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1、M2 work and playU6 PE lessonsPeriod1 教学目标知识目标 1.帮助学生学习Look and learn 中的生词 能力目标1通过Listen and say中Peter介绍体育课的一段话,复习一般现在时及like doing 的用法,谈论体育课中的常见活动。情感目标培养学生享受学校生活的乐趣,积极参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康。教学重难点教学重点 词汇:Long race,short race, long jump,high jump句型:We have two PE lessons at school every week. Sometimes we play

2、ball games. My friends and I like playing sport.教学难点 jump 作动词和作名词的不同用法及搭配用具准备tape, word cards , pictures教 学 过 程二 次 备 课前置性作业:Pre-task preparations1.教师询问学生最喜欢上什么课,进而让喜欢上体育课的学生谈谈他们喜欢体育课的理由。T:Whats your favourite subject? Raise your hands!T:Why do you like PE lessons?S1:I like PE lessons because theyre

3、fun.2. 教师出示班级课程表,询问学生每个科目一周有几节,让学生学会如何描述某课程有多少节课。T:How many . lessons do you have every week?S: I have + 数词 + 科目 + lessons every week.2.请学生谈谈他们在体育课最喜欢的运动或活动。T: Whats your favourite activity in PE lessons?S1:I like playing ball games,such as basketball,football or volleyball.T:I like playing basketba

4、ll.So Im good at playing basketball.教师继续提问其他的学生。除了这样子的回答,想一想我们是否还可以这样子的回答:I like the basketball. 名词Im good at the basketball. 名词继而总结归纳like/be good at + 名词/动名词的用法。While-task procedures1.顺着前面最后一个学生的话语引出新词high jump,long jump,long race和short race。T:I know you do a lot of activities in PE lessons.Do you

5、do the high jump?同时呈现Look and learn的图片,请学生跟读这些单词。教师和学生交流,通过真实的问题引导学生运用所学的语言知识。T:Im very tall, so Im good at the high jump.In our class,whos good at the high jump?S1:. good at the high jump.复习like/be good at + 名词/动名词的用法,鼓励学生用不同的表达方式来回答。引出短语do the long/high jump run long/short race 2.呈现listen and say的

6、图片,通过问题引导学生仔细观察图片并认真地倾听,积极回答老师的问题并完成listen and say的后续练习。鼓励学生用英语表达和交流。Post-task activities1. 小组合作完成Do a survey,然后全班交流。2. 完成Class test,突破本节课的难点。练习设计Read P34作业批改记 录板书设计 U6 PE lessonsLong race,short race, win, long jump,high jumpWe have two PE lessons at school every week. Sometimes we play ball games. My friends and I like playing sport.


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