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1、中学英语教研能力训练作业要求及格式友情提示:黑色和红色字体为作业要求,请认真阅读。亮蓝色高光字体为范例,仅供参考。祝顺利杨涛2012/9/26 1. For each member in the group (Page 1-4): 1) Your teaching problem, 2) Research topic, 3) Research question, 4) Evaluation of importance, 5) Evaluation of feasibility. 2 For the chief researcher (Research question, Page 5) 1)

2、Your groups research question, 2) Specific questions, 3) Key words, 4) Variable classification, 5) A formula to illustrate the relationship of your variables 3 For the group members (Literature review, Page 6- ?) 1) Related and your definitions for the variables (Dependent & Independent, at least 2

3、related definitions for each variables, both from foreign researchers) in the current research & references (Group member A), Related Definitions of Dependent VariableL2 Learning Motivation No. Name & Year Definition Page Comment 1 Gardner (2005) 二语学习者的动机倾向决定了他们的学习努力程度,进而影响其学习效果。动机倾向由学习者对二语学习环境的态度、工

4、具性动机倾向和融入性动机倾向构成。(见图1) 6 A:维度清晰,方便测量。 D: 只关注学习开始,对过程关注不足。 2 Drnyei & Otto (1998) 二语动机过程模型。该模型主要由行动序列(动机功能)和动机影响因素两个维度内容构成。学习行动过程被划分为行动前阶段、行动中阶段和行动后阶段。不同的行动阶段中,动机的功能不同,发生作用的动机影响因素也不相同。(见图2)43-44 A:过程完整,符合学习实际。D:测量复杂,缺少匹配工具。 Reference:Drnyei, Z., & Otto, I. (1998). Motivation in action: A process mode

5、l of L2 motivation. Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 4, 43-69. Gardner, R. C. (2005). Integrative motivation and second language acquisition. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics/Canadian Linguistics Association Joint Plenary Talk. 2) Related and your theoretical

6、basis for the thesis statement & References (Group member B), (At least 1, from foreign researchers)Related Theoretical Basis for the Current ResearchNo. Name & Year Theoretical BasisPage Comment 1 Reference: 3) Your comments to the related researches & References (Group member C), (At least 3, 2 fr

7、om foreign researchers, 1 from Chinese researcher)。Related Empirical ResearchesNo. Name & Year Subject Duration Method Instrument Result Page Comment 1 张双祥(2011) 非英语专业大二学生,33(实验)+30(控制) 18周 实验,调查(问卷+访谈) 两种反馈方式,自编问卷 1. 同伴反馈的学生接受程度好,2.两种反馈效果相近,3.叠加使用效果更好 114 A:实验信度高 D: 研究对象有局限,与本研究差异大。研究结果中只有可接受度一项与本研究相关度较高。 2 A: D: Reference:张双祥,(2011),大学英语写作教学中两种反馈的实证比较研究,惠州学院学报,4:113-117。


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