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1、 四年级上册英语期中试卷时量:60分钟满分:100分姓名_ 班级_学号_计分_听力部分(40分)一、根据你所听到的内容,将答案填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1. A.guess B.thanks C.those( )2. A.teapot B.hat C.right( )3. A.eleven B.seven C.sixteen( )4. A.egg B.tiger C.big( )5. A.hungry B.beautiful C.strong二、根据你所听到的内容,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)( )1.A、Nice to meet you! B、Glad to see you!( )2

2、.A、Its a square. B、Its a circle.( )3.A、Look at this tiger. B、Look at that monkey.( )4.A、These are flowers. B、Those are trees.( )5.A、I dont like noodles. B、I dont like dumplings三、根据你听到的内容,给下列句子排序15。(10分)( )1. I like biscuits. ( )2 .What are those?( )3 .Im hungry. I like dumplings.( )4.They are birds

3、eggs.( )5 .Look at that elephant. Its big四、根据你所听到的内容,选择合适的答语。(10分)( )1.A.Nice to meet you. B. Im fine,thanks.( )2.A.Its an egg. B.These are flowers.( )3.A.Its Janes purse. B. .Its an apple.( )4.A.Its a line. B.I like dumplings.( )5.A.These are three circles. B.She is my sister.第二部分 笔试部分(60分)一、用正确的手写

4、体抄写下列句子。( 52=10分)A. I am an elephant. B. Perhaps your book is on the desk.C. Dont touch them. D. The shorts are Mikes.E. This pencil case is for you. 1 2 345二、把下列单词中不同类的一项选出来。(52=10分)( )1. A. flag B. tiger C. elephant( )2. A. small B. teapot C. big( )3. A. brother B. chick C. sister( )4. A. eleven B

5、. sixteen C. ladybird( )5.A. bird B. children C. seagull三、读句子,配对。(52=10分)( ) 1 .What do you like? A. Yes ,it is . ( ) 2. Is your mother a teacher? B. They are my parents. ( ) 3. Who are they? C. At eleven thirty.( ) 4. What time do you have lunch? D. I like rice.( ) 5. Is this a tiger? E. Yes,she is

6、. 四、.选择,填空。( 52=10分)( ) 1. _ ruler is this? Its Su Yangs. A. Who s B. whose C. Whose( ) 2. Happy _ Day! Miss Li. Heres a card for you. Thank you. A. Teachers B. Teachers C. Mothers ( ) 3. Whose umbrella is this? It is _ umbrella. My father give it to me. A. my B. his C. your( ) 4. I love dolls. Do y

7、ou like dolls? _. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, you do.( ) 5. Look! What is _ over there? Its a kite. A. this B. that C. those五、情景对话。(52=10分)( )1、 你想知道这是什么时,你应说:A、Is this your camera? B、What are these?C、What is this?( )2、用英语问“这个书包是不是玛丽的”,该怎么说?A. Is this schoolbag Marys?B. Maybe this schoolbag

8、is Marys.C. Whose schoolbag is this? ( )3、当你看到一只戴着红色帽子的山羊,你可以说:A.I see a dog in a purple hat.B.I see a goat in a purple hat.C.I see a goat in a red hat. ( )4、当你看到笼子中的狮子很强壮,你可以说:A.The elephant is dreaming.B.The monkeys are hugging.C.The lion is strong.( )5、当你想知道猴子吃什么,你可以问?A. What do monkey eat?B. What do they eat?C. Monkeys eat bananas。六、连词成句 。(52 =10分)1to meet nice you (.)2. is that what (?)3. at look lion the (.)4. those eggs are (.)5. this is whose bag (?)


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