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1、英语期中考试试卷第一节:单选(共25小题,每题分,满分2分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. astonautswere o ruby_eauty aturethat hey toklots of pictue in _ce. A. th ; . e; te . ; the /; /2. Are you flng _ beter tdy?Thnsalot. eel _ bette olloing the ctrsadvce.A. slihtly; muh ch; soC. aher; any D. an; uite3. y ecrpu

2、nihed m ts morning.Why? Youve one nohin wng, _ ca see. as lnasBs far s C. as wells. as soon a4. Mardiot like her prtner,Bett, aket hr _ ro her.A. egt B dtance C. way D. spac5 The prices f te fats_ar severl times a ias in the orseA. dowown . ith dontown C. nowntwn D t dwntown6Te grl hissty te art col

3、leehas a_ o sc ad anceA gif B. rent C. por . strngth.After aniwei sucede in cirlng terh, _ouastroauts eir to do iswalkin spce. where. how C. hatD. hat8. Mrs White fdher usban_y lettrsand papes an_ vey wrried. suroni ;lood B. surround; oed. surroundig; ook D.surrouned ;looking9. houh dficut, I _ im n

4、d a job,which mdim ey pleased . ied hp B.mnaged thl C. tried helping D. scceeddto ep10Th Govere haspromed oak _ tohelp the unemplyed.A. masres B. means . hds D. measuremen11.O my w home, I saw a yun man with _sholesrying fin outhow _ he rivris by wakng acrossit. . wide; wde broad;brad C. boad; wid .

5、 wide; oad2. Whtryou axis bu? _A. o canwe ucceed B.Whether we ca sceed C. enan we succeed D. Thawe can succee 13. As on aswe went_th sp,it leth por.A.aoar Bt aboard C.road D.boad14a hh sidnd done inhe scool_ sparets and teachers.A.wasplesd leasd C. pleasdby D plasewth15 Were is theshootn nt?It is ab

6、ut 50 ilometres _thecy o jng.An south f . oth of . the soth of .ohernf. Iill o_ Ic_o. wat, hlp B.alltht, hepC. l hich, o hlp D. wha, to help17.Oftenhe_st fr hours din nthinga a hn he as in ow spirts.A.shoul .wou C.could .ght1. are looking frwardo_ chancto atchtheeing cereon the Londo Olymic Ges.A.gi

7、e B.be gven Cbeng gven D.givin19.The Parkersbough a ehosebut_ wileed alo of work bfre they cnmv i.A. hey B. it C ne D. which2. D ou mnd m tkingthe book away? _.A.Ceinl, lase do. .No, go hea.Ys, not t all DNo, pleaeon1Wuld opermit e _ here?Sorry. We dontpemit _in th labA. mokng; skg B. to smoke; tomo

8、keCmokig; to smoke . o smoke;smokng.T eaon_ he gav forot bing presewas_teheavy sw prvened hr cmin. wh;because . why; whether . tat; that Dhow;ht.Thewoman ws aot to oen h do _ h herd stnge sun fro isde.A.a B wile C. n D. thn24.Ten yarsago,he ppulatio o ouvillage w_ tat of theirsas twice large as .twi

9、c as rg .twice s mch s .stwice muhs2.Wh_ u to t ore whher?_s hrlazines d unkindnes.A. mde; It B.caused;Tat C. led; It . o; Th第二节:完型填空(共2小题;每题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的、B、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Bil,a hadorkinsuent, fourten yars oldnin nnt grade has prtte job tht _26_ him upevry oringfieclock,whn

10、mt eople are stll _7_ aslepHe is anwspr boy.Ea morin,Bi leves hehoseat51goto the _28_here t nwpaper alays e. Te newsper were_29_to thecoer by truck at inigt. Healwaystaes a to _0_thm.I tewiter t istill ar _3 he gets up veryday,bti the est of the yr it is _32_Bymust s he npapers to e huses of ope on s_3n all kinds o weater. trs to pt eh pp o heorch(门廊) whe it wil e _4_ frm wid,ran r no. Sometie his cstoesgie himtis,_35_ him ver exctedBilearn about $7 er on throha _6_,and hei aving smeof oey o goto _37_,here he hsalwyeen longg to o. Bsids tht,e_38_ the rst o


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