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1、动词的语态语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。1)若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加to。此类动词为感官动词。feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watchThe teacher made me go out of the classroom.I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher).We saw him play football on the

2、playground.He was seen to play football on the playground.2)情态动词+ be +过去分词,构成被动语态。 Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.let 的用法 1)当let后只有一个单音节动词,变被动语态时,可用不带to 的不定式。 They let the strange go.- The strange was let go.2) 若let 后宾补较长时,let 通常不用被动语态,而用allow或permit 代替。The nurs

3、e let me go to see my classmate in the hospital.- I was allowed / permitted to see my classmate in the hospital.短语动词的被动语态 短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。This is a photo of the power station that has been set up in my hometown.My sister will be taken care of by Grandma.Such a thing has never been heard of be

4、fore.表示据说或相信 的词组 believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, suppose, think, understandIt is said that 据说It is reported that 据报道It is believed that大家相信It is hoped that大家希望It is well known that 众所周知It is thought that大家认为It is suggested that据建议It is taken granted that 被视为当然It has been

5、 decided that 大家决定It must be remember that务必记住的是It is said that she will leave for Wuhan on Tuesday.主动形式表示被动意义 1)wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell, driveThe book sells well.这本书销路好。This knife cuts easily. 这刀子很好用。2)blame, let(出租), remain, keep, rent, buildI

6、was to blame for the accident.Much work remains.3) 在need, require, want, worth (形容词), deserve后的动名词必须用主动形式。The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired.This room needs cleaning. 这房间应该打扫一下。This book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。4) 特殊结构:make sb. heard / understood (使别人能听见/理解自己),have sth. done (

7、 要某人做某事)。被动形式表示主动意义 be determined, be pleased, be graduated (from), be finished, be prepared (for), be occupied (in), get marriesHe is graduated from a famous university.他毕业于一所有名的大学。注意: 表示同某人结婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb. 都可。He married a rich girl.He got married to a rich girl.被动语态的用法英语中的被动语态使用得比

8、汉语要多,要普遍,许多课本乃至实际应用中都常常涉及到这个问题。一般说来,当强调动作承受者,不必说出执行者或含糊不清的执行者时,多用被动式。须注意的是,许多地方与汉语不同。注意那些汉语中没有被的意思,英语却用被动态。还要注意,英语的被动态往往由by引出,而有用介词by的短语往往又不是被动态,而是系表结构。还有些特殊现象,如known to man(人类.所知),on foot步行(美国人有时用by foot),in carraige(乘四轮马车)等等。还有假主动,真被动的十几个常用词的用法,以及so heavy to carry而不用so heavy to be carried等习惯用法。有关这

9、类情况,做到心中有数对全面掌握被动态,准确无误地解答习题非常关键,被动态必须涉及的是动词的各种时态变化的问题。英语的时态本来很复杂,怎样记住各自的被动形式呢? 首先要明确将来进行无被动,现在完成进行。这两种时态无被动形式。 另外,不及物动词带有同源宾语的动词,反身代词的动词和系动词都无被动形式。即便如此,还有不定式,动名词,分词,以及它们的复合结构)的被动态,再加上情态动词,助动词以及它们的疑问式和否定式从中掺杂,真是令人头痛,眼花缭乱。下面口诀就以动词do为例,即do did过去式done过去分词,以口诀形式总结各种时态的被动态,一定对你有所启示。 被动语态(一般现在时)主动语态变被动语态时

10、,主动语态句中的宾语变成被动语态句中的主语,主动语态句中的主语成为被动语态句中的动作的发出者。被动语态的口诀 一般现、过用be done,be有人称、时、数变。 完成时态have(has) done,被动将been加中间。 一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done。 将来进行无被动,shall (will) be doing, 现在完成进行同,have (has) been doing。 现、过进行be doing, 被动be加being done。 情、助、有、是妥安排,一律随新主语变。 否定助后加not,疑问一助置主前。 主语恰是疑问词,直陈语序主在前。 一般情助

11、加be done,双宾多将间宾变。 复合宾语宾变主,宾补、主补相应变。 第二句be有人称、时、数变即be有人称、时态和单、复数的变化。情助是指情态动词和助动词must,may,can,shall,will等一律随新主语(多是主动句中的宾语)来变化。疑问一助置主前是说有两个助动词的话,应把主语放在第一助动词之后或把第一助动词置于主语之前。下面详细举例说明之。 一般现、过用be done, be有人称、时、数变 例:、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome. 被动:The foreign guests were given a

12、warm welcome by the children. 孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。 、主动:People regard him as brilliant. 被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people. 人们认为他很有才华。 以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以be done就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的be done就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了。 被动:This spee

13、ch was delivered by comrade Wang. (was delivered即一般过去时的被动态) 这篇讲演是王的发言。不用被动语态的情况 1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态:appear, die disappear, end (vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, standbreak out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place.After the fire, very little remained of m

14、y house.比较: rise, fall, happen是不及物动词;raise, seat是及物动词。(错) The price has been risen.(对) The price has risen.(错) The accident was happened last week.(对) The accident happened last week.(错) The price has raised.(对) The price has been raised.(错) Please seat.(对) Please be seated.要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。 2) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong toThis key just



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