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1、8B 第 5课时 Integrated skills学习目标1.通过听录音,获取有关星光镇变化的具体信息。2.理解书面和口头形式陈述的信息,并做出回应。3.通过完成一篇日记对听取的信息做出回应。4.简单谈论自己和朋友的过去和现在。一复习导入:看图片,比较星光镇过去和现在的变化。What can you see in the pictures? In the past: Now:二自主学习通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语和句型(英汉互译)。1. environment n._ 2.condition n. _3. communication n_ 4.exactly adv. _来源:学&科&网

2、Z&X&X&K5. _ n交通车辆,运输工具 6_ vi返回7. _ adv.最近,上一次;最后 8. _ adj.小学教育的;初级的9.over the years_ 10. go abroad_11. keep in touch_ 12. each other_13. _搬进新的大楼 14. _自从那时起15. _通过邮件 16. _容易得多17. Today I borrowed a book about Starlight Towns past and present._18. Starlight Town has changed a lot over the years._19. I

3、 hope I can visit it again. _20. The Internet makes communication much easier._三合作探究1.两人一组,回答下列问题:1)In Starlight Town, what did people have in the past?2) Was there any wildlife?3) How did people get there?4) Where did people live?5) What changes have taken place in this town?2.你能会用下列生词吗?造个句子试试看:1)l

4、end ( lend sb sth lend sth to sb ) _borrow (borrow- from.) _7 听录音,回答问题:When did Millie meet Becky ?Where has she just returned from ?Where did Becky go ?How did they keep in touch with each other ?d四精讲点拨1. I hope I can visit it again.来源:学科网ZXXK我希望我能再次参观它。探究点:hope和wish有何区别?指点迷津 要两者都有“希望”之意。hope -般指实现

5、的可能性较大的希望;wish指实现的可能性很小或几乎不可能实现的希望。有时两者可通用。(1) hope常构成如下句型:hope to do sth.希望做某事I hope to see my son soon. 我希望不久后见到我的儿子。They hope to have a party.他们希望举行一个聚会。hopethat引导的宾语从句I hope that I will have a big house.我希望我有一个大房子。注意 没有hope sb. to do sth.的说法。(2) wish的常用句型有:wish to do sth.(hope to do sth.)希望做某事1

6、wish/hope to see a film.我希望看一场电影。wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事,相当于would like/want sb. to do sth.1 wish you to come back early.我希望你早点回来。wishthat从句(用虚拟语气)1 wish I could fly like a bird.但愿我能像鸟一样飞。wish双宾语I wish you a happy New Year!我祝你新年快乐!( )I hope I_ a good time this weekend. A. to have B. will have C. h

7、aving D. had( )I_ you a good trip.来源:Z|xx|k.Com A. hope B. wish C. want D. would like2Shes just returned from the USA她刚从美国回来。探究点:return意为“_”和“_”。指点迷津(1)表示“返回”时,相当于“go back-/get back/come back”。Ann will visit you when she returns to London.当安回到伦敦后会去拜访你的。(作“返回”讲时是不及物动词,先加to才可再加地点。另外,return已含有back的意思,后

8、不可再跟back。)(2)表示“归还”时,相当于“give back”。I have returned the dictionary.我已经还了字典。(作“归还”讲时是及物动词,后直接加物,不加to,同样不可再跟back。)You should return the book to Dick on time.你应该准时把书还给迪克。(后接人时,才可加to)The man returned home late. 同义句转换The man_ _ home late.When did you return the book to the library?When did you_ _ the boo

9、k to the library?3. The Internet makes communication much easier.英特网使交流变得容易多了。探究点:much easier中的much是什么用法?指点迷津 much在此修饰比较级。常用来修饰比较级的词还有:a little,a bit,far,even等。( )The old man looks_ younger. A. very B. quite C. much D. little五自主评价A根据中文提示写出单词。1To make more money, he went_(在外国)2. We often_(交流)with eac

10、h other in English.3. We have to stay there in such a_(状况)4. It is our duty to protect the_(环境)5I can tell you the answer to the question_(一点不错)B单项选择。( )1. (2013衡阳)一Look at these stamps. I_ them for five years.- Wow, they are wonderful. A. kept B. have kept C. have bought( )2. There used to_ lots of

11、 small houses in my hometown. But now there are a lot of tall buildings. A. have B. having C. be D. being( )3. (2013.威海)-_your son_ a camera?来源:Z|xx|k.Com- No. He_ one this summer vacation. A. Has; bought; will buy Did; buy; bought C. Does; buy; bought D. Does; buy; will buy( )4.I_you a good weekend

12、. A. hope B. like C. want D. wish( )5.I am good at maths, but his English is_ than mine.A. much better B. more better C. very better D. much more betterC汉译英。1自从那时以来北京发生了很大的变化。Beijing_ _ a lot since then._ _ _ great_ in Beijing since then.2你看上去比我高得多。 You look_ _ than I3其中一栋最高的大楼是我们公司。_ _ the_ _ is our company.



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