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1、八(下)Unit 11. As we know, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are both _(宇航员)in China.2. In fact, in some cities, the air _(污辱) in quite serious. Whats your opinion, Mary?3. They enjoyed _(他们) at the party last night. Its really a great party.4. Of course, my brother can look after himself and _(穿衣) himself

2、 now.5. _(机器人)can do many things for human beings.6. Maybe in 50 years, books will be on _(电脑), not on paper, I think.7. We cant finish the work by today . Its (不可能) !8. My sister is only an engineer at a computer _(公司), but she doesnt make much money.9.- Would you like to keep a Zang-ao dog as a _(

3、宠物)? - Oh, no. Its really dangerous.10. Your homework is much _(少) than ours, so you can have more time having fun.11.These days everyone _(use) computers to do a lot of things.12.One day people may fly _(rocket) to the moon for vacations.13.I _(fall) in love with the weather here in Fuzhou last yea

4、r.14. They did more work with less money and _ (few)people.15. Dont worry about me, Mum. Im old enough to look after _(I).16. The room was dirty and it had an (usual) smell .17. I am going to be a (science) when I grow up .18. It(seem) that he is very angry with you19. I think there will be more tal

5、l _(building) over there.20.There are eight h students in this school .21. I live a in a big house , but I dont feel lonely.22. I will p the future life correctly .23. Do you think people will have r_ in their homes in 100 years?24. I still dont have a car of my o 25. U_ your head, then youll find a

6、 way.26. E_ is ready. Lets start the meeting. 27. Well have more f_ time to play sports.28. He wasnt a_ to pass the exam, so he felt very sad. 29. It was an u_ trip. We didnt have any fun. 30. It may not seem possible now, but who knows what will h_ in the future.Unit 21.Everyone is here e_ Tom.2.I

7、dont have e money. Could you lend me ten yuan?3.Do you have another t_ to the football game.4.She wont have dinner u_ her mother come back. 5.This shirt doesnt f_ me. Its a little big.6.He a_ with his mother this morning. He is very u_ now.7.Our subjects in school i_ Chinese, English, math and so on

8、.8.She doesnt has any money. I dont have any money, e_.9,I need to get some money to pay for summer c_.10.Speak l_ , I cant hear you.11.This coat is in s_ . I like it very much.12.The matter is rather s_, you shouldnt always laugh13.The final exam is coming near. I feel under p_.14.I need some money

9、 to buy g_for my family.15.Could you please give me some _(建议) on how to learn English.16. I want to be _ (新颖的).17.You should give them two _(票) to a ball game.18.They need _(有组织的) _(活动)19.I dont want to _(使惊讶) him.20.They need time to do things by _(他们自己). 21.Whats _(毛病)?- I cant find my key. 22.Th

10、e couple(夫妇)_(抚养)three children.23.The girl cant stand the noise, because her brother _(播放)his CDs too loud.24.The magazine is i_(不贵), and you can take it.25.She wants to be a _ (science) when she grows up.26.There is a tall _ (build) in front of the post office. 27.Today is Sunday. Lets go _ (skate

11、).28.Please buy some _ (toothbrush) for them.29.I found it difficult _ (learn ) English well. 30.What about _ (get ) a part-time job?Unit 31.People often remember what they_(do)when they heard the news of important events in history.2.We were having fun in the playground when the bell_(ring)3.Dr Mar

12、tin Luther Kings murder_(take) place about thirty years ago.4.Look! I saw someone _ (laugh) 6.We know many national _ (hero) in the movie.5.Be quiet!All the students were reading in the library in_(silent).7.We know the two kids_ (kid) us now. 8.The teacher asked us _ (keep) the windows closed.9.He

13、got on his bike and _(ride) slowly down the road.10.My _(fly) to Shanghai will take off in ten minutes.11.Yang Liwei _(fly) around the Earth.October15,2003.12.I _ (shop) when I saw A UFO landed 13.Please follow me _ (read) the sentence.14.I dont know the _ (mean) of these words. 15.I _ (buy) some fruit just now.16.I was suiprised at the _news very much (surprise).17.Can you jump down from a tree and _(爬)the hill?18.The young man _ (逃跑)as soon as he saw the policeman.19.I _(遇见) my another friend at the bus station yesterday.20.What about _ (发生) him yesterday?21.Even the most _(日常)act


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