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1、 公共英语等级考试高分策略和专家预测卷三级(二)2短对话局部是日常生活中的一般对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习等话题,可分为校园、公共场所、家庭等方面。对话局部常见的及应留意的题型有以下几种:(一)地点类人物的对话都是发生在肯定的场合或地点,因此,关于地点或场合类的题目是常见的。那么考生肯定要抓住对话中提到的一些词或内容来推断对话发生的地点或场合。这种题型既考察考生捕获细节的力量,又考其综合推断力量。经典例题:Where is the dialogue most likely taking place?AIn a post office BIn a police stationC In a

2、bank DIn a restaurant听力原文:W: Tell me, Sergeant. Why did you wait three days before arresting them.M: We needed more proof, we started noticing their movements carefully before acting.精解 从“sergeant”(长官)、“arrest”、“proof”这些词,我们可以推断对话是发生在警察局,正确答案是B。(二)人物关系类听力对话题中会测试一些包括说话者的身份、职业以及两个说话者之间的关系等的题目。如:经典例题:W

3、hat is the most probable relationship of between the two people?ASalesman and customer BDoctor and patientC Receptionist and tourist D Lawyer and client听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. Could I ask you to register, please?M: Certainly. What do I do?W: Just fill in this form, if you would, please.精解 在这个对话中,

4、其中一人要另一人“登记(register)”并“填表(fill the form)”,在四个选择项中,C“游客和接待员”是最接近的答案。(三)数字计算类对话中常常会涉及到时间、号码、价钱、人或物的数量等有关数字的信息,有时还要进展简洁的运算。如:经典例题:How much will the woman pay for the chairs?A$ 150 B $85c $115 D$170听力原文:M: These steel chairs are on sale for $ 85 each or $ 150 for a pair. How many would you like to have

5、?W: Let me have a look. Oh, good! I think Id like to have two.精解 抓住“$ 150 for a pair”和“Id like to have two”这两个有关信息,排解干扰信息“or $ 85 each”的影响,可知A是正确答案。(四)言外之意类对话中的含蓄性试题较多,所以,不仅要理讲解话人的表层意义,还需体会言外之意。如:经典例题:What do we learn from the mans reply?A He doesnt care if it is turned off.BHe thinks the woman is r

6、ight.CHe is reluctant to turn it off.DHe wants the woman to watch the game, too.听力原文:W: Do you mind if I turn the TV off?M: Cant you see the football match hasnt finished yet?W: But the baby is already in bed.M: Oh, all right. You always get your way.精解 从男士使用的反问句我们可以看出,他对对方提出“turn the TV off”的提议是不情愿

7、的。所以正确答案是C。(五)语法类这类题型用以测试考生对某个语法现象(如虚拟语气,倒装,反诘,强调,否认等构造)的把握。因此,考生平常也要注意语法学问的积存。如:经典例题:What do we learn from the conversation?AThe man is planning a trip to Austin.BThe man hasn“t been to Austin before.CThe man doesn“t like Austin.DThe man has been to Austin before.听力原文:W: I am thinking of going to Austin for a visit. Do you think it“s worth seeing?M: Well, I wish I had been there.精解 对话中的I wish I had been there.表示一种无法实现的愿望。他从未去过那里。因此,B才是正确答案。


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