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1、Units 1-6八年级上学期词语解释与延伸1. wheel n 轮子 a water wheel 水车 the wheel of history 历史车轮 wheel chair 轮椅wheelbarrow 手推车(1) It has two wheels and you ride it.它有两个轮子,你可以骑它。(2) Theres something wrong with a wheel .The car doesnt move.一个轮子坏了,车子不动了。(3)I dont think the wheel of history will stop making a circle fore

2、ver.我认为历史的车轮永远不会停止转动的。(4)I had to buy a wheelchair for my father because of his illness.由于父亲的疾病,我得给他买个轮椅。2.use v 用,使用,利用-used (1) Can you tell me how to use the mobile phone? 请问如何使用手机?(2)May I use your bike?-Certainly, Its over there.我可以用一用你的自得车吗?当然可以,在那边呢。* use sth. to do sth 用干(3) He uses a lift t

3、o go up and down every day. 他每天用电梯上下楼。(3) He used the knife to cut the apple. 他用刀切了那个苹果。3.cheese n 干酪,奶酪 make cheese 做奶酪(1) You use this to make cheese and you can drink it.你用这个可以做奶酪,然后可以喝它。(2) What would he like?-Hed like a cheese sandwich. 他想要什么?他想要个干酪三明治。4.sick adj 不适的,患病的 be ill=be sick 生病 feel

4、sick 感觉恶心 fall sick=be ill =be sick生病 the sick=sick people 病人们 the old 老年人 the young 年轻人 the rich 有钱人 the poor穷人(1) Jane is taking care of her sick mother.珍妮在照看她生病的母亲。(2) His mother was ill in bed with a cold .他母亲因患感冒而卧床。(3) The boy always feels sick when he travels by car. 那个男孩做汽车旅行总是晕车。(4) He didn

5、t go to school yesterday because he was ill. 昨天他没上学因为病了。5.before conj prep 在、以前(1) Please come before ten oclock .请十点钟前来。(2) He sat just before me .他坐在我面前。(3) Where did your brother study before he went to college? 你上大学前在哪学习?6. begin beginning began begin to do sth begin doing sth 开始做某事(1) When did

6、you begin to learn English?- Two years ago.你是什么时候开始学英语的?两年前。(2) Classes begin at eight and school is over at four thirty in the afternoon.八点开始上课.下午四点半放学。7. begin with 从、开始 end with 以、结束(1) Our class meeting began with a song and ended with a short play.我们班会是以了首歌开始,以一个短剧结束的。(2) The concert began with

7、 a piano solo . 音乐会以一首钢琴独奏曲开始的。8.between prep 两者之间 between、and 、 两者之间(1) He sits between you and me.他坐在你我之间。(2) There is a railway between the two cities. 这两座城市之间有一条铁路。(3) There is no difference between them.他们之间没有区别。8. swimming pool 游泳池(1) The swimming pool isnt open today because theyre making rep

8、airs. 游泳池今天不开门因为他们在搞修理。(2) You cant swim in the swimming pool because its too dangerous.你不能在这个游泳池游泳因为太危险。9. excited adj 激动的(主语指人) get/ become excited 兴奋起来 be excited about 对、感到兴奋 be excited by 看到或听到、而感到兴奋 exciting adj 令人兴奋的,激动的(主语指物)(1) All of us are excited to hear/ by the good news. 听到这好消息我们大家都兴奋。

9、(2)We were excited when we saw the short play. 当我们看到这个短剧很兴奋的。(3) Its nothing to get excited about.没有什么可以激动。(4) This movie is as exciting as that one . 这部电影和那部一样令人激动。10.Harbin 哈尔滨(1) There will be windy to the north of Harbin. 哈尔滨以北有风。(2) Harbin is a beautiful place to travel .哈尔滨是旅游的好地方。11. fast adj

10、 adv 快的, 迅速的,-faster-fastest(1) He doesnt run so fast as me .他跑得不如我快。(2) Does a car go faster than a train? 汽车与火车走得一样快吗?(3) He runs faster than any other boy in his class. 他跑得比他班任何一个男孩都快。12.pasenger n 乘客, 旅客(1) The driver told the passengers to take good care of their things.司机告诉乘客照顾好他们的物品。(2) Buses

11、 arent popular because they have too many passengers.汽车不受欢迎因为有太多的乘客。13. safety n 安全,平安-safe carry sb. to safety 把某人抱到安全的地方(1) He ran to the boy and carried to safety. 他朝那个男孩跑过去并把他抱到安全的地方。(3) Some students like cars because they are safer than bikes.有些学生喜欢汽因为比自行车安全。14 among prep 在、当中(三者或者三者以上)(1) That book is the best among the modern novels. 那本书是现代小说中最好的。(2) Among some students ,math is very popular. 在一些学生中,数学是很受欢迎。(3) I saw a wolf in skin among the sheep. 我看见狼在羊群中。


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