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1、英语隐喻句隐喻的定义和本质凡谓语动词与主语和/或宾语/补语之间的关系同客观现实中运动方式与主体和/或客体/属性之间的关系不相一致的句子,概为隐喻句。“及物性”系统的八大过程:1物质过程表达无生命的物质实体的运动或对另一个无生命物质实体的作用(无生命主体作用于无生命客体)。物质过程通常由基本句型SV和SVO表示。如:The glass broke. SV(主谓)The fire destroyed everything. SVO(主谓宾)2抽象实体过程表达的是无生命的抽象实体的发生(无生命主体发生行为)。抽象实体过程通常由基本句型SV表示。如:When did the accident happ

2、en? SV(主谓)His death occurred the following year. SV(主谓)3感官过程:表示生命体对无生命或有生命物质实体的感官知觉和感情的过程(都是以人充当主语)。感官过程通常由基本句型SV、SVO和SVOC表示。Jill cant see. SV(主谓)I couldnt hear anything. SVO(主谓宾)I saw the boat turning. SVOC(主谓宾补)4行为过程:表达生命体的行为和作为的过程(以生命体为主语的行为过程)。行为过程通常由基本句型SV、SVO和SVIO表示。We all laughed. SVThe lion

3、caught the tourist. SVOHe painted John a picture. SVIO5思维过程:表示人类个体或集体的思考、想象、设想、认定、信仰等思维活动的过程(以生命体为主语的思维过程,动词都是思维类的)。思维过程通常由基本句型SVO表示。You can imagine his reaction. SVONo one believed his story. SVOHe conceived a bold plan for escape. SVO6言语过程:表示人类个体或集体言语行为的过程(以生命体为主语的言语过程,动词都是言语类的)。言语过程通常由基本句型SVO和SVI

4、O表示。He can speak several languages. SVOI told him my name. SVIOJohn said that he was hungry. SVOHe claimed to be the right heir.7关系过程:一是表示各类物质实体的归属关系,二是表示各类物质实体的身份,三是对事物的属性或各事物之间的关系加以客观描述或作出判断(主语是具体的人和物,以及抽象的概念)。关系过程通常由基本句型SVC(主系表结构)或have-sentence表示。She is a pretty girl.It is a little village.Peter

5、has a piano.Tom is the leader.Beijing is the capital of China.Peers is the piano.The village is on a mountain.The sky is blue.Her cheeks are rosy.8存在过程:表示各类有生命和无生命的事物实体的存在的过程。存在过程由基本句型there-be表示,存在句后面还可以再加补语。如:There is a book on the table.There is a man coming.隐喻句的类型:1主语动词2动词宾语3主语动词宾语4主语动词补语5存在过程1主语

6、动词该类型隐喻句可以在物质过程、感官过程、行为过程、思维过程或言语过程中形成。1)物质过程:物质过程表达无生命的物质实体的运动或对另一个无生命物质实体的作用。Leaves have fallen to the ground.(一致)The temperature has fallen to 26 below zero.(抽象实体,而不是物质实体,不一致,故是隐喻句)树叶已经落到地面上了。气温已经降到零下26度。The snow soon melted away. (一致)His followers melted away at the first sight of danger.(隐喻句,有生

7、命实体,不一致)His followers left him at the first sight of danger.这场雪很快融化了。一看到危险,他的追随者全都四散而去。一看到危险,他的追随者全都离他而去。Not an apple fell from the tree.Not a word fell from his lips. (抽象实体,不是具体的物质实体,便是隐喻句)He did not say a word.树上的苹果一个也没有坠落。他一言不发。他一句话也不说。The spot of water evaporated in the sun.His anger evaporated.

8、 (抽象实体,不是所蒸发的实体,便是隐喻句)He was no longer angry.水滴在阳光下蒸发掉了。他的气消了。他不再生气了。A boat floated on the river.Leaves floated down from the tree.Leaves fell down from the tree.(无生命实体可以分为若干类,它们运动的方式或作用方式也不同。将甲发出的动作用在乙身上,转成隐喻句。)一叶小舟在河上漂流。树叶从树上飘落下来。2)感官过程: 感官过程至少必须有一个参与者,叫“感知者”。这个“感知者”必须是个生命体,特别是人。如果这个“感知者”不是一个生命体,那

9、该句就必然是个隐喻句。(就是说,谓语动词是有生命体发出的,而主语则是无生命的主体)如:I witnessed a gang of hoodlums steal the wallet of a tourist.This field witnessed a battle.(隐喻句)A battle happened in this field.我亲眼看见一伙流氓扒窃了一位游客的钱包。这片土地打过一次仗。I saw my father climb up the platform.Every day sees New China growing stronger day buy day. (隐喻句)N

10、ew China is growing stronger and stronger day by day. 我看见父亲爬上了月台。新中国一天比一天强大。3)行为过程:行为过程是一种表达生命体的行为和作为的过程。行为过程必须有一个行为主体,即“行为者”。行为者必须是一个生命体,特别是人类个体。如果一个行为过程主体不是一个生命体,而是非生命体,那这个句子必定是个隐喻句。A lone gull flew in the sky.The train flew past the station.The train moved past the station rapidly.一只孤零零的海鸥在天空中飞翔。

11、一列火车飞也似的通过了车站。The doctor visited Beijing last year.A plague visited London in 1665.A plague happened in London in 1665.那位医生去年去了一趟北京。1665年,一场瘟疫降临伦敦。He came into my room.A wonderful sight came into Marys view.Mary saw something wonderful.他进了我的房间。一片奇妙的景象进入玛丽的眼帘。玛丽看见一片奇妙的景象。She came to me at once.A good

12、 idea came to Marys mind.Mary thought of a good idea.她马上来到了我的身边。玛丽想到了一个好主意。We went to France for our holidays.The infection went round the whole city.The infection spread over the whole city.我们到法国去度假。这种传染病在全市蔓延开来。A child stood near the door.A bed stood near the wall.There was a bed near the wall.一个小

13、孩站在门口。靠墙有一张床。A bird flew in the sky.He flew to tell them the news.(语义特征)He ran to tell them the news.一只鸟飞过天空。他飞跑过去,把消息告诉他们。4)思维过程:思维过程是一种表示人类个体或集体的思考、想象、设想、认定、信仰等思维活动的过程。思维过程的主体是人类个体或集体。任何事物一经拟人化,当然就可以思维了。He does not agree with his father.My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.(隐喻句)I

14、 understand the word differently from yours.他和父亲意见不一致。我对这个词的理解和你不一致。Tom thought the book worth publication.A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. (隐喻句)汤姆觉得那本书值的出版。懒惰的绵羊总觉得自己身上的羊毛太重。I agree with you.The story agrees with the facts.The story is in accordance with the facts. (隐喻句)我同意你的意见。报道与事实相一致。5)言语过程:言

15、语过程是一种表示人类个体或集体言语行为的过程。任何事物都能够发出信息,因此,任何事物都可以通过拟人化途径而发言。She said a few words.The clock says twelve. (隐喻句)The clock strikes twelve.We spoke about the need of economy.The book speaks about the writers childhood. (隐喻句)The book is about the writers childhood.I will tell you if Ill go or not.Time will tell if we have been successful. (隐喻句)We will know if we have been succe


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