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1、UL 1699ISBN 0-7629-0401-1Arc-Fault Circuit-InterruptersUndeerwrriteers Labboraatorriess Innc. (ULL)333 Pfiingsstenn RooadNortthbrrookk, IIL 6600662-220966UL SStanndarrd ffor Saffetyy foor AArc-Fauult Cirrcuiit-IInteerruupteers, ULL 16699Firsst EEdittionn, DDateed FFebrruarry 226, 19999Reviisioons: T

2、hhis Staandaard conntaiins revvisiionss thhrouugh andd inncluudinng MMay 15, 20003.SUMMMARYY OFF TOOPICCS:Thiss reevissionn off ULL 16699 is beiing isssuedd too addd TTestt Meethood tto rrequuireemennts forr Suurgee Teestiing,clarrifyy reequiiremmentts ffor Insstalllattionn Innstrructtionns, incclud

3、de mmisccelllaneeouss reequiiremmentts, andd reevisserequuireemennts forr Peeak Inrrushh Cuurreent.UL SStanndarrds forr Saafetty aare devveloopedd annd mmainntaiinedd inn thhe SStanndarrd GGeneerallizeed MMarkkup Lannguaage(SGMML). SGGML - an intternnatiionaal sstanndarrd (ISOO 88879-19886) - is a d

4、desccripptivve mmarkkup lannguaage thaatdesccribbes a ddocuumenntss sttruccturre aand purrposse, rattherr thhan itss phhysiicall apppeaarannce on a ppagee. DDue toformmatttingg diiffeerenncess reesulltinng ffromm thhe uuse of ULs nnew eleectrroniic ppubllishhingg syysteem, pleeasee noote thaataddiit

5、ioonall paagess (oon wwhicch nno rrequuireemennts havve bbeenn chhangged) maay bbe iinclludeed iin rreviisioon ppagees ddueto rreloocattionn off exxisttingg teext andd reeforrmatttinng oof tthe Staandaard.Textt thhat hass beeen chaangeed iin aany mannnerr iss maarkeed wwithh a verrticcal linne iin t

6、the marrginn. CChanngess innrequuireemennts aree maarkeed wwithh a verrticcal linne iin tthe marrginn annd aare folllowwed by an efffecttivee daate notteindiicattingg thhe ddatee off puubliicattionn orr thhe ddatee onn whhichh thhe cchanngedd reequiiremmentt beecommes efffecttivee.The folllowwingg t

7、aablee liistss thhe ffutuure efffecttivee daatess wiith thee coorreespoondiing iteem.Futuure Efffecttivee Daatess ReeferrenccesJulyy 155, 220044 Paaraggrapphs 1.11.1, 2.8.11, 66.1, 155.1.1, 50.1.11, 550.33, 554.11.1,54.11.2, 544.2.1, 54.2.22, 554.22.3, 544.3.1, 54.3.22, 554.33.3, 544.3.4,54.33.5, 54

8、4.3.6, 58.4.11, 880.11, aand 80.2; Figguree 500.1, Fiigurre54.11, FFiguure 54.2, Figguree 588.111, SSecttionn 366, SSecttionn 655A,Secttionn 855A, Subbsecctioon 554.11, SSubssecttionn 544.2, Suubseectiion54.33, TTablle 550.22, TTablle 554.11,Julyy 155, 220077 Paaraggrapph 115.11The revviseed rrequui

9、reemennts aree suubsttanttiallly in acccorddancce wwithh ULLs Bulllettin(s) on thiis ssubjjectt daateddAuguust 7, 20002 aand Jannuarry 228, 20003. Thee buulleetinn(s) iss noow oobsoolette aand mayy bee diiscaardeed.The revvisiionss daatedd Maay 115, 20003 iinclludee a repprinntedd tiitlee paage (paa

10、ge11) ffor thiis SStanndarrd.As iindiicatted on thee tiitlee paage (paage 1), thhis UL Staandaard forr Saafetty iis aan AAmerricaan NNatiionaal SStanndarrd.Atteentiion is dirrectted to thee noote on thee tiitlee paage of thiis SStanndarrd ooutlliniing thee prroceedurres to be folllowwedto rretaain t

11、hee appproovedd teext of thiis AANSII/ULL Sttanddardd.The massterr foor tthiss Sttanddardd att ULLs Norrthbbroook OOffiice is thee offficciall doocummentt innsoffar as it rellatees tto aaUL sservvicee annd tthe commpliiancce oof aa prroduuct witth rresppectt too thhe rrequuireemennts forr thhat proo

12、ducct aand serrvicce,or iif ttherre aare queestiionss reegarrdinng tthe acccuraacy of thiis SStanndarrd.MAY 15, 20003 - UUL 116999 trr1ULss Sttanddardds ffor Saffetyy arre ccopyyrigghteed bby UUL. Neiitheer aa prrintted coppy oof aa Sttanddardd, nnor thee diistrribuutioondiskkettte ffor a SStanndarr

13、d-oon-DDiskkettte aand thee fiile forr thhe SStanndarrd oon tthe disstriibuttionn diiskeettee shhoulld bbealteeredd inn anny wway. Alll oof UULss Sttanddardds aand alll coopyrrighhts, owwnerrshiips, annd rrighhts reggarddingg thhoseeStanndarrds shaall remmainn thhe ssolee annd eexcllusiive prooperrt

14、y of UL.All rigghtss reeserrvedd. NNo ppartt off thhis pubbliccatiion mayy bee reeprooducced, sttoreed iin aa reetriievaal ssysttem, orrtrannsmiitteed iin aany forrm bby aany meaans, ellecttronnic, meechaaniccal phootoccopyyingg, rrecoordiing, orr ottherrwissewithhoutt prriorr peermiissiion of UL.Re

15、viisioons of UL Staandaardss foor SSafeety aree isssueed ffromm tiime to timme. A UUL SStanndarrd ffor Saffetyy iss cuurreentonlyy iff itt inncorrporratees tthe mosst rreceentlly aadopptedd reevissionns.UL pprovvidees tthiss Sttanddarddas is wwithhoutt waarraantyy off anny kkindd, eeithher exppresssedd orr immpliied, inncluudinng bbutnot limmiteed tto, thee immpliied warrranntiees oof mmercchanntabbiliity or fittnesss ffor anyy puurpoose.In nno eevenn


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