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1、“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题Pat Read and KnnPar I,you wil read sht texts of vaius kinds. Read the itrio caruly ad anwe the qstion. (Tme llowed: minuts) Quets 13 (Sugesd cmpleton ime: intes)ectons: Rd thefollowng otesMachte qoeson te lft wih te peoeon the rigt. Pase notthere aetwoextratons yo do n ned to use.A.

2、John LockeB. Archimedes C. AristotleD. Immanuel Kant E. Steve Jobs_1. Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world._2.Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness._3.You cant connect t

3、he dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.Questons 4 (Sggesometo tie: 2 mintes)Diecions:ead thetxt, ad anwer the questin ccordig thet.o ensuehehigh andads faiiis e need obild ew wards, lboroies nd cnlt

4、noom Ihr, we need yor helpnowomte the oupo tody and rt assuredat yur donation gongtoth bestposible se 4. Were the pece of text takenfrom?A.andvrtiseetB. a insucio bookletC.a str. anewspaeesos 5 (Sggese copletion im:2 miuts)iecions: Read e text, and aswereqesionacorig o th ext.Fwcners of the worl rai

5、nuntanted by intreid turis, and their imact is ten devasttng. oo fequenly they trampe heedlslyonfragileenvirnents, isplcing ildlifnd lol pultions te insatible quet foruexpordatios5 hat is te et te orths tet?Ahe future of tourism he l fourismCTe priof turism. he enefiof tursuion(Sugeste copleion tim:

6、 2mintes)iretins:Rea te tet,and anser he qustin acodig tothtext.Byn andlin yting is yur forte nw. If yu visi jmble or cboot sle or hele, rmant ncuner s more than prable! wslinke tthe fmiy ibrlint!6. What te o tex i this?A personalvetsemen.B A rsonal oroscope.C. A frends leter ofadvic. A wrttn wanngQ

7、usions 7 (Suggestecompion tme: 2 minues)Directns: eadte text, nd anwer te questn according o he textWit or ravl agency, the hoiy youbook s te holid u ge.If u rrive anfind we aild t lveup to ou pises, lt us know wat the pobem s witi on ay ofor arival. Wel spen2 hours doing evethig possib o sort the p

8、oblemo.In theuniky ven tht cn rsolve yorpble n akeyu happywitin 24 hous, wll you home nd give you mon ak7. Thett cold bes bedescribeas _.A. a commimenB. anapaC. arnngD. a voestios (Suggsted completio tme: mints)Diectos: Re the text, an awer the questinccrding to he ext.e ne digialcamerare great fun

9、ad ver es t use. h leyou reve your pictures the moet yo akethm, syou ca re-shoorgh away if yor ot stisfed.u reeer, dal caerais justacopuer X Its nt a eplment for yu ordiny caea.8. Wati th eanig f theising or (XXXX) i the txt?A “somthingthat is poorquality”B. “an itemtatiot sstial, omehing etra”C “so

10、ethingexpensivebut godvalue for money”D.“a fashn wich lways rmans pplar”Question (uggested copletio time: minut)Drectios: Read te tex,n aswer tequestio cording toth te.She hagone ne, but the childrn rto oto he taion omeet er.d lvig the staoa he did, was oy natural tha hey should be thre agoo ourbefo

11、r e wa anychan ofMothestrain arriving, even if e triwre uctul, whichas mo unlikey.9. What n yu sayabou teir mothers tran?.It would b b ear.B. It would proably be n time. It wuld obbybe at.DI hd bncanceledQustion 1 (Sggstecompleotime: 5 nute)Diectios: The ar chart shows he umb and prporionoundrnorshe

12、d eope in the deelopi es, rom99092 o . Anser th questin acrdingthe infomtio in thr.ure: Teilni evlopme Gals (MG) Repo1. Choose the INRECT description bout t har.A. ure estatessuget tht nearly oe i nendiiduals d nt aenughto eat etween and .B. Pojetindctethtthe MDtaget is neryreached, ih 2.9 per cent o udernorishe poulation.C. he sition oticeably impov drng thyers 199-99, but wn doin th istive yearsf th illenium.D. The prortion undernos


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