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1、9A Unit 1 教学设计【Reading A 】Step 1 GreetingGreet the students as usual. At the same time, wave your hand. Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures on PPT. l Ask : What kind of language are they using?Give some examples: He means “Yes” by nodding his head. They mean “No” by shaking their heads. l Answe

2、r: They are using body language.(肢体语言)2. Ask : What is “body language?” the gestures (手势,姿势) the expression on your face3. Lead in the topic of this lesson : body language4. Teach the new words of Reading A Step 3 While-reading l Reading Task 1 1. Talk about the picture on Page 2. Ask Ss to read the

3、 article quickly and find out the answers to the following questions.1) Where does the story take place?In the office. / At a travel agency(旅行社).2) Who are the people sitting down? Who is standing?Debbie and Simon are sitting down. Chris is standing.3) Which person looks the most friendly? Why? Debb

4、ie. Because she is2. Can you describe Debbies / Simons body language? head eyes smile or notl Reading Task 2 Read and finish the form DebbieSimon Head EyesSmile or not l Reading Task 3 Read the article again and finish the exs of A3 and A4Check the answers : A 3: senior, Debbie, communicate, Body, i

5、mpression, improveA 4: a - 4, b - 2, c - 6, d - 1, e - 7, f - 3, g - 5Step 4 Post- readingLearn the language points 1. Debbie and Simon are college students (大学生). They have part-time jobs (兼职工作) at a travel agency (旅行社).2. Debbie greeted (与打招呼) her cheerfully (高兴地).3. Simon sighed (叹气) and took som

6、e papers over to the fax (传真机).4. Customers always prefer Debbie to me.客户们总是喜欢她多过喜欢 我。Prefer to 喜欢胜过于5. She holds her head up. (抬起) 6. Thats why they go to her for help. go to sb. for help 找某人帮忙7. at once 立刻;马上8. She came to remind (提醒) me that tomorrow is her birthday.9.请同学们找找文章当中出现的含动名词句子: Communi

7、cating is not just speaking.She smiles before speaking to them.Without hesitating she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. Step 5 Summary Revise the phrases : body language part-time job prefer to hold up go to sb for help at once Step 6 Exercise Fill in the blanks according to the text. Debbie a

8、nd Simmon are _ students. They have _ jobs at travel ageney. One day, an old lay entered their office. Debbie greeted her _. Simonsighted and took some papers over to the _ machine. He didnt know why the people _ Debbie _ him. Then, Chris, a senior member of staff told him. _ is not just speaking. B

9、ody language is very important. Simon often rest his head _ his hand andnever smile. The way he looked at people didnt give them a good _. But Debbie held head up. She smiled before _ to the people . Thats why the peolego toher for help and not Simon. Answers: college, part-time, cheerfully, fax, pr

10、efer, to, Communicating, on, impression, speakingStep 7 Production Students work in groups to discuss what you should do when you have a job to greet the customers. Ask some to present their answers.Step 8 Homework【Reading B 】Step 1 Greeting and warming up1. Greet the students as usual. 2. Talk abou

11、t something happened these days with students , making eye contact with them. Step 2 Pre-reading Show some pictures on PPT and lead in “Eye contact”1. Our eyes can talk.2. When we talk to someone, we should make eye contact with the person. (与某人目光接触)Step 3 While-reading l Reading Task 1 Read the art

12、icle very fast and find out some sentences which describe “Eye contact”:Give some tips if necessary. form . key show mean Check the answers: Eye contact is one of the most impaortant forms of body language. Eye contact can be the key to successful communication. Eye contact can show if a person is f

13、riendly or unfriendly Eye contact can mean different things in different cultures.l Reading Task 2 Read and finish B21. What can eye contact be the key to successful communication? Because it can show if a person is friendly or unfriendly, intrerested or bored, and clear or confused.2. Why is eye co

14、ntact important in Western cultures?Because a westerner might cinsider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest.3. In which countries is eye contact frequent between speakers? In Spain, Italy and Greece. 4. What do people in many Asian cultures do when they talk with anyone in authority or with e

15、lders? Why do they do so ? They often avoid eye contact to show respect to them. 5. What kind of eye contact is considered rude?Staring at others is considered rude.Step 4 Post- readingLearn the language points 1. When we talk to someone, we should make eye contact with the person.(与某人目光接触)2. It can be the key to successful communication. the key



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