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1、Period FourProject.单词自测1setting n(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景;环境set vt.布置,安排2cosy adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的3invitation n邀请invite vt.邀请4crowded adj.拥挤的5officiallooking adj.貌似官方的goodlooking adj.长相好看的6anger n怒气,怒,怒火angry adj.生气的7bow vt.& vi.鞠躬;低头;(使)弯曲 n船头;鞠躬;弓形物8dash vi.急奔,急驰,猛冲 n急奔,猛冲,匆忙,仓促 9tear vt.撕,扯 n眼泪10burst vi.猛冲;突然出

2、现;爆裂11emptyhanded adj.空手;一无所获12glare vi.怒目而视;发出炫目的光.短语默写1make_room_for为腾出地方2burst_in闯进;突然闯入3glare at 对怒目而视4hold out 递出;伸出;拿出.根据课文内容判断正“T”误“F”1There are six students in the play of“The invisible bench”(F)2The play“The invisible bench”happened in a park.(T)3When Mike moved the bench,all of them fell d

3、own immediately.(F)4The Kings important paper is the newspaper.(F)5The paper that the King treasures is toilet paper.(T).阅读课文,选出最佳答案1How many characters are in the play The invisible bench?AOne.BTwo. CFour.DFive.答案D2In the play The invisible bench,who enters last?AMike.BAnn. CCathy.DPaula.答案B3In the

4、 play The invisible bench,who“moved the bench”?AMike.BAnn. CPaula.DCathy.答案A4In the play The important papers,what on earth does the King want?AA newspaper.BA magazine.CA roll of toilet paper.DA dictionary.答案C5In the play The important papers,the servant can call the King “_”AYour MajestyBYour Highn

5、essCDarlingDBoth A and B答案D.细读课文,完成表格,每空一词PlayThe invisible benchThe important papersThe 1.type/kind of thecomediesPhysical:Actors use their bodies to perform the play.Props:Actors use toilet paper and some other papers to perform the play.2.CharactersFive studentsThe King,theQueen,the 3.ServantSett

6、ingA ParkThe PalacePlotSome students 4.pretend to be sitting on an invisible bench and 5.enjoying themselves quite a lot.One of them moves the bench without being noticed,so the others all fall down when the 6.truth/fact is told.The King wants some toilet paper,7.but/while he says that he wants impo

7、rtant papers.Because he is the King,the servant 8.mistakes/takes the important papers for some official documents.Finally,the servant understands him and 9.brings him what he wants.Funny pointSince the bench can not be 10.seen,nobody knows whether it is there unless someone speaks it out.A play in w

8、hich such words are used:important papers and toilet paper.1.annoyed adj.恼怒的;气恼的语境感悟(1)(教材P14)Mike looks annoyed.迈克看上去有点恼怒的样子。(2)I was annoyed to find a chip in my new table.我发现我的新桌子有点破损,感到不快。(3)I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.对于他姗姗来迟,我很生气。(4)I am annoyed about my brother forgetting to

9、 pay.我对我弟弟忘记付钱很恼火。(5)Its really annoying when a train is late and theres no explanation.当火车晚点而且又没有任何解释时,那真是恼人。归纳拓展(1)be annoyed to do.因做而恼怒be annoyed with sb对某人生气be annoyed at/about sth因某事生气(2)annoy v使恼怒;打扰,骚扰(3)annoying adj.令人恼火的即时跟踪Why do you look so blue?The mosquitoes _ me so much that I couldnt

10、 sleep.ApunishedBdamagedCannoyedDhurt答案C解析annoy打扰,骚扰,符合句意。I want to trouble Miss Liu to write me a receipt,but judging from her _ look,I know she is _ at it.Aannoying;annoyedBannoying;annoyingCannoyed;annoyedDannoyed;annoying答案C解析因为Miss Liu自己处于“恼怒的”状态,要用annoyed;be annoyed at因而恼怒。故选C。2.bow vi.&vt.鞠躬;

11、低头;(使)弯曲 n鞠躬;船头语境感悟(1)(教材P15)Servant bows,dashes out,comes back in with a newspaper.仆人一躬身,匆忙离去,之后手持一份报纸重新上场。(2)Everyone bowed as the Queen walked into the room.女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。(3)The cast bowed to the audience when they applauded.当观众鼓掌时,演员向观众鞠躬行礼。归纳拓展bow to sb向某人鞠躬bow sb in/out躬身迎入/送出某人give a bow鞠躬

12、即时跟踪完成句子在日本当老师和学生见面的时候,学生应该向老师鞠躬。Students should bow_to teachers in Japan when they meet.“为了你,我可以赴汤蹈火。”亨利向她鞠躬回答。“For you I would go through fire and water,”said Henry,giving a_bow_to_her3.fool n傻瓜 vt.愚弄,欺骗语境感悟(1)(教材P15)No,you fool!(tears the paper in two) I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!不对

13、,你这个傻瓜!(将报纸扯为两半)我必须立刻拿到我的重要的纸!(2)You cant fool her,and shes very clever.你愚弄不了她,她非常聪明。(3)He fooled me into giving him money.他欺骗我,要我给他钱。归纳拓展(1)make a fool of sb愚弄某人fool sb out of ones money骗某人的钱fool sb into doing sth哄骗某人做某事(2)foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的即时跟踪完成句子如果你不懂装懂,只会愚弄你自己。If you pretend to know what you do

14、nt know,youll only make_a_fool_of_yourselfHe is often afraid of _ by others.AfoolingBto be fooledCbeing fooledDhaving been fooled答案C解析句意:他经常担心被别人欺骗。此句of后用动名词被动语态的一般式,故选C。4.tear vt.撕,扯 n眼泪语境感悟(1)(教材P15)No,you fool!(tears the paper in two) I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!不对,你这个傻瓜!(将报纸扯为两半)我必须立刻拿到我的重要的纸!(2)They are tearing down these old houses to build a new office block.他们正在拆除这些旧房子以便建一座新的办公楼。(3)He tore his clothes off and dived into the lake.他把衣服从身上扯下,一头跳入湖中。(4)She left the room in tears.她哭着离开了房间。归纳拓展tear down拆除tear off撕下,扯掉tear up撕毁(合同等),撕裂tear apart撕毁,撕碎in tear


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