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1、 2022届高三英语语法专题复习讲义-交际用语含配套练习易错常考的日常交际用语1. 问候和应答 A: How are you doing? B: Fine, thank you. / Just so-so. A: Please remember me to your parents. B: Sure, I will.2. 介绍和应答A: This is Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms Brown. B: Hello!/ How do you do ?/ Nice to meet you!3. 告辞 See you (later)! / Good night!( cf. Good eve

2、ning!)/ Nice seeing you. 4. 感谢和应答 A: Many thanks!/ Thanks for your help!/ I appreciate your help! B: Thats all right (OK). / You are welcome./ Dont mention it./ Its a pleasure./ My pleasure. (cf. With pleasure. 用于答复对方的求助、邀请) 5. 赔礼和应答 A: I m sorry. B: Thats all right (OK.). / It doesnt matter./ Never

3、 mind./ Thats nothing./ Forget it.6. 邀请和应答 A: Would you like to.? B: Yes, I”d love to. / Yes, with pleasure./ Yes, it”s very kind ( nice )of you. / I”d love to, but I have other plans.7. 恳求允许和应答 A: Could I smoke here? / I wonder if I could smoke here. B: Yes (Certainly). / Yes, do please. / Of cours

4、e you may. / That”s OK (all right). / I”m sorry, but it is not allowed / You”d better not. A: Do you mind if I open the window? B: Not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not./ Im sorry, but youd better not. 8. 祝福、庆贺和应答 A: Good luck! / Best wishes to you. / Have a nice / good time. / Congratulations!

5、 / Have a good journey.! B: Thank you. A: Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas! / Happy birthday to you. B: The same to you. 9. 供应帮忙和应答 A: Can I help you? / Would you like some help? B: Thanks. That would be nice / Yes, please. / No, thank you all (just) the same. / No, thank you anyway./ That”s very k

6、ind of you, but I can manage it myself. A: What can I do for you? B: Id like to go to the No. 3 Middle School. 10. 约会 A: Shall we meet at 4:30 ? / Lets make it 4:00. B: All right. See you then. 11. 打电话A: Hello! May I speak to Tom? B: Hold on, please.A: Is that Mary speaking? B: She isn”t here right

7、now. Can I take a message for you?12.就餐 A: Would you like some more meat? / Help yourself to some more meat. B: Thank you. I”ve had enough. / Just a little, please. 13. 看病 A: Whats the matter? / What seems to be the trouble? B: I dont feel like eating./ I”ve got a cough. / I feel terrible (bad). / I

8、 don”t feel well. / I”ve got a pain here. / It hurts here. 14. 购物A: What can I do for you? / May (Can I )help you? B: I”d like to buy a dictionary. A: How about this one? B: That”s fine. I”ll take it. 15. 问路和应答 A: Excuse me. Where”s the washroom? / Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post offi

9、ce? B: Go down this street. Turn right / left at the second crossing. Sorry, I dont know. I am a stranger here.16. 谈论天气A: What”s the weather like today? / How”s the weather in Beijing?B: It”s fine / cloudy / windy / rainy, etc. / It”s rather warm (cold / hot). today, isn”t it?17. 处理交际中的障碍 Pardon.! /

10、 I beg your pardon. / Please say that again( more slowly.) What do you mean by. ? / I”m sorry I can”t follow you. 18. 提示留意 You cant ( mustnt) smoke here. / No smoking!/ Wet paint!/ Mind your head (step) / Take care!/ Be careful!/ Look out!19. 同意和不同意Certainly / Sure / Of course. / Yes, please. / That

11、”s a good idea. / I agree No, I don”t think so. / I”m afraid not. / I really can”t agree with you. / No way (决不,没门) 20 时间或日期和应答A: What time is it now? / What”s the time? B: It”s about three.A: What day is it today? B: It”s Wednesday.A: Excuse me. Have you got the time? B: Yes, it”s six twenty. 【各个击破

12、】 1. I expect everything will turn out as you wish. -_. A. All right B. The same to you C. No, thanks D. Id like to 2. -Im sorry that I cant attend your wedding. -_? Havent we agreed on it? A. What is it B. Why dont you C. What do you think D. How is it 3 -Excuse me, sir. Im writing a research paper

13、 on Chinese medicine. Do you mind answering a few question? -_. A. Yes, please B. No, of course not C. Certainly D. By all means 4. -Excuse me, could you tell me the time? -Sorry, I dont have my watch with me. -_ A. Thanks anyway B. Thanks a lot C. Im sorry to hear that D. What a pity 5. -Would you

14、like another cup of tea? -_. A. Why not B. Make yourself at home C. Oh, sorry D. Its very kind of you 6. I wish you wouldnt have your TV so loud. -_. Were you trying to sleep? A. Thats all right B. OK C. Sorry D. Thank you 7. -How is everything, Rose? -_. A. Very well, thank you B. Not too bad C. Im all right, thanks D. Not at all 8. -Why didnt you tell Ann the truth?



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