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1、 英语 科 (公开课、研讨课) 教案课题Unit6 A story-The rabbits dream课型故事课授课老师赵玉兰课时第一课时年级六年级时间2018、6、18教学内容六年级下册(外研社)教材46-47页。教材分析 The rabbits dream 这个小故事是六年下册Unit6 The world of my dreams的第4部分。 单元的主题是”dream”,这个故事描述了小兔坚持心中梦想,经过重重困难终于实现了自己的梦想,非常切合这个单元的主题,故事激发了学生学习的兴趣,而且很有教育的意义。教学目标1. 能听懂、理解故事,并明白要坚持自己的梦想并机智应对各种问题。2. Le

2、arn the new words:ocean, dangerous, glad, closer, remember, situation, make his bed.3. Asking the way.4. Reading out and acting out the story.教学重难点1. 能听懂、理解故事,并明白要坚持自己的梦想并机智应对各种问题。2. Asking the way.3. Acting out the story.教法学法1. 视听法。2.情境教学法。3.听说法。4.表演法。5.小组合作法。教具学具准备1. PPT.2.词卡。3.点读笔教学过程教 师 活 动学 生 活

3、 动Warming-up:Talking: Whats your favourite book?/How are you?/What is it like in the world of your dreams?While reading:1st reading. 1.Whats the rabbits dream?2 .Did the rabbit realize his dream at last?2nd reading. 1.Who are the rabbits friends?What do they say to the rabbit? 2.Which animals does t

4、he rabbit meet on his way to the ocean? 3.How was the rabbit feeling at the end of the story?3rd reading. Read and underline or circle the sentences. 4th reading. Read the story and learn the new words.Post-reading:1. Act out the five scenes in pairs.2. Ask some pairs to act out five scenes in the f

5、ront of the classroom.3. What do you think of the rabbit?4. Finish the exercise in page 50.Ps answer the questions and talk about their dreams in pairs.Ps read the story and answer.Ps listen and read the story and answer.Ps read and underline or circle the sentences of the rabbits question and the a

6、nimals answers.Ps read the story and learn the new words, ocean, dangerous, glad, closer, remember, situation, make his bed.1. Ps act out the five scenes in pairs.2. Some pairs to act out five scenes in the front of the classroom.3. Ps talk about their ideas.4. Ps finish the exercise in page 50.remember板书设计: Unit6 A storyThe rabbits dreamThe elephantsituationThe lionThe froggladoceanThe rabbitfasterThe owlThe snakeThe mousecloserdangerous


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