Unit 1 He works hard.1.doc

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1、 一起点第六册 Module6 Unit1 He works hard.教学目的: 1.Grasp the words :work, hard, speak, ParentsDay, lazy, happy with drills: He works hard. Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt.2.Can use the knowledge to talk about ones performance at school and finish the task.3.Train the students abilities of listening

2、 and speaking. And arouse the students to cooperate and help each other.教学重点:Words : work, hard, speak, Parents Day, lazy, happy with,Drills: He works hard.Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt.教学难点:Can use the knowledge to talk about ones performance at school and finish the task.教具:Tape-recorder

3、, cards, CAI教学设计一、Warming up1.Greetings: Hello, everyone. How are you?2.Listen and do actions:This little girl is good.3.In the poem, we can find many words, look and read:good, bad, happy, sad, naughty, nice, shy, clever, loud, quiet 4.Make sentences using the adjective words.二、Presentation and lea

4、ding1.Now lets play a guessing game(I say sentences ,you should pay attention to the adjective words and guess) Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy. Whos she? Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet. Whos he? Hes very loud. And hes very, very naughty. Hes a bird. Whos he? Hes tall and cool(帅的、酷的). Shes

5、tall and beautiful(漂亮的). Who are they?(They are Damings parents.)Practise, read and understand “parents”, parents means father and mother.2. Today Damings parents are going to go to Damings school. Why? Lets look and listen. What day is today?三、Practice and consolidation1.After listening, answer the

6、 question:Its Parents Day today.Its Childrens Day. Its Teachers Day.Whats meaning of “Parents Day”?Practise, read and understand “Parents Day”.Theyre going to speak to Damings teacher.Practise, read and understand “speak”.We are Chinese. We speak Chinese. We also speak English.2. Listen and read, sh

7、ow three questions:Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt. Now we are in class. Are you naughty in class? Is he/she naughty in class? Practise in pairs. Is Daming lazy in class? No, he isnt.Practise, read and understand “lazy”. He works hard. Practise , read and spell“work”and“hard”, enlarge: Every

8、 day, we do our homework. And our parents do housework. Our parents are very tired. Lets help them. But first, we should work hard.Daming works hard. And his work is good.Practise the drill: His work is good.Then compare “work”in these two sentences.His work is good. Is Ms Smart happy with Daming?Wh

9、ats meaning of “happy with”? Read and understand.Yes, she is.3. Read the questions and answers together. Then circle the new words in the text.4.Show CAI, read the words:Parents Day, speak, work, hard, lazy, happy withLook and say quickly.Play a game: Words and numbers.5. I have another words , can

10、you read ? am is are6. Listen to the tape-recorder, and circle these words.Then try to underline the sentences with “am, is, are”.Am: Im happy with that.Is: Its Parents Day today.Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt.Hes a good boy.He isnt lazy.Thats good.And hes a clever boy ,too.His work is good

11、.Ms Smart is very happy with your work. Are: Were going to speak to your teacher.四、Task fulfilling and sum up1. Try to find these sentences in the text and read them by yourselves.2. Act out the text among groups.3. Ive got some new friends for you. Lets see them: Panda A is naughty. And Panda B is

12、lazy. Panda C works hard. And Panda D is clever.4. Play a game: Teacher says characters of pandas, children say Panda A/B/C/D. Teacher says Panda A/B/C/D, children say characters of pandas.5. Is he/she clever?Parrot is clever and helpful. But hes in trouble. Can you help him?(Match)1)Is Daming naugh

13、ty ? A. Yes, I am. 2)Are you helpful? B. No, he isnt.3)Is this dog clever? C. No, they arent.4)Are they loud in class? D. Yes, she is.5)Is Lingling good in class? E. Yes, it is.6. Talk about pupils in our class with the adjective words. Practise in fours, then say.五、Homework: Tell your performance at school to your parents. 板书设计 Module6 Unit 1 Parents Day speak work hard lazy happy with


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