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1、静海中学英语第五单元测验7A Unit 5 单元测验Class Name 卷一、 听力(15%):A 听录音,选出合适的图画。(5%):B听录音,选择合适的应答句(5%):( )6AYes, I do.BYes , Im.CSorry, I cant.( )7 AYes ,she is . BShe often does some shopping.CShe is doing some shopping.( )8AYes ,he is. BYes ,she is. CYes , they are.( )9AI only have two yuan. BNo , you cant.CId lik

2、e a blue bag.( )10A.No , you cant.BSure.CWhy do you borrow my computer?C听录音,根据对话和问题选择正确的答案。(5%):( )11A. In the street . B. In a restaurant .C. In a sports shop .( )12 A. 100 yuan. B. 108 yuan. C. 128 yuan.( )13 A. Size eight. B. Size eighteen . C. Size nine .( )14 A. Some bread . B. Some milk . C. s

3、ome milk and bread .( )15 A. Studying . B. Playing a computer game . C. Talking with Sandy .二、 单项选择(15%):( )16-David_ after school every day.-Me too.Atakes a bus to homeBby bus homeCgoes home take a busDwalks home( )17 There are many students football in the playground.AplayBto playCare playingDplay

4、ing( )18 your parent busy with his work these days.ADoesBDo CIs DAre ( )19 Mike doesnt do at school. He cant play computer games_.Agood, at allBgood , any moreCwell , any more Dwell , at all( )20 -_ do you listen to English every day?. -For half an hour.AHow often BHow long CWhen DHow much ( )21Who

5、in that room ? Lets go and see.AshoutsBis shoutingCshout Dto shout( )22Can you come here eight oclock and half past ten ?Aat BfromCbetweenDon( )23Its not easy all the homework before lunchtime.Afor we doing Bfor me finishingCfor us to finish Dfor me to do( )24-can you help me a present _my uncle? Af

6、ind, toBto look, forCfind, forDlook at, to( )25Does your friend usually write to you ?.AYes ,he is. BNo, he does.CNo, never. DYes , seldom.( )26Simon is for a pair of trainers at the shop. Aspending BcostingCpayingDbuying( )27The coat looks very nice. Can I ? Atry them on Btry on themCtry it on Dtry

7、 on it( )28Mum is busy now. She in the kitchen. A cookingBcooksCcook Dis cooking( )29-I want to buy a pair of sports shoes.-Lets go to a _.Atoy shopBshoes shopCbookshopDshoe shop( )30I have to tell you . Listen carefully !Asomething interesting Bsome interestingCinteresting somethingDinteresting som

8、e三、 用方框里所给句子完成对话(5%):AWhat are you doing?BHeres one hundred yuan.CWhats the price?DWhat size do you want?ECan I help you?.FWhat colour could you like?S=shopkeeper M=womanS: Good afternoon. ._31_W: Yes. Im looking for a pair of trainers for my child. S: _32_W: Blue please.S: _33_W: Size eight.S: What

9、 about this pair?W: Oh, its nice. _34_S: This pair is eighty-five yuan.W: Ill take it. _35_S: Thanks very much .Heres your change(零钱).31._ 32._ 33. 34. 35. 四、 完形填空(10%):A train stops 36 a small station(火车站). A man looks out of the window and sees a woman selling 37 _. People from the train are buyin

10、g them . The man wants to 38 a cake , but the woman isnt standing near the 39 . It is raining and the man doesnt want to go _40 in the rain .Suddenly (突然)he sees a boy walking on the platform(月台) beside him .“_41_here , boy !” The man says . “Do you know how_42_money we must pay for a cake ?” “One y

11、uan”, the boy 43 .The man gives the boy two yuan and asks him to buy two cakes “One for me , and the other for you,” he tells the boy .About five minutes later , the boy comes 44 . He is eating a cake . He gives the man one yuan and 45 there is only one cake.()36AonBin Cat Dover()37AticketsBapples C

12、eggs Dcakes()38Aeating Bbring CtakeDbuy()39Agate Btaxi rank Cbus stop Dwindow()40AnearBinside Cto Dout()41AGoBLeave CRunDCome()42AmuchBmany C/ Dlots of()43AspeaksBanswers Ctalks Dtells()44AinBinto CbackDup()45 AtellsBanswers Ctalks Dsays五、 阅读理解(10%):(A)Most American families have one or two parents and one or two children.Children in the USA will leave their parents home when they grow up. They usually leave far(远的) from their parents because they want to find good jobs . They often write to their parents or telephone them . And they often



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