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1、五年级上册英语试卷班级: 姓名: 成绩: 命题人:张亮一补全单词(15分)smat houseork Snday prinipal frsh flwer montain pcture bilding helpul Th_rsday v_llage t_morrow of_ten yo_ng 二英汉互译(10分) empty the trash 收拾衣服 play the computer games 读书 do housework 空调 put away the clothes 打扫卧室 water the flowers 做饭三连一连 (10分) do set play sweep clea

2、nfootball the kitchen the table homework the floor四单项选择(20分)1.What _ you like for lunch? A. could B. can C. would2.I have eggplant and potatoes for lunch. What _ you? A. about B. for C. for3.Where is the airconditioner? Its over there , _the wall.A. on B. in C. by4.Where are the birds? Theyre_ the t

3、ree. A. at B. behind C. in 5.Whats Mr Zhao like?_? A. He is thin and short B. He is form a big city. C. He is my teacher6.Who is that woman? _. A. She is my mother B. She is smart and funny C. She is a teacher7.Our principal is strict, but_. A. she is very thin B. she is very old C. she is very kind

4、8.Grandfather is_ father. A. fathers B. my C. shes D. my sisters9.Can I have_ orange? A. a B. an C.10.The giraffe has a_ neck. A. short B. small C. long五从下面四个选项中选出不同类的单词,写在前面的括号里(10分)1. city village house building2. river flower grass lake3. air sky tree chess4. who where white what六从以下选项中选出所给句子的正确答

5、语(10分)1. Is there a mountain near the village?2. What can you do?3. Where is the sofa?4. What would you like for lunch?5. Are you helpful at home?A. Its near the closet.B. Yes, I am.C. I can water the flowers.D. No, there isnt.E. Id like some fish and eggplant.七连词成句(15分)1. a I have like try would to

6、._.2. is mirror where the_?3. like your whats bedroom _?4. you helpful are home at_?5. favourite is my food eggplant_.八 情景交际(10分)1Is this your room? _.A. Yes, it is B. This is your room C.This is Mr Wang2.Where are my shoes?_.A. Theyre small B. Its under the table C. Theyre under the table3.Where do

7、 you cook the meals? _.A. In the kitchen B. There is a kitchen C. Yes, I do4“我在卧室看书”用英语应说成:_A.I watch TV in the living room.B.I read books in my bedroom.C.I read books in the living room.5.“母亲节在五月的第二个星期日”应表达为:_A. Mothers Day is the second Monday in May.B. Fathers Day is the third Sunday in June.C. Mothers Day is the second Sunday in May.



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