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1、牛津高中资源库之词汇设计单元:Unit 2 The Environment板块:词汇1. A healthy environment is important for our survival.survival 的用法 n.存在,幸存 survivor n。生存者The survival of the fittest is the law of nature. 适者生存是自然法则。He is the only survival in the air crash.他是空难的唯一幸存者。survive v.活着,继续存在;比活得长;从困境中活过来或挺过来Few survived after the

2、 flood.洪水后生还者很少。The custom sstill survives.这种风俗习惯还保存着。He survived his wife for many years.他比她妻子多活好多年。The house survived the storm.经过暴风雨的袭击,着所房屋并未倒塌2. In addition,many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.此外,捕捞船正在将大量的海洋生物干尽杀绝。in addition 加上,又,另外1) In addition, I have one more suggestion

3、 to make.另外,我还有个建议要提。2) In addition to the tips mentioned above, students should pay attention to one more tip.除了上所提到的注意事项,学生们还得注意一点。3) an addition to the class 一名班里新加的同学4) additional 多余的; 额外的The government is providing an additional 1 million yuan to carry out the experiment.3. wipe out 扫除,清除掉,购销(债

4、务),消灭,毁灭We should call on the people to wipe out flies ,mice and so on.我们应该号召人民消灭苍蝇、老鼠等。It was wiped out from his memory.这件事从他的记忆中消失了。拓展:wipe off dirt擦去灰尘 The rain then falling wiped away all the footprints.当时正下着雨,把所有的足迹都冲掉了。4. .without giving them time to lay eggs 没有时间给他们产卵lay laid laid1). 产;下This

5、kind of birds lay their eggs in other birds nests这种鸟把自己的蛋下在别的鸟的巢里。.This is the season when fish lay eggs, therefore fishing is forbidden.这是个鱼产卵的季节,因而禁止捕鱼。2)放;搁,铺设You should not lay your new suit on the bed你不该把你的新西装放在床上。.Youd better put the problem aside and think about it later.你最好把这个问题放一放,过一会儿再思考。

6、The workers are laying the cable.工人们在铺设电缆。3)摆放to lay the table 摆放餐具准备用餐。注意:lie-lied-lied-lying说谎 lie-lay-lain-lying躺 lay-laid-laid-laying放置,搁,产卵5. The people running these factories are very concerned about the environment.经营这些工厂的人很关注环境。run 1)跑Luis can run as fast as a horse刘易斯跑得象马一样快。2)经营He is lear

7、ning how to run a business.他正在学如何经营事业。3)开设The school runs courses for those who want to improve their English.学校为那些想提高英语的人开设课程。4)开动,运转Who can run this machine?谁能开动这台机器?Who had the machine running the whole night yesterday?谁让机器昨天开一夜?5)延伸This road runs as far as the river.这条路一直通到河。6)流;淌Tears ran down

8、her face after she heard the moving story. 听了那动人的故事,泪水沿着脸流下。running water 自来水6. be concerned about(for ,over)对关心We are all concerned aour her safety.我们都很关心她的安全。She was much concerned over the living conditions of the refugees.她很关心难民的生活情况。Concerned 形容词,意思是“和-有关We shall have to consult the other count

9、ries concerned.我们得和其他有关国家磋商。This was good news to everyone concerned.这对每一个有关的人来说都是好消息。concerning prep.介词,通常用于比较正式的场合,意思是“关于-”I wrote to the head of the company concerning a business arrangement.我就一项业务安排问题写信给该公司经理。as far as be concerned 就-而言As far as Im concerned, I cannot object to your marriage.就我个

10、人而言,我不反对你们结婚。7. The figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people.Figure数字Dont jist liik at the figures, look at the quality of work.,too.不要只看数字,还要看工作质量。1)figure 图形,人物square figure 方形historical figure 历史人物2)figure out弄懂,弄明白,想出办法Ill figure out what to do next. 我来看看下一部怎么办。8. What if we run out of space

11、?要是我们用完了空间怎么办/We have run out of milk and bread.我们没有牛奶和面包了。run for-竞选She run for mayor three times.她三次竞选市长。run across 偶遇run after追赶,追逐I ran across my teacher at the hall. 我在大厅里遇到了老师。9.Ecotourists are people who visit an area and do not harm or damage the ecosystem.生态旅游者是指那些参观该地区但不破坏或损害生态系统的人。eco-环境的

12、,生态的ecology 生态学 ecological生态的 ecologist生态学家 ecotype生态型 ecoearriers生态保护战士ecotourism生态旅游 ecotourist生态旅游者ecofriendly环保的 ecodevelopment生态发展 ecosystem生态系统eco-activi生态活动 ecocatastrophe生态灾难 adj. 全球的,全世界的 global issue 全球性问题 global village 地球村 global warming 全球变暖 globalize v. 全球化,全世界化 globalization

13、n. the globalization of world trade 世界贸易的全球化 globe n. 地球仪,地球,世界 tourists from every corner of the globe 来自世界各地的游人11. The cars are all electric and can be plugged into normal outlets. 这些车都是用电的可以插入正常的插座。electric adj.电的,用电的,带电的 electric light/guitar 电灯/电吉他 electric razor 电动剃须刀 electric blanket 电热毯 elec

14、trical adj. 电的,与电有关的,电气科学的 electrical equipment 电器设备 electrical engineering 电机工程 electricity n. 电 electrician n. 电工12. One of the customs officers 其中一个海关官员customs n. 海关,报关手续,关税It took us an hour to get through/pass the customs.我们花了一个小时的时间通过海关。I had to pay customs on this camera.我得为这部相机支付关税。custom n.

15、 风俗习惯,习俗Social customs vary greatly from coutry to country.各个国家的社会习俗有很大的差异。the custom of giving presents at Christmas 圣诞互赠礼物的习俗It is the custom in that country for women to marryyoung.那个国家妇女早婚是一种风俗习惯。the Customs 海关a customs officer 海关人员customs duties 关税13 was watching the arrivals closelyclose adv.接近,紧密Dont come too close. 别靠得太近。They s


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