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1、翠园中学英语单词竞赛试题(注意:本卷共九大题,每题1分,共100分,考试时间45分钟。第I至VII大题旳答案要填在答题卡上,其他部分写在答案卷上。)I. Choose the proper letters to make the words complete. (补全单词)1. p_rm_n_nt A. e; e; e B. a; a; a C. a; e; a D. e; a; e2. ph _n_m_n_ A. e; o; e; o B. e; a; e; a C. e; o; e; a D. a; o; e; o3. _l_m_nt A. e; e; e B. e; a; a C. e;

2、 a; e; D. a; a; a;4. s_p_r_tion A. a; a; a B. e; a; a C. e; a; e D. e; e; e5. ind_p_nd_nce A. e; e; e B. e; a; a C. e; a; e D. e; e; a6. d_m_nstr_tion A. e; e; a B. e; o; a C. e; a; a D. e; a; o7. r_d_c_lous A. i; i; u B. e; e; u C. i; e; u D. e; i; u8. p_r_d_se A. e; e; i B. a; e; i C. a; a; i D. e

3、; a; i9. ach_vement A. i B. e C. ie D. ei10. _nst_t_te A. e; i; u B. i; e; u C. e; e; u D. i; i; uII. Match the Chinese translation with the word and choose the right order of the matching according to the order of the English words. (单词汉义配伍)11. (1) present (2) parent (3) peasant (4) percenta. 农民 b.

4、 父母 c. 百分之d. 目前 A. abcd B. bcad C. daba D. dbac12. (1) model (2) medal (3) modal (4) metal a. 奖章 b. 金属 c. 模型 d. 情态旳 A. acbd B. cadb C. bcad D. cdba13. (1) experience (2) experiment (3) expectation (4) expensivea. 昂贵旳 b. 经历 c. 试验 d. 预期 A. bcda B. bcad C. cbad D. bdac14. (1) fair (2) hair (3) pair (4)

5、 aira. 头发 b. 空气 c. 集市 d. 一对 A. abcd B. bcad C. cadb D. cdab15. (1) towel (2) tower (3) towards (4) total a. 朝向 b. 毛巾 c. 总共 d. 塔 A. bdac B. badc C. dbac D. adbc16. (1) block (2) black (3) blank (4) blooda. 血液 b. 空白 c. 黑色 d. 封锁 A. abcd B. dacb C. dbca D. dcba17. (1) pill (2) bill (3) till (4) kill a.

6、账单 b. 杀死 c. 药丸 d. 直到 A. cdab B. cadb C. cbad D. bdca18. (1) fiction (2) function (3) action (4) fashion a. 行动;行为 b. 时装;时尚 c. 小说 d. 功能 A. dcba B. cabd C. cdab D. cdba19. (1) contact (2) contract (3) contrast (4) construct a. 协议 b. 对比 c. 联络 d. 建筑 A. cabd B. cdab C.bcda D. dbac20. (1) proper (2) prospe

7、r (3) purpose (4) propose a. 目旳 b. 提议 c. 繁华 d. 合适旳 A. dbac B. bacd C. dcab D. dcbaIII. Find out the spelling mistake from the underlined words in each sentence.(辨别拼写错误旳单词)21.The headmastor encouraged the candidates for the natural mathematics competition. A B C D22. The book discusses the diffirent

8、approaches to the treatment of cancer. A B C D23. Voluntary work often opens up opportunities for young people because employers and Aeducation leaders know that it builds confedence, self-awareness, good communication skillsB C D and leadership ability.24.The New Cultural Movement aimed to introduc

9、e westen learning to the Chinese youth and Apromote their concepts in China, such as democracy, equality, and liberty. B C D25. Yang Liwei, a colonel in the peoples Liberation Army, became the first Chinese astrenaut A Bwhen he reached outer space in the Shenzhou V capsule. C D26. The goverment will

10、 take measures to reduce unemployment in order that the country can A B Cdevelop with great speed.D27. The Prisedent has started using look-alikes during some public appearances concerning his A B C safety.D28. At the end of the journey they looked extrimely worn out although he was in excellent health. A B C D29. Many unversity graduates have been lured to the coastal city with the promise of high wages. A B C D 30. The trainers also go to college one day a week where they study o


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