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1、 My Family 教学设计一 教学目标:(一) 知识目标 (1)学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写以下词汇:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, parents, uncle,aunt,cousin. (2)学生能运用“How many people are there in your family?”“Who are they?”“What does” “What”等句型来询问他人的家庭情况和介绍自己的家庭情况。(二)能力目标 通过学习本课,学生能够掌握家庭之间的人物关系,并

2、且能用英语向他人详细地介绍自己的家庭成员。(三)情感目标 让学生体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于表达,培养他们的学习兴趣,发展其综合语言运用能力。同时热爱自己的家庭,热爱自己的父母。二 教学重、难点:(1)掌握“grandfather”、“grandmother”、“grandparent”的正确读音。 (2)学生能够灵活的使用这些句型来描述家庭成员 “Who is /are .?” “Is she/he .?” “Are they.?” “What does” “What”等。(3)学生能学会用完整的篇章来描述某个家庭。三、教学过程:Step一 Warmin

3、g up1. Greetings. 2. Play a game to review the words. 3. Sing a songI Love my familyand introduce the topic “My family”. 4. Free talk: T:Do you love your family? Why? How many people are there in your family? Step 二 Presentation 1. T Shows some pictures and asks Ss to guess how many people are there

4、 in each family?(多媒体课件展示葫芦娃、天线宝宝、奥运福娃的部分成员,学生猜家庭成员的人数) T lays out the sentence structures: How many people are there in this/his/her family? There are .people in this/his/her family. 2. T: Today I want to share a story about two families with you. (T shows a picture of Xiao Huihui小灰灰) Lets go to his

5、 house and meet his family.Here are two questions for you:(1) How many people are there in his family?(2) Who are they?3. 教师通过展示小灰灰自己介绍家庭成员的图片,和学生一起复习单词:father、mother、parents、uncle、aunt、cousin等。 练习句型:They are my parents. This is my. 4、 看完小灰灰的家庭成员后,教师引导学生回到故事开头的问题。(1)How many people are there in his

6、family? (2)Who are they?引导学生说出答案后将sentence structure: Who are they? They are.板书在黑板上。 5、教师接着讲故事。 T:Background: One day ,Xiao Huihui is playing on the grass.Suddenly,a gust of wind blows and it takes Xiao Huihui away.He is scared and sad.Then a secret person appears.It is Piggy Paige.They play togethe

7、r and become good friends.Paige invites Xiao Huihui to her family. 教师展示小猪佩奇邀请小灰灰到她家参观的图片,通过小灰灰询问小猪佩奇的家庭成员来操练句型: Who is he/she? She/He is. What does he/she do? He/She is a. Is she/he your.? Yes,she/he is. No, she/he isnt. What does he/she like? He/She likes. Do you love your family? Yes , I do. Why?

8、Because.Step 三 Practice 1.小灰灰掉落在佩奇的星球很久很久了,他很思念自己的家人。同学们需要闯过以下关卡得到魔法后来帮助小灰灰回到他的家庭。 2.True or false.教师给出几道关于小灰灰和佩奇家庭成员的信息的题目,学生判断对错并再次复述关于家庭成员的句子。 3.T gives a passage about Paiges family.Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.4.任务卡活动。教师出示PPT图片,小灰灰和佩奇给大家三张任务卡,在每张任务卡上有一些提示,学生根据图片提示至少运用不少于5句话来描述图片

9、上的人。(此处为groupwork,每个小组挑代表发言)Step四 Production 1.T:Thanks for your help,XiaoHuihui gets the magic and go back to his planet.He writes a letter to you. Its a letter about his family and he wants to make friends with you.学生根据这封信以小组为单位来填写小灰灰成员的表格。 2.学生自己写一封信给小灰灰介绍自己的家庭成员。教师在PPT上给出一定的参考模板。 3.Summary: (1) T shares some meaningful sentences about family with students. (2) Homework: draw a family tree about your family and beside it write more than seven sentences to describe your family.板书设计: Unit 1 My family There are.people in my family. This is. He is. He is a .He likes.


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