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1、2021全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)阅读理解TEXT1,21-25题2021全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题TEXT11)How can Britain s train operators possibly justify yet another increase to rail passenger fares ?2)It has become a grimly reliable annual ritual : every January the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extra burden

2、 on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work or otherwise .3)This year s rise, an average of 2.7 percent, may be a fraction lower than last year s, but it is still well above the official Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) measure of inflation.(第21题定位)逐句翻译英国的铁路运营商可能会如何解释铁路客运票价再次

3、上涨的合理性呢?这已经成为了一种雷打不动的年度惯例:每年一月,乘火车出行的费用都会上涨,这给那些别无选择只能利用铁路网去上下班的人带来了巨大的额外负担。今年铁路客运票价的平均涨幅为2.7%,可能略低于去年,但仍远高于官方的消费者物价指数(CPI)所反映的通货膨胀水平。1)Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it,

4、rather than the general taxpayer.2)Why, the argument goes, should a car-driving pensioner from Lincolnshire have to subsidise the daily commute of a stockbroker from Surrey ?(第22题定位)3)Equally, there is a sense that the travails of commuters in the South East, many of whom will face among the biggest

5、 rises, have received too much attention compared to those who must endure the relatively poor infrastructure of the Midlands and the North.逐句翻译历届政府都允许这种增长,理由是投资和运营铁路网的费用应由使用铁路网的人承担,而不是由全体纳税人承担。这种观点认为,为什么一个林肯郡(Lincolnshire)领养老金的开车出行的人要补贴一个萨里郡(Surrey)的股票经纪人的日常通勤费用?同样地,从某种意义上说,相比于那些必须忍受中部和北部相对较差的基础设施的

6、通勤者来说,东南部通勤者(他们中的许多人将面临铁路客运票价的最大涨幅)的痛苦已经受到了太多关注。1)However, over the past 12 months, those commuters have also experienced some of the worst rail strikes in years.2) It is all very well train operators trumpeting the improvements they are making to the network, but passengers should be able to expect

7、 a basic level of service for the substantial sums they are now paying to travel.3)The responsibility for the latest wave of strikes rests on the unions.4) However, there is a strong case that those who have been worst affected by industrial action should receive compensation for the disruption they

8、 have suffered.(第23题定位)逐句翻译 然而,在过去的12个月里,这些东南部通勤者还经历了几年来最严重的几次铁路罢工。 铁路运营商宣扬其对铁路网的改进无可非议,但乘客们理应能够得到基本的服务,毕竟他们现在为旅行支付了大笔费用。最近这一波罢工的责任在于工会。但是,那些受罢工影响最严重的人仍有充分的理由就他们所遭受的不便得到赔偿。1)The Government has pledged to change the law to introduce a minimum service requirement so that, even when strikes occur, serv

9、ices can continue to operate.2)This should form part of a wider package of measures to address the long-running problems on Britains railways.3)Yes, more investment is needed, but passengers will not be willing to pay more indefinitely if they must also endure cramped, unreliable services, interrupt

10、ed by regular chaos when timetables are changed, or planned maintenance is managed incompetently.(第24题定位)4)The threat of nationalisation may have been seen off for now, but it will return with a vengeance if the justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order.(第25题定位)逐句翻译 政府已承诺修改法律,采用最

11、低服务要求,这样即使发生罢工,铁路服务也能继续运营。 这应该是解决英国铁路长期问题的一揽子措施的一部分。是的,这需要更多的投资,但如果乘客们仍必须忍受拥挤且不可靠的铁路服务,并且这些服务还会因时刻表调整或管理不善的计划性维护导致混乱而经常中断,他们就不会愿意一直支付更多的钱。 目前,国有化的威胁可能已经消除,但如果无法在短期内平息乘客们合情合理的愤怒,国有化的威胁将更加猛烈地卷土重来。-21题【题目及选项概览】The author holds that this years increase in rail passenger fares _ .作者认为今年的火车客运票价上涨_.A has k

12、ept pace with inflation已与通货膨胀同步B is a big surprise to commuters令通勤者倍感意外C remains an unreasonable measure仍是一项不合理的措施D will ease train operators burden将减轻火车运营者的负担【定位及答案】根据题干中的定位关键词increase,rail passenger fares 可以定位至1段1句。1段1句提出事件“今年火车票价又一次上涨(another increase)”,并反问火车运营商如何才能对此作出合理解释(hot can.justify.),通过反问

13、的写作手法,传递出作者对于该事件的态度,即:“此举不合理。2,3句介绍运营商涨价的两大特点:“涨价频繁(it has become a grimly reliable ritual,已经成为了一种雷打不动的年度惯例);“涨幅过大”(but it is still well above.但仍然远高于.)。由此进一步明确作者态度:今年火车客运票价上涨不合理,综上所述,C选项:认为仍旧是一个不合理的措施(remains an unreasonable measure)为对作者观点和态度的合理概括,为正确选项.【错误选项分析】A选项【偷换概念】:根据该选项中的inflation可以定位至1段3句。1段

14、3句指出,铁路运营票价的涨幅虽然略低于去年,但是(but)依旧远高于(still well above)官方的CPI所反应的通货膨胀水平(measure of inflation)而该选项将3句“今年的涨幅远高于(well above)通胀水平偷换为”二者水平相当(kept pace with),为偷换概念选项,故排除。B选项【断章取义】:该选项中的内容无法直接在文中定位,但根据commuters(通勤者)可以总结出该选项在描述顾客/通勤者对该情况的看法,由此可定位比对1段1句(passenger)以及1段2句(who have no option but to.)。1段1句中的passeng

15、er fares是指铁路的客运票价,与通勤者的看法无关。1段2句中的who have no option but to.是在描述每年的铁路票价上涨为那些别无选择只能利用铁路网去上下班的人带来了额外的负担。也是在描述客观事实,而非通勤者的主观看法。综上所述,可知该选项中“涨价令通勤者大感惊讶”,在文中并无具体反应,且结合1段提到的“火车票价每年必涨”可知,通勤者对此应该是“毫不意外”,故该选项为无中生有&反向干扰选项,故排除。D选项【过度推理】:根据选项中的operators(1段1句) 以及burden(1段2句)可以定位至1段1,2句。1段1句提出:铁路运营商(operators)要如何解释票价上涨的合理性?此处并未提及火车运营者的负担。1段2句提出:“票价上涨给通勤者带来沉重的负担(burden)”,该负担是对于通勤者的负担,而不是对operators(运营者)的负担。综上所述,该选项为词汇干扰,且通勤者有额外的负担,并不能由此推知选项中的“火车运营者的负担相应减轻”, 但文中并未提及这种“你(乘客)多则我(运营商)少”的关系,该选项也属于过度推理选项。【解题技巧】本题就首段命制作者观点态度题,文中并未明示作者态度,考生需从字里行间进行提炼。How can. possibly


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