seldom barbarians, but also to other animals as a good friend, a worldly bit hypocritical. Black Beauty use offensive language, a story about a beautiful story for every time people have felt the story : anim

5、al-human nature, how we treat animals, how animals would treat us. They see who is good for him, who love him, he is reported to show a picture of the same repay you. In a word, this book tells us : to animals when human friends! 。6.黑骏马英语读后感,初三作文,梗概加心得,附翻译 梗概:黑骏马温顺、聪慧又强壮,皮毛乌黑发亮,前额上显眼的一点白色皮毛像一颗美丽的白色的

6、星星。然而命运多难、生活无常,作为一匹马,他饱尝了人们所给予的酸甜苦辣 小说主人公“黑骏马是一匹美丽的优种黑马,从小生活在贵族人家,受过合格的训练,性格温顺,而且聪慧、机智,主人非常喜爱他。但是好景不长,主人家里有了变故,黑骏马不得不被卖掉。他一连被卖过多次,接触过各种人:有喝多了酒就拿马撒气的醉汉,有动辄抽鞭子的出租马车车夫,有不把动物当回事的野蛮人,也有把动物当成朋友的好人家,尝尽了人间的甜酸苦辣。最后它侥幸有了一个好的归宿。作品显示了马的内心世界,也有作为马冷眼旁观人类社会的描写。 黑骏马的一生是维多利亚时期各种马的缩影当过人们的坐骑,在乡间拉过货车,还在伦敦拉过出租马车。小时候,妈妈就

7、告诉他:马一生命运的好坏全得靠运气遇上好的主人就是他的福气,遇上虐待自己的主人就只好自认倒霉。长大后,黑骏马碰到过好人,也碰到过虐待他的人。他先是被卖给善待马的戈登老爷当坐骑;后来又被卖给了W伯爵,那可恶的勒马缰绳成为他最讨厌的东西,也是所有马儿的不幸;拉货车不仅消耗大量的体力,还要受赶车人的鞭打;拉出租马车时,因为人们错误的驾车方式,受尽折磨。最后,黑骏马终于找到了一个善待自己的家,可以安度晚年。 心得:在黑骏马身上,我们可以看到很多人类的品质:诚实可靠、坚定勇敢、温顺友善虽然黑骏马历经苦难,却始终没有改变这些品质。就像英国诗人拜伦的诗句所说:“你拥有人类全部美德,却毫无人类的缺陷。这不禁引

8、发我们是思索:作为人类,我们应该具有什么样的品质?我们这样残忍地虐待动物,不正是因为我们漠视动物身上的优秀品质吗? 黑骏马通过自己的眼睛,用惟妙惟肖的语言,讲述了一个个娓娓动听的故事,向读者们传递着这么一个信息动物也有感觉,也有思想,人类应该善待动物。7.80词的黑骏马英文读后感急必需谢谢了 Black BeautyBlack Beautybeginning with his carefree days as a foal on an English farm, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country。 Along the way, he meets with many hardships and recounts many tales of cruelty and kindness。 Each short chapter recounts an incident in Black Beautys life containing a lesson or moral typically related to the kindness, sympathy, and understanding treatment of horses。



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