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1、搜狐高一每日一测英语(5)(总分:100.0 考试时间:108分钟)学校_班级_准考证号_姓名_ 得分_ 一、语法单选: 本大题共15小题, 从第1小题到第15小题每题1.0分 小计15.0分; 共计15.0分。 1、The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.Ato eat notBeating notCnot to eatDnot eating2、She _ a Frenchman. She has _ him for three years.Amarried with, married withBmarried, marr

2、iedCmarried to, been marriedDmarried, been married to3、If you _ finished, Ill start clearing up.Amore or less haveBmore and less haveChave more or lessDhave more and less4、(NMET 2002) Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Sunday?Thank you. Id love to _ Ill be out of town at the weekend.

3、AbecauseBandCsoDbut5、Its a question of idiom rather than _ of grammar.AitBthatCisDone6、It is raining hard now.Oh, _!Aso it isBso is itCit is soDso it does7、Do you like the sweater?Yes, it _ very soft.AfeelsBis feelingCis feltDfelt8、My job today is _ all the flowers in the garden.AwaterBwateringCto w

4、aterDwatered9、Let us have a look at your book, _?Awill youBshall weCdont weDwould you10、(NMET 2002)The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.AbeginsBhaving begunCbeginningDbegun11、What would you like, sir?_ ,please.ATwo coffeeBTwo coffeesCTwo cup of coffeeDTwo cups of

5、coffees12、When they arrived at the village, it was raining _ harder.AevenBmoreCmanyDso13、Cindy doesnt look _ her mother, but she speaks _ her father does.Alike, likeBas, asClike, asDas, like14、Karl made some mistakes on the test, but the answers were _ right.Amore or lessBin one wordCnow and thenDon

6、ce in a while15、Do you know his difficulty he had _ five children at school?Ato keepBto have keptCkeepingDhaving kept二、词汇单选: 本大题共3小题, 从第16小题到第17小题每题3.0分 小计6.0分; 第18小题为4.0分; 共计10.0分。 1、She lives _, but she doesnt feel _.Aalone, aloneBlonely, lonelyCalone, lonelyDlonely, alone2、Let Harry play with you

7、r toys as well, Clare you must learn to _.AsupportBcareCspareDshare3、He likes being _, so he lives _ in an apartment.Aalone, lonelyBlonely, aloneCalone, aloneDlonely, lonely三、交际单选: 本大题共10小题, 从第19小题到第28小题每题1.0分 小计10.0分; 共计10.0分。 1、Im taking the exam tomorrow._.ACongratulationsBCome onCA wonderful tim

8、eDGood luck2、How are things going with you? _AQuite well, thank you.BGood. And you?CIts a pleasure.DDont ask me such a problem.3、Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Park?Sorry. Im a stranger here. Youd better ask the policeman over there._.AThank you all the sameBSee you laterCThats

9、rightDAll right4、I had a really good weekend at my uncles._.AOh, thats very nice of youBCongratulationsCIts a pleasureDOh, Im glad to hear that5、Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine. _.You look well, too.AGreatBThanksCOh, noDNot at all6、Have a nice holiday!Thank you. _.AI willBI think soCBest

10、 wishesDThe same to you7、Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me._.ANo thanksBIm glad you like itCPlease dont say soDI dont care8、Happy Spring Festival to you! _.AThats OKBThe same to youCExcuse meDYoure so kind9、_She is kind.AWhats the girl like?BHow do you like the girl?CWhat does the girl

11、 look like?DHow is the girl like?10、Im sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital._.AThats all rightBDont be sorry. Shell be well soonCIts nothingDIts very kind of you四、阅读理解: 本大题共6小题, 第29小题为4.0分; 从第30小题到第33小题每题6.0分 小计24.0分; 第34小题为7.0分; 共计35.0分。 1、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项Take thre

12、e basins. Fill the basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear (承受) with your hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap (自来水管).Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in

13、 the cold water. You will find that your right hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold. After twenty seconds move both your hands into the lukewarm(微温的) water. What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold. But both hands are in the same basin of water?1Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because _.Athey are in diffe


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