《 Module 8 Unit1 》教学设计.docx

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1、 Module 8 Unit1 教学设计 执教者:大连市高新区中心小学 王丹教材分析:本课是五年级下英语第八单元第一课时,本课的重点是词汇Chinese和句型“Will you help me?”的运用。本课的难点是让学生在交流中能够灵活运用目标功能句给别人提出可行的建议。教学关键是通过教师创设的情境,让学生在真实语境中突破重难点,教学时主要采用TPR教学法,情境教学法,任务型教学法和小组合作教学法。This lesson is about Module 8 Unit 1“Will you help me?”of New Standard English, Book 10. This less

2、on is for the students of Grade Five.教学目标:Knowledge and skill(知识与技能):Students will be able to grasp and use these new words: Chinese, Students will be able to understand and master the meaning of the text. Students will learn the usage of“Will you help me?”Process and method(过程与方法):Students will be

3、able to master the new words according to the pictures and exercises.Students will be able to use the sentence patterns:“Will you help me?”“How about?”“I think.”Students can use the sentence pattern flexibly by interviewing in the real settings created by the teacher. Affective attitudes and values(

4、情感态度价值观):Students will be able to know the Chinese traditional arts and be proud of being a Chinese.教学重难点:Key Points(重点):Students will be able to master the new words:Chinese.and Students will be able to use the sentence patterns“Will you help me?”Difficulties(难点):Students will have difficulty in us

5、ing the pattern “Will you.?”to make the decision.Students can break through the key points and difficulties by group works and task completion.Teaching Methods(教法):Task based language teaching, communicative language teaching, situational language teaching and group cooperation.教学准备:Multimedia cours

6、eware, a glass of water教学过程:Warmer 1. Sing a song2. Greetings: The teacher and students say hello to each other, and free talk.T: Class begins, stand up. Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Teacher. T: The weekend is coming,Will you fly the kite ?Ss: Yes, I will.Ss:No,I wont.T: What will

7、you do?Ss:I will make a present to my mum.Because this weekend is Mothers Day.T:Its a good idea.Will you give your mother a present?Ss:Yes, We will.T: Ok, Look at the picture,The boy is making a present to his cat,Because tomorrow is the Cats birthday .3. Activity 1, watch and answer: Students watch

8、 activity 1 and answer questions.T: What present will the boy make for his cat? Ss: It is a paper fishT: Ok, Is the cat happy?Ss: No, it isnt.T:It wil not be a great present.A present should make people happy.Designing intentions:It aims to create the atmosphere for students to learn English and att

9、ract students interests of learning English.It also aims to tell students the text is about the present.Task-presentation 1. Title(write the title on the blackboard)2. Task presentation:Today we are going to learn a dialogue about a present , Because Mothers Day is coming, After leaning the text,Let

10、s suggest each other and make a present for my Mum.T: Now, lets learn the new lesson. Are you ready?Ss: Go.Designing intentions:It aims to let students know the task and help students get ready for the lesson. Text-learning 1. Watch and choose. What present will Daming take to Simon?(1) The teacher

11、will teach the word,“Chinese”.(write the key sentence structure on the blackboard)Practice1: Lets choose “Chinese or China” (ppt) 2. Listen , repeat and answer. (1)what are Fangfangs suggestions? (2)Who will help Daming to make the kite? (3)Will it be a great present? I will show the text on ppt fir

12、st. Then I will go through the questions .and point the useful pattern “ What about ? I think. .Will you.?”;the meaning of “will” and sum up the use of “will”.3. Read in roles.Students read in groups loudly and try pay attention to the tone.Practice:Choose “T/F”to the excercises.Design intention:It

13、aims to help students master and understand the main idea of the basic text. It also helps students learn the new words and consolidate the pronunciation and usage of new vocabulary. Practice 1. Pairs work:Students watch the PPT and make a dialogue with “will” which means a plan.2. Pairs work:To fin

14、d a helpful partner by some questions. This practice aimed to practice “will” which means desire.Design intention:It aims to help students break through the key points. It also aims to consolidate the functions of “ Will you.?” Task-completion 1. Make a present plan for Mothers Day, Students suggest

15、 in pairs and help each other to find a great present for mum then write down the plan.Design intention:It aims to let students cultivate the ability of summarizing and consolidate the usage of “How about? I think. Will you.?”when you suggest someone or express your desire. Summary and homework. From the blackboard writing, the teacher will help the students summarize what we learned and show the homework: 1. Recite the text correctly. 2. Finish the present plan . Module 8 Unit1教学反思本课的教学目标,知识与技能方


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