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1、初三下module 4-5基础知识自测一、 单词拼写1. sock 2. whenever 3. proper 4. edge 5. yourself 6. starve 7. rock 8. stone 9. fairly 10. smooth 12. straight 13. fall 14. hang 15. sudden 16. soft 17. still 18. wood 19. agreement 20. blind 21. expect 22. require 23. physical 24. effort 第 页25. harm 二、短语翻译 1. set off 2. go

2、 off 3. fall asleep 4. catch up 5. thanks to 6. health care 7. once in a while 三、重点词汇讲练1.Before we set off, there are a few rules and suggestions for you.在我们出发以前,有一些规则和建议要告诉你们。 off动身;出发set off意为“动身;出发”。表示“出发去某地”则用set off for somewhere。If you want to catch that train, wed better set off for the train

3、 station immediately.如果你想赶上那班火车,咱们最好马上动身去火车站。翻译:天已经亮了,我们出发吧。2. suggestion是可数名词,意为“建议”,复数形式是suggestions,动 词形式是suggest。He made the suggestion that we should go there by train.他建议我们应该乘坐火车去那儿。suggestion 与 advicesuggestion为可数名词。What a useful suggestion it is!这是多么有用的一条建议啊!advice为不可数名词。She gave me some adv

4、ice on how to learn English well.她给了我一些关于怎样学好英语的建议。翻译:她的建议是去医院看医生。3. go off意为“离开”,是不及物动词短语。He went off to get a drink.他离开去拿饮料了。go off的其他用法 go off还可意为“爆炸;响起”。I woke up as soon as my alarm clock went off.我的闹钟一响我就醒了。The bomb went off,killing three people.炸弹爆炸,炸死了三个人。翻译:猴子看见橡胶后就离开了。4. on ones own独自地;独立地

5、on ones own为固定短语,意为“独自地;独立地”,其中ones要 随主语的人称变化而变化。句中的on your own意为“你/你们 独自;你/你们单独”,相当于all by yourself/yourselves。She lives on her own. = She lives all by herself. = She lives alone.她一个人生活。翻译:他已经能够自己独立生活了。5. They can smell food from a long way away他们可以从很 远的地方闻到食物的味道smell 闻;嗅smell在句中是实义动词,意为“闻;嗅”,其后可以直

6、接接宾语。 过去式和过去分词均是smelt。The tiger smelt the meat and went away.这只老虎闻了闻那块肉,走开了。 smell的其他用法smell作系动词,意为“闻起来”。The coffee you got for me smelt nice.你给我的咖啡闻起来很好。smell也可作名词,意为“气味;嗅觉;味道”。She caught a smell of burning.她闻到一股烧焦味。翻译:妈妈做的菜闻起来特别香。6. “We must keep the camp clean,” I said. “我们必须保持帐篷干净。”我说。“keep+宾语+宾

7、补(形容词)”使处于某种状态本句所用的结构为“ keep+宾语+宾补(形容词)”,意为“使 处于某种状态”。除keep后可跟形容词作宾补以外,make,find 等动词也有此用法。keep后除可用形容词作宾补外,还可用 动词-ing形式,介词短语等作宾补。We must keep our eyes open.我们必须保持我们的眼睛睁开。The news made her happy.这个消息使她很高兴。翻译:我们必须保持教室明亮。7. They ll catch up in a few minutes.(1) catch up 是固定短语,意为“赶上”,常和with连用,其后可接宾语。 cat

8、ch up with sb. 意为“赶上某人,追上某人”。 e.g. I m staying here to wait them to catch up. 我要待在这里等他们赶上来。 If you work hard, you will catch up with the others. 如果你努力学习,你会 赶上其他人。 【拓展】 反义短语:fall behind 落后(2) “in + 时间段” 意为“在之后”,常用于一般将来时态中。对“in+时间段”提问时用how soon(多久以后)。 e.g. - How soon will they finish the work? 他们多久以后完

9、成这项工作? - In two weeks. 在两周以后。翻译: 我们已经落后了,必须努力赶上。8. Whos missing? missing 为形容词,也可看作是miss的现在分词,意为“找不到的;失踪的”,强调某人/某物不在原处,在句中可作定语、表语。 e.g. I can t find my mssing pen everywhere. 我到处也找不到我丢失的钢笔。 Thanks to the old man, we found the missing child at last. 多亏了那位老人,我们最终找到了这个丢失的孩子。翻译:我刚买的玩具不见了。9. I thought we

10、had an agreement to stay together. have an agreement to do sth. 就做某事达成一致意见 agreement 作名词,意为“(意见或看法)一致;同意”翻译:我们就保护野生动物达成了一致意见。10. Ill call for help on my mobile. call for help 意为“寻求帮助”。call for 为固定词组,意为“为而呼喊;要求;需要” e.g. I saw a girl calling for help in the street this afternoon. 今天下午,我在街 上看见了一个女孩正在寻求

11、帮助。 Tom sat down and called for a cup of coffee.汤姆坐下来,点了一杯咖啡。 【知识拓展】 call off 取消 call on 拜访,号召 call back 回电话 call in 召集 call out 叫喊 call up 打电话翻译:当你遇到困难时,向警察寻求帮助。11. There he is ,lying on the ground. Lying on the ground是现在分词短语作伴随状语 e.g: She sits under the tree,_(吃着苹果). He came into the classroom, _(

12、唱着歌).翻译:他站在那里,看起来很忧伤。课堂练习完形填空Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on 41 to make your vacation meaningful and colorful. Take exercise. Regular exercise means much health. You 42 hard

13、most of the time so far. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit from different forms of exercise 43 swimming, jogging and mountain climbing. Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. As a result, you cant 44 your family any longer. In order to deal with your 45 matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other practical(实用的) skills. Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you can find



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