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1、 英语口语情景长对话带翻译 【篇一】英语口语情景长对话带翻译 Todd: OK. Kerys, we”re going to talk about high school. Um, what was high school like for you? 好的,Kerys,我们来谈谈高中的事儿。你的高中是什么样的? Kerys: It was a very interesting experience. I was in a high school in a, quite a run-down area. 那是段好玩的经受。我的高中在一个很破败的地区。 Todd: Oh, OK. 好的。 Kery

2、s: So it was the norm for girls to get pregnant at 14, leave school, and then come back at 16 and do their exams. 我的高中是那种会有14岁的女孩怀孕,然后离开学校,16岁再回来参与考试的学校。 Todd: Wow! 哇! Kerys: So it was quite unique. 所以说我的高中很特别。 Todd: At 14? 14岁? Kerys: At 14! Yeah. 是的,14岁。 Todd: Oh, my gosh. 我的天啊。 Kerys: So it was q

3、uite a strange environment to be in, for somebody who didn”t get pregnant and. 对于一个没有怀孕的人来说,那里是一个很怪异的环境。 Todd: Wow! Was it a rough neighborhood? 哇!有许多很难处的同学? Kerys: Yeah. 是的。 Todd: OK. 好的。 Kerys: Yeah. Yeah. 没错。 Todd: But did you have a good time? 但那时你过得好吗? Kerys: Yeah, I enjoyed myself. It was grea

4、t.you now as.I kept myself out of trouble. 是的,我过的挺好。我过得很好,你知道我始终不惹麻烦。 Todd: Wow. 哇。 Kerys: Which was hard. Cause everyone was getting into trouble, but yeah, it was fun. 这很难。由于每个人都有麻烦,但那很好玩。 Todd: Oh, OK. What do you remember most about high school? 好的。你在高中印象最深的是什么? Kerys: I remember that the school

5、 dinners were disgusting. 我记得学校的伙食很差。 Todd: OK. And did you get good grades in high school? 好的。你在高中的成绩很好吗? Kerys: Yeah. 是的。 Todd: OK, what was your favorite subject? 好的,你最喜爱的科目是什么? Kerys: My favorite subject was drama. 我最喜爱的科目是喜剧。 Todd: OK. Do you still act? 好的。你现在还表演吗? Kerys: No. 不了。 Todd: OK. Do y

6、ou still go to theatre? 好的,你还会去剧院吗? Kerys: Yeah! 固然! Todd: OK. 好的。 Kerys: To watch. 去看戏剧。 Todd: Just to watch. Great! Thanks a lot Kerys. 只是去看戏剧,好的!感谢你Kerys。 Kerys: No worries! 不客气。 【篇二】英语口语情景长对话带翻译 Todd: Tim, you want to talk about road trips! 蒂姆,你能谈谈自驾游吗? Tim: Yeah, I wanna talk about road trips.

7、Ah, me and my friends, when we were in high school we took a lot of road trips to lots of different places. 好的,我想谈谈自驾游。我和我的朋友在高中的时候自驾游去了许多地方。 Todd: OK. 好的。 Tim: We would go down to California, ah, sometimes Mexico. One time when I was living in Wyoming, in one weekend we drove from Wyoming, through

8、Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico and back in the same weekend. 我们去过加利福尼亚州,有时会去墨西哥。在我还住在怀俄明州的时候,有一次我们在一个周末内开车从怀俄明州,穿过科罗拉多州,新墨西哥州,墨西哥再回到怀俄明州。 Todd: Wow! Well, actually for people who are not familiar with the United States how far is that? 哇!有些人可能并不了解美国,这条路有多远? Tim: It”s a long way. I don”t know. It t

9、ook, I don”t know, it took probably about 15 hours one way. 这是一条很长的旅程。我不知道,也许单程花了15个小时。 Todd: Wow! 哇! Tim: So, thirty hours all together. But it was fun. We drove down to Mexico, had a good night a good meal, a little bit of drinks and drove back the next day. 总共30小时的车程。但很好玩。我们开车到墨西哥,吃了顿好的,喝了点儿酒,睡了个

10、好觉,其次天又开回来了。 Todd: So you went to Tijuana? 你们去了提华纳(墨西哥西北部城市)? Tim: No, we went to, ah, Ciudad Warez. 不,我们去的是Ciudad Warez。 Todd: OK. Nice. 好的,很棒。 Tim: That was really fun and a lot of other trips we took, ah, when I lived in Oregon, when we”d go down to California, and we”d surf. 那次真的很好玩,除此之外,我们的其他行程

11、也很好玩,我住在俄勒冈州的时候,我们自驾游去了加利福尼亚州,而且冲了浪。 Todd: Oh, really! 哦,真的! Tim: Yeah! 真的! Todd: Oh, you”re a surfer? 你会冲浪? Tim: A little bit, a little bit of surfer. 一点点,我会一点冲浪。 Todd: OK, What, what kind of car do you drive? What do you use for this road trip? 好的,你开的什么车?你们自驾游开的是什么车? Tim: Well, typical American, u

12、h a four-wheel drive vehicle, big vehicle.lots of gas but a lot of fun. 典型的美国货,四轮驱动汽车,大型车,耗油量大,但是很好的车。 Todd: Oh man, you”re from Oregon, you”re supposed to be a tree-hugger! 老兄,你来自俄勒冈州,你本应当是个环境爱护主义者! Tim: I know. I know. But there”re good. One rule we had on our road trips was any, any lake or big b

13、ody of water we had to stop and swim in. It was a good thing to do. 我知道。但那车真的很好。自驾游有一条规章就是,遇到湖泊或是积水很深的地方我们肯定会停车,在水里游一会儿。这么做感觉很棒。 Todd: Well, you live in Japan now. Do you ever do road trips in Japan? 你现在生活在日本。你在日本自驾游过吗? Tim: I took a road trip from Niigata up around Hokkaido and back, so it was a lo

14、ng road trip actually. 我曾驾车从新泻(日本本州岛中北岸港市)动身,到达北海道折返,那实际上也是一次长途自驾游。 Todd: OK. Wow! What”s the difference between a road trip in Japan and a road trip in America? 好的。哇!在日本自驾游和在美国自驾游的区分是什么? Tim: Well, a road trip in Japan.it”s a little bit more dificult to get around, it”s a little bit more expensive, ah, in America road triping is



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