2022年高中英语北师大版选修七教案:Unit19 Lesson3

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《2022年高中英语北师大版选修七教案:Unit19 Lesson3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高中英语北师大版选修七教案:Unit19 Lesson3(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高中英语北师大版选修七教案:Unit19 Lesson3集 体 备 课 教 案 备课组组长:王雯斐 备课组成员:李庆友 孙巧丽课题Unit 19 Lesson3 Body Language课型Reading第 3课时教学目标知识目标1. To learn some useful words and expressions.2. To learn to analyze the structure of the passage and accumulate some new words.3. To learn common sense of body language.能力目标To de

2、velop the students reading ability.情感目标Encourage students to use body language in the daily life.内容分析重 点The useful expressions in Lesson 3.难 点1. Learn some useful reading strategy.2. To learn to analyze the structure of the passage and accumulate some new words.关 键 点The words, phrases and the gramma

3、r教法学法Team-work and communication approach.教具学具Multi-media A tape recorder教学过程教材处理师生活动修改与创新I Warming upII. Pre-readingIII. ReadingIV. Language points. Warming up Look at a picture of a girl with a smiling face then ask the students the following questions:1. What does the girl look like?2. Does she l

4、ook happy?3. How do you know that?Then look at the photos and tell what the following body language mean.Pre-readingHere we are going to have a quiz about the body language to test the students common sense about the body language and this step is also the preparation for the reading. ReadingTask1.

5、Read the text and use the Strategies to choose a heading for each paragraph. There is one extra heading. And we will analyze each part of the text.(E3 on P11)Task2. Read the text again and finish the T or F question (Ex4 on P11)IV. Language pointsIn this step, we are going to learn some useful words

6、, expressions and sentence patterns to help students to further understand the text.1. congratulate vt. 祝贺 拓展:congratulation n.祝贺(常用复数)搭配:congratulate sb. on sth./doing sth.为某事祝贺某人注意:congratulate后的宾语只能是人.2. consist of 某物是由.组成的意思时, 强调结果是一个统一的整体, 但所有组成的成分之间往往保持着自己的特性, 用于主语动态。注意:此短语不能用于被动语态。be made up

7、of 常可用来表示某物是用什么材料制造的意思, 用于被动语态。拓展:consist in sth.主要在于,(内容)主要是3. differ from 与.不同(=be different from)Chinese differs greatly from English in spelling.汉语和英语在拼写上大不相同。We differ from them on the issue.我们在这个问题上与他们意见不一。4. It is a language without words that consists of gestures facial expressions and body movements that greatly add to -and sometimes even replace-spoken language这是一种没有词语,由手势,面部表情,和身体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了,有时甚至取代了-口头语言。结构分析:该句that consists of gestures facial expressions and body movements是定语从句,It is .that greatly add to . 是强调句型。板书设计教学反思


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