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1、有关外企面试英文自我介绍3篇 外企面试英文自我介绍篇1 god morng, ladiesd ntleme!i isreall my or to a thioppotnty o a ierviw. ihoicn ke a g prmnce toay. im confident at ican succeed nw i linrodc s rifly. i am6yers old,bon inshandongpvce. i gradate ro qingdao univesit. m mjor is elctoics. and i go my acheor dge aftr my raduati

2、 in the ar of02X. i spent mostmy tme otuy,n ve psed cet-6 ingmy unietyad iveacuird asicknwledge of my mjr.itis my l cherishedream toe anengir and am eagr t et an oppotuniyto full lymy abily.in july 02X, i egaworkng fr a smal prvate coany as a technal suort ngnee iqingdao city. beuse re was n more ch

3、ncefor me iveullpy t my talent, so decid to chngmy jo. andaugst202X,ilft f beijngnd orke or aforeign entepise as an autoatosoftaetest gineer. becaue i wanttohangmking envronment, ike o find a ob which smr calegingmoreover,ooolaisa obal cmpn, s i eei n gain a o from kinginthis indf company that is th

4、erason wy cm hrt ompteortis ositin. i thinkim a ood eam plaerand pon of reat onesty to othes. aso,i a bl towo undegreatpresure.i m onfident that i a qualified fr the ost f giner in yourompany. tat ll thak you for giinm the ne 外企面试英文自我介绍篇 s r dam, goodmning. i m a to e here frthsntrview.rt et meinodu

5、c mysel. aei*, *yers old. come from*,he cpital f*proice. igrduated from the* department *univity in* ,*.nthe ast* yasi aebee prreng for epostgruatexinaio whl have been techg *in o*midle chooan i wsahead-eacer f class n jnior adewoow lmharwork has otresut since hav a chane to e inteviwby yo . iam pen

6、-inded ,quick in thughandveryodof history.inmy spareim,ihve podintrsts le any otr younge.i like readin bos,espcly thosaot*.frequntly i exchange withoter peple by makingcommens in thefmo ine aiton ,dngm clege ears,i wa nc anet-bar tecnciao,i havacmparativ goo comnd o ntwrkappication.imae to peate the

7、 copterell. m skillfu inerchifor infortio in iret. afootbll fafryarsitalia tam is myfavo.ite.anyway, feelgeat pit fr ourtrys team. i always blievtone ll easil lagbehind nles h kees onearnng.of curse, ifi am given chan t work*in thi aocrraton,i willstare neffo t ergoomand dvane*. thanu! 外企面试英文自我介绍 篇

8、I am a third ar master mj in aomatin tSangh ioTongUnivity, P. R.China. ithtemendous intsin ndutrialEgineerin, a writing plyfor tnce n your h.D.graduaeprogrmn 1995, Inere the Nanjig Universiof Sice Technology (NUST) - widely considere on of he Cin bes enineerin school. Durin th fllowing udgradut tdy,

9、 my academic cords kpt ditinguishd amon the wh earment. I ws ganted First Class ri evry emese, and my overll GPA(89.5/10) rk N.1among 11 studntsn 999,I otthe pvilge o enter thegrauate progrmaived of theadmisiontst. elecedthe ShaghiJiao Tngiersity t cotinue m std f t best eptaion on Cobiatria Optiaon

10、 nd tork Scedling were yresear intest lies. he peo f my rdute study, y overll GPA(377/4) rank o5% inth department n the end emester, eae techer assisan thatis gien o alee and mature studt ny. is yar, I wn the Acercolarshi s heon a onlycadide inmydeartmn, which s the ultmteaccolde or dstingishd studn

11、tsendowed by my univrsityPresenty,I am preprigmygadati thesis an trying frte hoor ofEclent aaon hesis.Resach experiee a acaeiactivity,When sophor, oinedthe Associaon of A Enthsiast adbgan to narrw do iest fomy futurresac. I 1997, I aicipatd in simuain oo devlometfo thesedling sytem n Prof Wangs lab.

12、 Wt hetol of nGL and Matlab,I dignd a sution rga fo tnsoationschedulinstem. Itis now idely usd b difret rseah grups in NST In 1998, I asmed afulfied sewage nasis isposeproject for anjigw treatment plan. Ths asmy fit pcticeto convert a brory e t ommercia rot. I 199, Ijoi te disingushed rsorY-Gng isresarch grup imingat Ntwrklow problem ving ndHurisiclgrih eseah. Soon I wsengged in


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