GRE 写作 -- POOH百宝箱艺术类之二.doc

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1、POOH百宝箱艺术类之二-Government , Market and the Arts相关issue题目: Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displaysthat a museum wishes to exhibit.【82】政府根本就不应该审查一家博物馆计划展出的艺术作品或者历史陈列。Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.【85】政府资助艺术会威胁到艺术的完整性。Governments shoul

2、d provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people.【101】政府应该为艺术家提供资助以便于艺术能够繁荣发展并且是所有人都能够享受艺术。Who Should Support the Arts?Melvin D. BargerAsk who should support the arts, and the free-market answer should be obvious. The arts should be supported by people using

3、 voluntary, peaceful means and processes. At the same time, governments should maintain the same neutrality toward the arts that theyre supposed to show toward religion and the press. This means that people in the visual and performing arts should always have a wide range of freedom in their pursuit

4、 of full self-expression. Their artistic freedom reflects the liberty any of us should have - and we should defend it. There is almost no Justification for governments to shut down a play, ban a book, interfere with a concert, or forbid the display of a painting. In that same spirit, however, we sho

5、uld not be moving in the opposite direction by making support of the arts a function of government. Its true that we have been on that road for a long time now. One major turning point was the establishment of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in 1965. That has become a $180-million industry

6、 with Federal support. Influential voices continue to demand increases in the NEA funds along with more subsidies for the arts by state and local governments. Any support thats given, however, is unfair to somebody and results in a misuse of public funds. Despite what its advocates claim for it, gov

7、ernment support of the arts is also unlikely to do much for art and for artists over the long term. We should be able to understand why demands for such support are made - they are often self-seeking efforts by groups of producers and consumers hoping to gain advantages at public expense. The produc

8、ers include a wide assortment of people believed to possess talent in the various branches of the arts. They are writers, playwrights, poets, painters, sculptors, dancers, singers, musicians, composers, and even architects. The consumers associated with them are people devoted to the arts, often as

9、spectators or patrons. Allies of both groups are people who benefit from the arts-communities seeking funds, publishers, teachers, and manufacturers and vendors of supplies. Buttressed by Shrewd ArgumentsThese individuals and groups shrewdly base their arguments on points that attempt to place all f

10、orms of art in the public interest. One idea is that culture makes us a better society; Federal support is needed to prevent our decline into cultural barbarism. Another idea is that the free market fails to provide outlets for the higher forms of art. A third idea is that the United States has been

11、 deficient by lagging behind European governments which support the arts as a matter of course. There is also the myth of the starving artist - if we neglect to support the arts, we will be condemning another van Gogh or Mozart to a wretched existence. It is also generally recognized that many highl

12、y talented artists lack commercial aptitude, and this leads to an argument that the public has a responsibility to support them. (以上论点可以用来支持政府赞助艺术)以下是对上一段的驳论:We should be careful about buying into any of these arguments. Improving society? Nobody can really show a connection between the higher forms

13、 of art and a better society. Market failure? The free market, though scorned by many artists, actually provides handsome opportunities for talented people. Support in Europe? The same European governments that support the arts have been regarded as discriminatory by many groups. Starving artists? W

14、e feel guilty about artists who were ignored in their own time, but they could continue to fall through the cracks in a system of Federal support. The personal problems that beset van Gogh and Mozart, for example, would get them in trouble with the government bureaus who administer support to artist

15、s today. The artists lack of commercial aptitude? Well, many of us are deficient in this respect - but we cover these deficiencies by joining forces with others who possess marketing and administrative skills. 以下是重点:What are some of the problems inherent in government support of the arts? In most re

16、spects, the problems are similar to those of excessive government involvement in other activities that ought to be left to voluntary processes. Here are comments about a few of them: 1) Government support of the arts must always be politicized and bureaucratized. One of the curious contradictions of those who demand government support is that they also demand absolute freedom of expression for the artist. They abhor political controls an


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