2022年鲁教版英语九年《Unit 6 By the time I got outsidethe bus had already》word教案(4)

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《2022年鲁教版英语九年《Unit 6 By the time I got outsidethe bus had already》word教案(4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年鲁教版英语九年《Unit 6 By the time I got outsidethe bus had already》word教案(4)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年鲁教版英语九年Unit 6 By the time I got outside,the bus had alreadyword教案(4)Period 1 (words and grammar)Teaching aims: (1) gotten oversleep rush lock relative broke fool costume etc(2) Know something about the past perfect tenseRead the words freely and know something about the part speech of the words

2、Make full use of your timeTeaching importance: (1)words (2)Distinguish the past tense, the present perfect tense, the past perfect tensePreparing for teaching: recorder and puterTeaching methods: translation method Teaching steps:1 Reading Let the students read the words loudly and then check severa

3、l students.Oversleep rush lock fool describe announce convince reveal flee- verbEmbarrassed empty exhausted embarrassing- adjRalative costume mars panic authority hoax- noun2 show the pictures to the students and then let them read again3 GrammarJust now We learned the words of unit 10. Do you know

4、what grammar well learn in this unit?This morning when I got up, my husband had gone to work. Etc4 RevisionRevise the past tense and the present perfect tense. Then learn the past perfect tense5 Summary Homework: write the words and phrases in unit10Blackboard: 更早的动作过去某一时间或过去另一动作现在将来 Unit 6 By the t

5、ime I got outside , the bus had already left.第二课时 听说课一、 教学目标1知识目标: take a shower realize oversleep gotten by the time2能力目标: 培养听说能力3情感目标:教育学生要形成良好的生活习惯二、教学重难点: when by the time 等时间状语与过去完成时三、教学准备:录音机 多媒体四、教学方法:听说法 视听法五、教学进程:Section A(1a 1b 1c)1 提前识记短文中的部分词汇,扫除听力过程中的障碍2 Look at the pictures and revise

6、the Simple Present Tense. The teacher show the phrases about the pictures to the studentsP1 wake up P2 get up P3 get to the bus stop P4 get to school P5 realizeThen ask the students to make sentences like thisBy the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.3 Listen to the tape twic

7、e ,fill in the blanks and check together.1 By the time I got up , my brother _ already _ in the shower.2 By the time I got outside , the bus _ already _.3 When I got to school , I realized I _ _ my backpack at home. 4 Repeat these important sentences:By the time I went outside ,the bus had already l

8、eft.When I got to school ,I realized I had left my backpack at home.5 Pairwork : take turns being Tina , look at the pictures above and tell what happened to you this morning.Section A(2a 2b 2c)1 Listen to Tina ,continue her story , number the pictures 1-4 in the correct order2 Fill in the blanks wi

9、th the correct verb forms, then listen again and check the answers.3 Pairwork : make up an ending for the story and share it with the rest of the class .Section B(2a 2b 2c)1 According to the knowledge they know, ask the students to talk about the April Fools Day .2 Listen to the tape twice and write

10、 each persons name under his picture.3 Point to the four pictures and ask the students to tell what is happening in each picture 4 Read the instructions (2b) and point to the list of phrases ,listen to again and find out who says each of the phrases below.5 (2c) pairwork Point to the sample conversa

11、tion , ask two students to read it to the classAsk students to work in pairs and make their own dialogues.Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class六、作业设计 Ask the students to make some sentences using the Past Perfect Tense.By the time When +一般过去时 , 主句+ 过去完成时七、板书设计Unit 6 By the tim

12、e I got outside, the bus had already leftPeriod 3 (Reading)Teaching aims: (1)go off rush run off on time lock relative break break down etc(2) the past perfect tenseDistinguish nouns, verbs and adjPlan your timeTeaching importance: (1) read the passage freely (2) find the important eventsTeaching me

13、thods: translationTeaching steps:1 reading Let the students read the passage loudly and correct. Then let them read after the tape.2 Practice Write the events in the correct order:(1) wore up late (2) wait for the bus etc3 Translation Let the students translate the passage and pay more attention to

14、the new words and phrases be late for go off wait for sb take a shower run off on time make it etc4 discussion Let the students discuss the questions they have(1) -(2) -(3) -(4) -(5) - etc5 practicep78 3bHomework: recite the whole passageBlackboard: be late for go off wait for sb take a shower etcUnit 6 By the time I got outside , the bus had already left.第四课时:综合训练课一、知识目标: rush realize show up stay up the grammar : the Past Perfect Tense能力目标:培养学生处理各种题目的能力二、教学重难点: 动词应用及书面表达三、教学准备:多媒体四、教学方法; 讲解法 演示法 引导法五、教


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