《It’s warm today》教学设计.doc

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1、Its warm today教学设计一、教学目标 1、全体学生能理解词汇warm,hot,cool,cold,sunny,rain,windy和snow.2、全体学生能学会运用Its cold in winter. We play in the snow in winter这种句型来描述季节,天气以及人们在不同季节所从事的活动。3、学生能在实际生活中运用这些句型介绍自己喜爱的季节,积极运用自己所学会的知识进行表达和交流。4、学生在学习的过程中,能提高自己的学习能力和语言综合运用能力,并且在此过程中,能培养自己的团队合作能力并意识到团队合作的重要性。二、学情分析 本节课授课的对象是三年级的学生,

2、虽然已经学习英语有一学期了,但是对英语的学习兴趣依然浓厚,并且,通过上学期的学习,他们已经有了一定的英语基础,会用英语进行一些简单的对话。根据学生的这些特点,在教学中充分调动他们的积极性,设计一系列课堂教学活动,让学生在亲身体验、探索、实践中掌握知识,并通过这些活动完成学习任务。同时,也让他们在课堂上有机会展示自己,让他们在轻松的学习氛围中,学会知识,找到自信。三、学习重点 1、学生须掌握词汇:warm/hot/cool/cold/sunny/rain/windy/snow.2、学生会初步运用句型:Its+adj.+in+seasons.I/We+activities.E.g.:Its war

3、m in spring.I fly a kite in spring.四、学习难点学生能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型于他们的日常生活中。五、教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Step1 1.Warm-up1)Song: “Rain,Rain,Go away”2)GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mrs Zeng.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And how are you?T: Im fine too, thank you.2.ReviewingRevie

4、w the words : warm/ hot/ cool/ cold.Review the sentences they have learnt in last class. e.g.: Its spring. Its warm in spring. We fly kitesin spring.活动2【讲授】Step2Listen,pointandsay. 1presentationa.Playthevideoofpart1.Students should watch and listen to it carefully.b.The teacher shows the pictures of

5、 Harbin and Sanya. Then doAsk and Answeractivities.(教师课件出示哈尔滨和三亚的图片,学生仔细观察两幅图。老师由“How do you feel in Harbin/Sanya?”和“What do you do in these two places in winter?”两个问题使学生了解哈尔滨和三亚两个地方冬天气候的不同和引入单词“play in the snow”、“go swimming”。)c.Watch the video again,theteacherandthestudentsdescribetheHarbinandSany

6、atogether.(再次观看视频,老师引导学生说句子。此时,老师可以边引导边带入动作。)2.practicea. say the sentences together.(老师引导,全班同学边做动作边练习说句子。)b. group reading.(小组练习)c. watch the video again, imitate the pronunciations.(模仿发音,部分同学起来进行个人展示。)活动3【讲授】Step3Listenandsay 1.presentationA The teacher shows the cards of rain,sunny,windy,snow.(教师

7、以PPT和卡片的形式展示新单词,并以大小声,打电话等有趣的形式练习新单词。)b.The teacher play the video of this part to the students, the students learn the new sentences one picture by one picture.(观看视频,老师引导学生说句子。老师在此时可以带入动作教学。)2practiceA read all together.(全班共同练习。)B boys and girls/groups(男生女生对抗赛或者小组对抗赛)C individual practicing(个人展示)D

8、imitate the pronunciations.(跟读视频,模仿发音。)活动4【练习】Step4Think,say,playandsing a.theteachershowsmanypicturesandthestudentspractisethesentencesaccordingtothepictures.(教师PPT展示一些不同季节人所从事的不同活动,例如fly kites,go swimming,play football等。学生根据图片说句子。)b.Play the gamemake funny sentences.(教师准备三个盒子,一个盒子装入季节单词,一个盒子装入气候单词

9、,最后一个盒子装入相关活动单词。老师每次选三名学生上台从盒子里抽取单词卡片,并用所抽到的单词组合起来说句子。)c. Watch and listen to the video, and follow it to sing the song.(学生边看边跟唱。)活动5【讲授】step5Listen,repeatandtrace. a. the teacher shows the alphabet of Oo.The teacher teaches the pronunciation of Oo and how they write Oo.b. the students follow the te

10、acher to practice reading Oo in different ways and trace the Oo by themselves.(老师以不同的方式引导学生练习“Oo”的读音。)c. the teacher shows the card orange and tell the students O is for orange.d. the alphabets of Pp“ and Qq will be taught in the same way.活动6【活动】Step6project The teacher divides the students in groups of 3. The students will talk about their favourite season in groups. Then some of them will come to the front to talk about their favourite seasons.活动7【作业】Step7homework Introduce your favourite season to your friends and family members in English.


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