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1、以下是2010年6月19日六级听力原文11. M: Oh, Im so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway, I wont need it until Friday night. As long as I can get it by then, OK?Q: What do we learn from this conversation?12. W: Doctor, I havent been able to

2、get enough sleep lately, and Im too tired to concentrate in class.M: Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you. Your body loses its track of whether it is day or night.Q: What does the man imply/13. M: I think Ill get one of those new T-shirt

3、s, you know, with the schools logo on both the front and back.W: Youll regret it. They are expensive and Ive heard the printing fades easily when you wash them.Q: What does the woman mean?14. W: I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target, and your viewpoints have certainly convi

4、nced me.M: Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority.Q: What does the man mean?15. M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Should I go see her and apologize to her again?W: Well, if I were you, Id let her cool off a few days before I a

5、pproach her.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?16. M: Would you please tell me where I can get batteries for this brand of camera?W: Let me have a look. Oh, yes, go down this aisle, pass the garden tools, youll find them on the shelf next to the light bulbs.Q: What is the man looking for?17.

6、M: Our basketball team is playing in the finals but I dont have a ticket. I guess Ill just watch it on TV. Do you want to come over?W: Actually I have a ticket, but Im not feeling well. You can have it for what it cost me.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?18. M: Honey, Ill be going straight

7、to the theatre from work this evening. Could you bring my suit and tie along?W: Sure, its the first performance of the States Infinite Orchestra in our city, so suit and tie is a must.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?19-21M: I got two letters this morning with Job Office, one from the Polyt

8、echnic, and the other from the Language School in Pistoia, Italy. W: So youre not sure which to go for?M: Thats it. Of course, the conditions of work are very different: the Polytechnic is offering a two year contract which could be renewed, but the Language School is only offering a years contract

9、and thats a different minus. It could be renewed, but youll never know.W: I see. So its much less secure. But you dont need to think too much about steady jobs when youre only 23. M: Thats true. W: What about the salaries M: Well, the Pistoia job pays much better in the short-term. Ill be getting eq

10、uivalent about 22, 000 pounds a year there, but only 20, 000 pounds at the Polytechnic. But only hours are different. At the Polytechnic, Id have to do 35 hours a week, 20 teaching and 15 administration whereas the Pistoia School is only asking for 13 hours teaching.W: Um.M: Then the type of teachin

11、g is so different. W: The Polytechnics are all adults and mostly preparation for exams, like the Cambridge certificates. The Language School wants me to do a bit exam preparation, but also quite a lot of work in companies and factories and a couple of childrens classes. Oh, and a bit of literature t

12、eaching. W: Well, that sounds very much more varied interesting. And Id imagine youd be doing quite a lot of teaching outside the school and moving around quite a bit. M: Yes, whereas at the Polytechnics position, Id been stuck in the school all day.Q19: What do we learn about the man from the conve

13、rsation?Q20: What do we learn about the students at the Polytechnic?Q21: What does the woman think of the job at the Language School?22-24W: Good evening, and welcome to the tonights edition of Legendary Lives. Our subject this evening is James Dean- actor and hero for the young people of his time.

14、Edward Nervy is the author of a new biography of Dean. Good evening, Edward!M: Hello, Tina!W: Edward, tell us what you know about Deans early life. M: He was born in Indiana in 1931, but his parents moved to California when he was five. He wasnt there long, though, because his mother passed away jus

15、t four years later. James father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt.W: So how did he get into acting?M: Well, first he acted in plays of high school, then he went to college in California where he got seriously into acting. In 1951, he moved to New York to more stage acting. W

16、: Then when did his movie career really start?M: 1955. His first starring role was in East of Eden. It was fabulous. Dean became a huge success. But the movie that really made him famous was his second one- Rebel without Cause. That was about teenagers who felt like they didnt fit into the society. W: So how many more movies did he make?M: Just one more.


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